Where does Aela live after marriage?

She is most likely at Jorrvaskr with the rest of the companions. She said she would meet you at "our" house, go to all of your purchased houses. After you meet your wife at one of your houses, you can tell her to move to another house.
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Where does Aela live when you marry her?

She lives in the private quarters of Jorrvaskr. Her room faces Skjor's, on one of the openings in the hallway.
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Where do I find Aela in Skyrim?

She can usually be found in Whiterun, inside the Jorrvaskr during daylight hours. Aela can be recruited to be a follower once you've completed The Companions Quests. She is a valuable asset to your adventuring party, as she is also an expert trainer in Archery.
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What house does Aela not complain about?

Aela's voice actor complains about every house except for Proudspire.
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Where is Aelas room in Skyrim?

It is indeed Jorrvaskr. The basement room right before the Harbinger's rooms is her room.
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Aela the Huntress Skyrim Guide [Part 2] Marriage

Where is Aela after wedding?

When Aela is dismissed as a follower, she returns to Jorrvaskr by default. If she has been asked to move into a home through marriage, she returns there instead. If she has been recruited for The Blades, she returns to Sky Haven Temple.
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Are Aela and Skjor a relationship?

4 Relationship With Skjor

Although this is but a rumor among the Companions and Aela denies having any romantic feelings towards him, it is confirmed that the two of them go on hunts together in beast form, something which the rest frown slightly upon.
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Can Aela be killed in Skyrim?

Alongside Lydia, Aela is one of the most popular followers in Skyrim. And also like Lydia, Aela can permanently die if players aren't careful enough. Skyrim gives players the freedom to do pretty much whatever they want while they're out exploring, and so most of the characters one comes across can be killed.
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Is Aela a good spouse?

She can cook, give you free archery training, run a store, carry your stuff, all while following you. and she's not bad on the eyes. I gotta say i'm glad I married her instead of some other girl.
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Is Aela a Stormcloak?

Aela is said to be the greatest archer in all of Skyrim, this becomes evident by how skilled she is in combat. Aela joined the Stormcloaks during the Skyrim Civil War. Aela took part in the Siege of Solitude. After the war, she was inducted into the Heroes of Skyrim.
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Can you turn Aela into a vampire?

Trivia. It is not possible to turn Aela the Huntress, Farkas, or Vilkas into vampires, as they are already werewolves. However, Vilkas and Farkas can be turned if they are cured from their lycanthropy. Any other member of the Companions or anyone else is turnable.
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Can Aela be married Skyrim?

First, to successfully marry Aela, you must join The Companions guild and then complete its entire questline. To do this, you will need to follow these steps: Starting from Whiterun, you will need to find the leader of the Companions, namely Kodlak Whitemane, located in Jorrvaskr.
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Can you marry Aela if you cure yourself?

You have to do the Companion questline, so yes. Although you can cure it later and still marry her.
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Does Aela want to be cured?

Aela the Huntress is a werewolf in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Does she regret becoming one? She is the one who enjoys it the most. After the companions quest line the only one who doesnt want to be cured is Aela.
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Can you marry Aela if you're not a werewolf?

Before you can marry Aela the Huntress, you need to join The Companions guild and become a werewolf yourself.
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Who is the perfect wife in Skyrim?

The most popular and best wife in Skyrim, according to the community, is undoubtedly Aela The Huntress. She's a member of the Companions and also a Werewolf, following the teachings of Hircine. She feels great pride over her true nature and is a skilled archer.
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Where is Aela after I marry her?

She is most likely at Jorrvaskr with the rest of the companions. She said she would meet you at "our" house, go to all of your purchased houses. After you meet your wife at one of your houses, you can tell her to move to another house.
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Is Aela unkillable?

12 Aela The Huntress Is A Powerful, But Temporary Companion

Indeed, the loyal Companion and passionate member of the Circle can't be killed, allowing players to take advantage of her archery and one-handed weapon skills at all times.
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Does Aela have a crush on the Dragonborn?

Up until the events that lead to his death, there are many things that happen between those two, including her dialogue, that implies she liked him more. She respects the Dragonborn as a warrior and if wearing the amulet is attracted since she is one of the people you can marry.
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How many times can Aela turn you into a werewolf?

"Aela is able to give lycanthropy again. Points expended toward the Werewolf skill tree cannot be undone or moved to other skill trees, including the Vampire Lord skill tree. She only does so once."
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Why is Aela invisible?

If you are using Diverse werewolves collection and Bijin Warmaidens it will cause Aela to be invisible due to her custom race from diverse werewolves not having custom body entries from Bijin Warmaidens. This simple patch fixes it. Requires both Diverse werewolves collection and Bijin Warmaidens.
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Does Aela prefer light or heavy armor?

Her Light Armor skill, on the other hand, is much better and makes it worth forcing her to change her armor set if the player intends to use her as a follower since she will be able to take more attacks if she is wearing a halfway decent Light Armor set.
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Can Aela be turned into a vampire?

For example, the Companions, Vilkas, Farkas and Aela the Huntress cannot contract vampirism because they are already werewolves and have immunity.
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Can you make Aela your companion?

You have to complete the Companions Questline, then you can get Aela and any of the other Companions to follow you.
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