Where is the Magma Wyrm scale sword?

Where to Find Magma Wyrm's Scalesword in Elden Ring. The Magma Wyrm's Scalesword weapon can be found at the following location: Drops from Magma Wyrm Makar in Ruin-Strewn Precipice in northern Liurnia of the Lakes.
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Where can I get a Magma Wyrm scale sword?

The Magma Wrym's Scalesword can be found by defeating Magma Wyrm Makar, who is the boss of the Ruin-Strewn Precipice Dungeon that lies on the border of Liurnia and Altus Plateau and connects the two regions.
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Where is the magma sword farming location?

Where to Find Magma Blade in Elden Ring. Two of the Serpents can be easily accessed by going up the wooden elevator outside of the building to the North of the Temple of Eiglay Site of Grace: one enemy down the hallway, the other through the first archway to the right.
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Where is the dragon scale sword?

The Dragonscale Blade is one of the katana sword Weapons in Elden Ring, found in the Lake of Rot. Katanas are a unique brand of edged blades that combine slashing and piercing attacks with unique and precise fighting styles. It's dragon design makes it more effective against dragon enemies.
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How do you get the magma curved sword?

The first step toward obtaining the Magma Blade is to gain access to the dungeon at Volcano Manor. While there are several ways to approach this task, the simplest option is for players to work on Rya's questline in Elden Ring until they are teleported to the manor.
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Elden Ring | How to Get The Magma Wyrm Scale Sword (Fast and Easy)

What is the drop rate of the magma curved sword?

The Magma Blade is a Curved Sword that benefits most from Strength and Faith stats. At a drop rate of one percent, it can only be obtained by slaying Man-Serpents in the Volcano Manor area and is one of the rarest items in Elden Ring.
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What is the best curved sword in Elden Ring?

We've updated our list to include them, so you'll know which are worth hunting down in the Land of Shadow.
  • 8 Horned Warrior's Sword.
  • 7 Magma Blade.
  • 6 Dancing Blade Of Ranah.
  • 5 Bandit's Curved Sword.
  • 4 Falx.
  • 3 Beastman's Curved Sword.
  • 2 Scavenger's Curved Sword.
  • 1 Wing Of Astel.
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What is the mythical dragon slaying sword?

In Norse mythology, Gram (Old Norse Gramr, meaning "Wrath"), also known as Balmung or Nothung, is the sword that Sigurd used to kill the dragon Fafnir. It is primarily used by the Völsungs in the Volsunga Saga. However, it is also seen in other legends, such as the Thidrekssaga in which it is wielded by Hildebrand.
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How rare is Dragon Scale?

The Dragon Scale has a 30% chance to drop upon killing a Young Dragon in The End, or a 0.1% chance upon killing a Superior Lost Adventurer in the Catacombs.
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How to get the godslayer sword?

Once the Apostle is defeated, the player will be able to go into the back room past the boss to find a chest containing the Godslayer's Greatsword, imbued with the power of the Godskin Apostles.
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What does Magma sword scale with?

Magma Wyrm's Scalesword is a Curved Greatsword in Elden Ring. The Magma Wyrm's Scalesword scales primarily with Strength and Faith, with reduced scaling in Dexterity, and is a good Weapon for dealing additional Fire Damage during combat. This weapon's sharp-toothed edge can deal great damage to foes.
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What is the best weapon in Elden Ring?

Elden Ring: The Best Weapons and Where to Find Them
  • Greatsword (Colossal Sword) Stat requirements: Strength 31 / Dexterity 12. ...
  • Reduvia (Dagger) Stat requirements: Strength 5 / Dexterity 13 / Arcane 13. ...
  • Twinblade (Double-sided Sword) ...
  • Winged Scythe (Reaper) ...
  • Moonveil (Katana) ...
  • Death's Poker (Greatsword)
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What do you get for killing Magma Wyrm?

The animation as the Wyrm stands on its hind legs to perform this slam does allow you to roll underneath its belly, and doing so will ensure you avoid damage (so long as you get out from underneath it before it comes down). Upon defeating the Magma Wyrm, you'll earn a Dragon Heart and the Moonveil katana.
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What is Magma Wyrms weakness?

The boss is quite weak against attacks aimed at his head. This will break his poise leading to a critical hit. Staying away from the magma it spews is the main thing you need to look out for. Standing in magma will make you fat roll and will take damage over time.
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What evolves with a Dragon Scale?

Dragon Scale evolves Seadra into Kingdra.
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Is A Diamond Dragon rare?

Diamond Dragons are tough to get since they are Ultra-rare. The level of the dragons or the order you breed them not does make a difference.
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Is the gold dragon rare?

Gold dragons are so rare that most consider them a myth. Gold dragons, like witchers, are mutants and cannot reproduce naturally. However, they are shapeshifters, which allows them to walk freely among humans. Green dragons are the most common, followed by red, black and white.
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What sword slayed Medusa?

Harpe in mythology

Perseus with the Head of Medusa by Benvenuto Cellini depicts Perseus armed with a harpe sword when he beheaded Medusa. The harpe is most notably identified as the weapon used by Cronus to castrate and depose his father, Uranus.
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Who killed a dragon with a sword?

In a legend, Saint George—a soldier venerated in Christianity—defeats a dragon. The story goes that the dragon originally extorted tribute from villagers.
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What type of dragon is Farosh?

Farosh is a one-of-a-kind creature in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. Returning from Breath of the Wild, Farosh is a massive, lightning-element sky dragon that flies over Hyrule in a long, circuitous route.
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What is the most overpowered sword in Elden Ring?

As such, this article has been updated to also include Shadow of the Erdtree's most overpowered weapons.
  • 8 Blasphemous Blade. ...
  • 7 Starscourge Greatsword. ...
  • 6 Bloodhound Fang. ...
  • 5 Rivers Of Blood. ...
  • 4 Backhand Blade. ...
  • 3 Dryleaf Arts. ...
  • 2 Rellana's Twin Blades. ...
  • 1 Dragon-Hunter's Great Katana. Decimate Elden Ring's Dragons.
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What is the best blood sword in Elden Ring?

The Rivers of Blood katana is the best sword for a bleed build, either two-handed or dual wielded with another katana.
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What is a shamshir sword?

A shamshir (Persian: شمشیر) is a type of Persian/Iranian sword with a radical curve. The name is derived from the Persian word shamshīr, which is made of two words sham(fang) and shir(lion)".
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