Where did the ancient dragon go?

She can later be encountered on a hill just south-west of the Rampartside Path Site of Grace in the east of Altus Plateau, where she can be defeated for good. Lansseax has two unique moves that involve her summoning a glaive made of red lightning.
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Where did all the Targaryen dragons go?

Soon after the civil war ended, the last Targaryen dragons died, and the species was considered to be extinct throughout the world.
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Where does the ancient dragon Lansseax fly to?

This section of IGN's Elden Ring guide covers the Ancient Dragon Lansseax world boss battle in Altus Plateau. The fight has two stages: an initial phase near the Abandoned Coffin Site of Grace and then again near the Rampartside Site of Grace after you deplete roughly a third of Lansseax's HP.
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Where did dragons go extinct?

When the Doom of Valyria took place (where a cataclysmic volcanic eruption left Valyria in ruins), all the dragons in Essos were killed — leaving the Targaryens as the last living Dragonlords.
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How did the dragons disappear?

The Targaryen civil war known as the Dance of the Dragons led to the deaths of most dragons in Westeros, leaving only three remaining. The Maesters of the Citadel may have played a role in ensuring the dragons' extinction by stunting their growth and preventing their reproduction.
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Elden Ring - Where Did Ancient Dragon Lannseax Fly Off To?

Have dragons ever been found?

Fossil reveals 240 million-year-old 'Chinese dragon' Dinocephalosaurus orientalis's snake-like body was 16 feet long and lived in Triassic China. The newly revealed specimen allows scientists to depict the creature in full for the first time.
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Why don t dragons exist anymore?

It sounds really cool, but it just doesn't exist anywhere in nature, and there's nothing to suggest it ever did. There are fossils of extinct creatures that look similar to the dragons that ancient legends describe, but they lack the real defining characteristics of dragons.
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Did dragons exist on Earth?

In real life, probably not. While it makes sense that massive, unidentified bones combined with smaller creatures that look like they could be dragon relatives inspired the legends, we'll have to be satisfied with fictional dragon depictions to fuel the fire of our mythical mentality.
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Did flying dragons exist?

The answer is yes, at one time they were! The Late Cretaceous pterosaur Quetzlcoatlus northropi was one of the largest known flying animals. Estimates of its size vary, but even the most conservative estimates place its wingspan at 11 meters (36 feet), with a weight of around 200 to 250 kilograms (440 to 550 pounds).
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When was the last dragon alive?

The last dragon died in 153 AC in King's Landing. Some rumors claimed that Aegon III poisoned her, as he had been afraid of dragons since the day he had seen Sunfyre, the dragon of his uncle, King Aegon II Targaryen, devour his mother, Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen.
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Where does the ancient dragon go?

After sustaining enough damage, she will fly away. She can later be encountered on a hill just south-west of the Rampartside Path Site of Grace in the east of Altus Plateau, where she can be defeated for good. Lansseax has two unique moves that involve her summoning a glaive made of red lightning.
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Did Lansseax have a human form?

Lansseax is said to have assumed the form of a human priestess so that she could commune with the knights of the Ancient Dragon Cult. At some point, she would come to meet and love a Tarnished knight called Vyke, who is a member of the Roundtable Hold and whom Lansseax shared ancient dragon incantations with him.
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Why did Lanseax run away?

When Lansseax loses some of her health, she makes an escape by vanishing into the sky. This is not the only dragon smart enough to run away, as Glintstone Dragon Adula does the same during the fight against her at the Three Sisters in Liurnia.
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Who rides Vermithor?

Vermithor's Rider Is Hugh, The Blacksmith From King's Landing. Vermithor will be ridden by Hugh the Hammer, the blacksmith who has been seen in King's Landing and played a part in starting the food riots there.
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Who killed Vermithor?

Vermithor was no more than twenty feet above the battle when Seasmoke slammed into him from above, driving him shrieking into the mud. The riderless Blue Queen soon joined the fray and all three fought to the death on the ground amidst mud and blood and smoke.
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Is Drogon bigger than Vhagar?

Summary. During House of the Dragon, Vhagar is the largest dragon in Westeros. Vhagar is the second-biggest dragon in history behind only Balerion, the Black Dread. Vhagar is much bigger than Drogon from Game of Thrones, and only Vermithor can match her size during House of the Dragon.
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Who was the leader of the flying dragons?

Gang leadership

While the Flying Dragons' current leadership is unknown, the most well-known boss in the history of gang was Johnny "Onionhead" Eng (aka Machinegun Johnny). His notable tenure as leader is estimated to have lasted from a rise to power in the early 1980s, to his incarceration in the 1990s.
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What animal can breathe fire in real life?

No, there are no known instances of real-life animals capable of breathing fire or possessing teeth that function like torches.
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How many flying dragons are there in the world?

Flying Dragons

Scaly membranes between their forelegs and hindlegs, supported by an enlarged set of ribs, allow Dracos to glide up to 160 feet from tree to tree. There are more than 40 species of flying dragons, but all of them are small, with an average size of about 3 inches.
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What does the Bible say about dragons?

Revelation 12:3 reads, “And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.” Later, in Revelation 20:2, the text calls Satan a dragon. It states that the dragon will be bound for a thousand years.
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When did dragons first appear in history?

McNeil Jr. The first dragon myths appear with the Sumerian legends of the god-mother Tiamat who transforms herself into a legged, horned serpent, and of the snake Zu who steals the law tablets. Dragons appear in Chinese and Indian legends in about 2700 B.C., and in Egypt a creation myth describes the dragon Apep.
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When did dragons go extinct?

In real life? They never existed. But this is tagged as Game of Thrones, where they did, in fact, exist, and also become extinct. Many dragons were killed in the civil war known as the Dance of Dragons, which occurred from 129-131 AC and the few that survived died soon after, thereby rendering the species extinct.
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Is there any evidence that dragons ever existed?

Are dragons real or fantasy? We have plenty of animals with the word 'dragon' in their name, but fire-breathing dragons are complete fantasy. With the possible exception of human performers who manipulate flames by spitting fuel, the animal kingdom doesn't feature any creatures that blow fire like a dragon.
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What is the closest animal to a dragon?

If dragons are unique and special creatures rooted in a remote and obscure past, then the tuatara (Sphenodon punctatus) may well be their closest relative in the real world.
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Could dragons have been dinosaurs?

Dragons and Dinosaurs

With their enormous size, reptilian shape and threatening teeth and claws, some dragons might easily be taken for cousins of Tyrannosaurus rex. Living dinosaurs did not inspire the dragon idea--they died out long before people were around to observe them.
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