Where can I farm primal life?

By-far the best place to farm these motes is south-western Zangarmarsh, particularly if you are a herbalist. They are lvl 63-64, easy to kill & you can skin them after killing them to yield another chance for motes.
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Where do you farm primal mana?

Wizard's Row in Netherstorm has got to be the best place to grind out primal mana. The two types of mobs there (mana seeker, and arcane elementals) both have a VERY good drop rate.
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Where is the best place to farm primal air?

Primal airs themselves don't drop, you need motes of air. It's kind of obvious being that every other primal element works that way too. Anyways, the best place to farm them is off the wind elementals(also obvious) on the cliff north of Throne of Elements in Nagrand.
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What is the best way to farm primal focus?

With the highest drop rate (up to 70,51% chance) Primal Focus can be obtained by raiding Vault of The Incarnates on heroic difficulty or higher. In this case, there is a chance to drop it from any boss throughout the raid. With a good drop rate of 40,54% the item can also be obtained with Mythic+11-15 dungeons.
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Where do I loot Primal Infusion?

You can get Primal Infusion by getting maximum renown with each of the four Dragonflight main factions for a total of four. It says it in the renown description. Dragonscale Expedition: Renown Level 25 - A Heroic Reward: Speak to Cataloger Jakes in the Dragonscale Basecamp to receive a Primal Infusion.
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Classic TBC - Loot from 5 Hours of Nagrand Voidspawns (Lvl.66 Primal Shadow Gold Farming Spot)

Where is the best place to farm primal earth in wow?

Shattered Rumblers in Nagrand is the best place to farm Mote of Earth. Just run in a straight line, then use your flying mount to fly back where you started. If you kill the mobs too fast, you will usually have to wait 1-2 minutes before they start respawning.
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Where can I farm primal spirit?

The best place to farm this is at Throne of Kil'jaeden at Tanaan Jungle. Killing fel orcs and demons is pretty easy and each one gives 1-2.
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Where is the best place to farm primal bear spine?

A decent spot I found to attempt to farm them is at the Upper Frostlands in Azure Span at 62, 31 and the surrounding icy area. There's several Frigidpelts that have a pretty quick respawn.
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How do you breed Primals?

- Primal (Smilus) can only be bred from a Primal parent. - Primal (Smilus) is a male-only mutation, and will show up since birth. - Primal (Smilus) has exact same genetics and breeding data as normal Primals. - It can be bred naturally at a low chance, but the chance can be boosted with an item.
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How do you farm primal energy?

You can earn Primal Energy by defeating a Pokémon that has undergone Primal Reversion in a Raid Battle or by completing specific research tasks. It's important to note that Primal Energy can only be used for one specific Pokémon species.
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How do you get primal Legendaries?

When you complete high GR solo for the first time and unlock Primals, one of the items dropped by the Rift Guardian is guaranteed to be a Primal. After that every level 70 Legendary or Set item you obtain from any sources (drops, chests, gambling, crafting, Cube recipes) has a 0.25% chance to be a Primal.
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How do you farm primal ancient d3?

If like me you keep getting GR burn-out… a good way to farm Primals is take advantage of Altar of Rites Double Bounty Box and farm them crazy and use the materials to mass craft Set Bonus on the Blacksmith (besides the garantee GR70 Primal, all others I dropped was that way).
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How do you farm primal chaos?

The ways to gain Depleted Primal Chaos includes:
  1. Completing Dungeons.
  2. Archivists' Request Weekly Dungeon Quests.
  3. Rare Elite World Quests - Rewards can vary, but one possible reward is x2 Depleted Primal Chaos.
  4. Killing World Bosses.
  5. Obsidian Citadel Weekly Quests.
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Where can I farm primal mana?

Netherstorm is the best place to farm Mote of Mana. The Mana Seekers and Mageslayers around Kirin'Var Village have really high respawn rate, there are always 3-4 of them up. Killing Mana Wraiths above Area 52 is also a good farming spot. You can also kill Warp Monstrositys along the red line marked on the map.
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Where can I find primal life?

Primal Life is an elemental crafting material. It is created by joining Mote of Life (10). Primal Life can be transmuted to and from Primal Earth by alchemists.
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Where can I farm primal fire?

to farm primal fire the absolute best way is to go to blade edge mountains and then farm the searing elementals i think their called.
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Can you break primal earth?

Allows the miner to reduce a primal earth into its component motes. Shattering primal earth requires a forge.
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Where to get Primal gear wow?

Primal Storms Gear

This is the basic gear from Primal Invasions, which can be purchased with Elemental Overflow, the currency that drops from all mobs from the invasion. Mythressa is the NPC that sells these pieces of gear, in Valdrakken. The improved gear from Primal Invasions can be purchased from Storm Sigil.
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Where is the best spot for primal air?

If you have flying, the best place to farm Mote of Air is the Elemental Plateau. This is west of the Throne of Elements and is accessible only by flying mount. This area has three different types of Elementals -- Earth, Fire, and Air.
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How do you farm concentrated primal infusion?

You can obtain Concentrated Primal Focus in the following ways:
  1. Dropping from Mythic +16 to +20 dungeons.
  2. Looting from Mythic VotI bosses.
  3. Opening PvP boxes.
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How to create a Primal Infusion?

Primal Infusion is created by combining 150 [Primal Chaos] and 10 Concentrated Primal Foci. It is used to craft heroic-quality gear in Dragon Isles professions.
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