Where is the earthen soul in Dragonflight?

First, have an engineer make you a Zapthrottle Soul Inhaler. Then, buy yourself some Empty Soul Cages from a jewel crafter. Now that you have these two items, head to 46.35, 37.26 in Waking Shores.
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Where can I get earthen soul in Dragonflight?

For the Earthen Soul, head north into The Waking Shores, with the best flight path being to Uktulut Pier on the northeast coast.
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Where to find earth elementals in Dragonflight?

Earthshatter Elementals are earth elementals located on Dragonskull Island in the Forbidden Reach. They are also found at the Crumbling Cliffs in the Waking Shores.
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Where is rousing earth Dragonflight?

Besides the Element Invasions, the best place to farm for this seems to be at the Crumbling Cliffs in The Waking Shores. This area directly between Uktulut Backwater and Uktulut Pier has a load of earth elements with a reasonable spawn rate.
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How to obtain earthen soul?

You must have a Zapthrottle Soul Inhaler (purchased off AH or made by Engineer) and Empty Soul Cage (purchased off AH or made by JC) in your bags. Find an Earthshatter Elemental. When the health is very low, use a DoT and stun while you immediately channel your Zapthrottle Soul Inhaler.
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Is there a city in Dragonflight?

Gameplay. The Dragon Isles are the main setting of Dragonflight, and are separated into five zones. The four main zones are the Waking Shores, Ohn'ahran Plains, Azure Span, and Thaldraszus, with the neutral city of Valdrakken in Thaldraszus serving as a hub (similarly to Oribos in Shadowlands).
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How do you activate the world quest in Dragonflight?

Dragonflight world quests require that you complete the Main Storylines for all zones and have the achievement Just Don't Ask Me to Spell It. Once you unlock Dragonflight world quests with one character on your Battle.net account, alternate characters can access them as soon as they arrive in a Dragonflight zone.
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How to get airy soul?

Zapthrottle Soul Inhaler can be made by engineers or bought on the AH and used by non-engineers. Use it with Empty Soul Cage to hunt and capture Encaged Airy Soul which turns docile in 15 minutes and can then be opened for Airy Soul, used in high end crafting.
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Where can I farm primal earth in Dragonflight?

Nagrand. Shattered Rumblers in Nagrand is the best place to farm Mote of Earth. Just run in a straight line, then use your flying mount to fly back where you started. If you kill the mobs too fast, you will usually have to wait 1-2 minutes before they start respawning.
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What class can Earthen be in WoW?

Of the thirteen playable classes in WoW, there are nine available to the Earthen, including;
  • Hunter.
  • Monk.
  • Mage.
  • Priest.
  • Paladin.
  • Rogue.
  • Shaman.
  • Warlock.
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What to grind in Dragonflight?

If you're enjoying your stay in the Dragon Isles, these reputation grinds are more than worth your time.
  • 1 The Iskaara Tuskarr.
  • 2 Loamm Niffen.
  • 3 Maruuk Centaurs.
  • 4 Artisan's Consortium.
  • 5 The Dream Wardens.
  • 6 Valdrakken Accord.
  • 7 The Dragonscale Expedition.
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Are dracthyr dragons?

He created the dracthyr as ideal soldiers, combining the essence of dragons with the traits of mortal races. While the direct processes used were largely unknown, the dark history of the dracthyr were immortalized in the halls of Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible.
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What class can dracthyr be?

They are available to both the Alliance and the Horde, the second race in World of Warcraft to have this option after the pandaren. The dracthyr choose their faction at character creation. They are unique in that they can only select the new Evoker class.
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What happened to Jaina in Dragonflight?

Jaina managed to escape with her life, but the experience transformed her, making her more bellicose and even altering her appearance.
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How to get awakened earth dragonflight?

Awakened Earth is an elemental ingredient from the Dragon Isles. It is made by combining 10 [Rousing Earth].
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How to farm elemental earth?

The best place to farm this is around the 42, 87 area. There are 2 camps there, you can also make some decent gold from the gray drops.
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How do you get the earth totem in wow?

Use your Earth Sapta and speak with Minor Manifestation of Earth. He will give you the quest Call of Earth which sends you back to Canaga Earthcaller and he will reward you with Earth Totem and , completing your first Shaman quest chain.
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Where is rare in Dragonflight?

WoW Dragonflight Super Rares Locations
  • Rohzor Forgesmash at coordinates 25.0, 61.6.
  • Turboris at 33.6, 55.6.
  • Battlehorn Pyrhus at 28.6, 58.8.
  • Cauldronbearer Blakor at 30.6, 56.2.
  • Char at 30.8, 51.6.
  • Captain Lancer at 26.8, 76.0.
  • Enkine the Voracious at 21.60, 64.78 (this is a summoned mob)
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How do you farm gold fast in Dragonflight?

The Motherlode Method. This method can net you roughly ten thousand gold per hour, however, please keep in mind that you can easily reach instance lockout, so it is recommended to have multiple alts that can run this dungeon over and over. What you want to do for this method is to farm the BFA dungeon “The Motherlode!” ...
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