Where is Rosabeth?

She can be found as a petrified statue near Majula, blocking the door to the Shaded Woods. To find her, backtrack toward Things Betwixt from The Far Fire bonfire, and then enter the first cave on the right.
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How do you free Rosabeth in Dark Souls 2?

Rosabeth of Melfia Encounters in Dark Souls 2

She is petrified and needs to be freed first. You need Fragrant Branch of Yore, which you can find in Harvest Valley near The Mines bonfire or locked behind a door that needs the Bastille Key you obtain from defeated the Bell Gargoyles. Rescue.
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Who is the petrified girl in Majula?

Rosabeth of Melfia is the petrified NPC who is blocking the switch which opens the way to the Shaded Woods. After you free her from her state using a Fragrant Branch of Yore, she will become a Pyromancy merchant/trainer.
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What should I give Rosabeth?

This NPC will ask for a change of clothes. Go to the Give Equipment option and offer Rosabeth whatever armor or clothing is not in use (the Imported Tunic is the easiest option). Upon doing this, the achievement/trophy will be triggered. Rosabeth can be found later in Majula afterward.
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Where is the pyromancer in Majula?

Location Majula Found next to Benhart of Jugo in the ruined gatehouse. After receiving clothing she moves to the base of the large monument in Majula. Use Sells basic Pyromancies and Pyromancy-related items.
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Dark Souls II Scholar of the First Sin Guide: Rosabeth of Melfia Location

Where can I find Rosabeth?

She can be found as a petrified statue near Majula, blocking the door to the Shaded Woods. To find her, backtrack toward Things Betwixt from The Far Fire bonfire, and then enter the first cave on the right.
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Where does the pyromancer go?

If you have acquired pyromancies from The Fair Lady, Laurentius will become curious and ask where you obtained such power. If you answer "yes," he will leave for Blighttown and eventually become hollow. If you answer "no," he will remain at Firelink Shrine as a merchant, offering his pyromancy services.
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Should I give D twinned armor?

If you choose to hand over the Twinned armor set, D's brother will kill Fia. This doesn't happen until much later, so it doesn't appear to affect whether you get Fia's ending to the main story. You'll get the armor back eventually, too, as well as a new Elden Ring weapon.
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What does Rosabeth mean?

Rosabeth - Detailed Meaning. Your name, Rosabeth, incorporates an appreciation for people, a love of music and the arts, and a high regard for nature, its mysteries and beauties.
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Who should I give the large ember to?

The Large Ember can be given to Andre the Blacksmith to allow him to modify +5 normal weapons to +10, and +5 raw. Once you have picked up the Large Ember, proceed to Andre and he will ask you if he can have the Ember, answer yes.
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Why is Cale not in Majula?

If the player uses a Bonfire Ascetic at the Majula bonfire, Cale will disappear until all enemies in the basement are defeated. Sometimes, if they are not all dealt with at once and the player respawns and kills the remaining, Cale will not show up at his spot.
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Does carhillion go to Majula?

Location. Carhillion is found in No-man's Wharf, on a dock close to the ship where the Flexile Sentry is fought. After the player has talked to him and defeated the Flexile Sentry, he will move to Majula. Carhillion can be summoned to fight against the Fume Knight in the Crown of the Old Iron King DLC.
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How to get all NPCs to Majula?

To get an NPC to travel to Majula. You must exhaust all their 'talk' dialogue. Do not kill NPC's if you are going for this achievement/trophy. Just in case this information is slightly off, killing NPC's is risking the achievement/trophy.
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Is Titanite rare in DS2?

Titanite was discovered in an ancient layer of earth, and is said to be a gift of the gods. Titanite of this size has very little power, but it is still a rare find.
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How to not get banned Dark Souls 2?

Cheaters can and WILL modify your character or put invalid items in your inventory to get you banned! The best way to counteract this is to use an anti-cheat mod which has features to stop this, use Blue Acolyte[www.nexusmods.com] for DS2 and Blue Sentinel[www.nexusmods.com] for DS3.
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Should I give Rosabeth clothes?

If you give her clothes, then she is free. She leaves Majula, but she comes back to help if you get locked in a basement. If you give her the durgos hat and the entire visible aurus armor aswell as the catarina armor, she will give you a ring of unimaginable power.
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Is Kohen a boy or girl?

The name Kohen is a boy's name . Another name fallen to the plague of the K. Nonetheless, it has risen a bit in the charts since entering the US Top 1000 in 2011.
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Is Gwyn a real name?

Gwynn, Gwynne, Guinn or Gwyn, are given names meaning "white" or/and "blessed" in Welsh and Cornish.
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What happens if you give Fia the Cursemark of Death?

Give her the Cursemark of Death and choose to talk in secret with her to learn of her plans to lay with Godwyn. If you rest at the Site of Grace, then return to Fia, you'll be presented with the option to enter a Deathbed Dream. Choosing to do this will bring you to the optional boss fight with Lichdragon Fortissax.
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Should I give a weathered dagger to D?

It's described to be gold and silver intertwined, which should remind the player of D's armor. Speak to D and give him the dagger. After giving him the dagger, a new room will open upon the next visit to Roundtable Hold. In the new room, the next part of Fia's quest will unfold.
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What happens if you give D's armor to his brother?

Give him the Twinned Armor. Note that if you do, he'll wake from his eternal (not so eternal now) slumber and murder Fia later in her quest. If you don't, he stays asleep and Fia remains alive through the end of the game.
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What happens if you say no to Laurentius?

If the player answers "Yes" to his question, he will travel to the Blighttown swamp where he will become hollow. If the player answers "No", he will remain in Firelink Shrine and continue as a merchant and pyromancy trainer.
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How to free Laurentius?

From there take a left (beware of 2nd butcher hiding above on ledge), go into the room and near the back right wall he is trapped in a barrel. Be careful not to attack him as you break the barrel. Roll through it or kick it. One you rescue him you can go back later to the Firelink Shrine.
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Does Pyromancer still speed up enemies?

In a nutshell, it speeds up less than before. Pyro does speed up enemies, but with the recent update, its pretty minimal, so you won't notice it during gameplay.
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