Where are clams found?

Soft shell clams live in the intertidal zone, the wet area exposed between high and low tide. Clams are under the water during high tide and are uncovered on the tide flats during low tide. To protect themselves clams burrow down in the mud and sand using their foot. They can burrow more than 11 inches!
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Where are clams found in the US?

There are several edible species in the Eastern United States: Americardia media, also known as the strawberry cockle, is found from Cape Hatteras down into the Caribbean Sea and all of Florida; Trachycardium muricatum has a similar range to the strawberry cockle; and Dinocardium robustum, which grows to be many times ...
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Where do you usually find clams?

Clams tend to live in sand, mud and rocky areas, so start in bays and estuaries. Know the tides where you want to dig; the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration releases daily tidal information.
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Are clams found in freshwater or saltwater?

Both clams and mussels can be in fresh or saltwater, but you'll find oysters only in salt or brackish habitats. Clams have a foot that helps them burrow into the soft sediment, and you'll most likely find them hiding in the mud or sand.
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Where do clams usually live?

Most clams inhabit shallow waters, in which they are generally protected from wave action by the surrounding bottom. One species of abra clam (Abra profundorum), however, has been taken in the Pacific Ocean at a depth of more than 4,800 metres (16,000 feet).
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How to Dig for Clams During Low Tide

What do clams turn into?

After a couple of days, the clam turns into a different kind of larva, called a veliger larva, which is when it begins to develop its shell. The veliger larva is still free-swimming, though most of the distance that it covers is because it is carried along by ocean currents. The veliger larva feed on phytoplankton.
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What state produces the most clams?

Virginia watermen harvest more than 50 commercially valuable species of seafood, and the state ranks first in the nation for the production of hard shell clams.
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Can you eat raw clams?

Every year millions of Americans eat molluscan shellfish, especially oysters and clams. While many people can enjoy these foods in either raw or cooked form, certain people are at risk of illness from eating them raw and need to be sure to eat these foods only if they are cooked properly.
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Can clams make pearls?

In fact, clams can form pearls, even though this is rare. The reason for the pearl formation is the same across all species. It is how they react to foreign particles entering their unique environment, which is what they do to protect themselves from it.
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Why do clams make pearls?

To protect itself, the mollusk forms a sac around any irritant or invader that managers to get caught up inside its body. This sac secretes nacre to cover the irritant and, over time, the growing pearls are completely covered with the beautiful iridescent substance we call nacre, or mother-of-pearl.
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How deep do you dig for clams?

Most clams burrow into the ground around 4–8 inches (10–20 cm) inches into the sand. Using a shovel, dig at least 7 inches (18 cm) into the ground to make sure you upturn the clam.
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Where is the best place to go clamming?

Ideal locations will be in water that's waist deep or slightly deeper at high tide, and knee deep to ankle deep at low tide. Weedbeds generally aren't very good, and areas with lots of sharp shells are rather painful for tool-free clamming.
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Is it OK to eat clams with sand?

Sand is particularly an issue if you buy wild or fresh clams. These guys have been spent their lives nestled snugly on the ocean floor, happily siphoning sand along with the rest of their diet. Farm-raised clams are usually cleaned and flushed of sand before they're sold, so cleaning them isn't as much of a concern.
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Why are clams so hard to find?

Since 1980, however, the number of clams harvested has declined by nearly 75%, primarily because of green crabs (Carcinus maenas), which prey on soft shell clams.
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What is the lifespan of a clam?

Biology. Clams are part of the shellfish family. Like oysters, mussels, and scallops they are bivalve mollusks, and have a hinged shell. Clams have slow growth rates and can live 12 to 20 years on average and up to 40 years.
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How long can clams be out of water?

In proper storage conditions, oysters can survive 2 to 3 weeks outside of the water, clams up to 5-6 days, and mussels up to 2-3 days, but we strongly recommend eating them as soon as possible.
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Are clam pearls worth anything?

The value of clam pearls can also vary widely according to factors like size, type, surface quality and color, and just like oyster pearls, natural clam pearls are more valuable than cultured ones. On average, the value of a clam pearl ranges from $300 to $1,500 depending on its quality.
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How rare is a pearl in a clam?

Pearls produced by quahog clams, are often button-shaped, like Overland's, and can be white, brown or purple. They are “exceptionally rare” — occurring in about one in 5,000 shells — according to the International Gem Society.
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How do you tell if a clam has a pearl?

There are no obvious signs that an oyster, mussel, or clam has a pearl inside. You just have to open it to see; it's kind of like a guessing game. That being said, larger oysters, mussels, or clams may have pearls because they've had a longer time to develop. What is a good site to buy pearl-bearing oysters from?
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Why can't you eat freshwater clams?

The real problem with eating freshwater clams is that they are “filter feeders,” constantly ingesting the water around them, filtering out whatever is in it, and accumulating a variety of substances, including pollutants and toxins, in their own tissues.
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Are clams alive before you cook them?

Give any open-shelled clams a tap, and if they don't shut, discard the clam (soft-shelled clams will stay slightly open; thanks to their long neck, they can't close completely). Clams must remain alive until cooked, so make sure that they're packed in netted or perforated bags to prevent smothering.
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Can you eat clams from the beach?

If harvesting for personal use, make sure the shellfish beds are not closed for pollution or biotoxin. Check the Department of Marine Resources' website for the latest information on closed areas. Do not consume clams or mussels from floating containers or floating in ocean waters.
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What is the clam capital of the world?

In 1947, Pismo Beach deemed itself the "Clam Capital of the World". The Pismo Clam and the Pacific Razor Clam made up most of the catch by clammers. The largest Pismo Clam recorded in California came from Pismo Beach and was 7.37 inches across and estimated to be 26 years old.
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How many clams per person?

Its much easier than people realize, once you get the hang of it...you'll want to cook steamers all the time! If you are wondering how many clams to serve, we recommend about 1/2 pound per person (appetizer) or approximately 1 pound per person (main).
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What is the clam capital of the United States?

Midcentury Pismo Beach earned its nickname for its unusual abundance of large clams — some of the biggest in California, in fact! So abundant in the mollusks was Pismo Beach that they were actually named after the charming beach town.
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