Where to find Susanna Windhelm?

Susanna the Wicked is a Nord who can be found in Candlehearth Hall in Windhelm. She is flagged as essential and cannot be killed by the Dragonborn, however she is later murdered as part of the quest "Blood on the Ice".
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How do you trigger Blood on the Ice in Skyrim?

The easiest way to trigger the quest is to walk back and forth between Windhelm Stables and Brandy-Mug Farm two-three times, then enter Windhelm between 7pm and 7am. If the graveyard scene is not triggered by this, there's little hope you can trigger the quest at all.
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Why can't I start Blood on the Ice Quest?

Getting too far in the game by completing the Dark Brotherhood quests, the Thieves' Guild quests, Civil War quests, or other similar side quests can render Blood on the Ice impossible to start. To prevent this you should try to start this quest as soon as possible.
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How to find the court mage in Windhelm?

Wuunferth the Unliving is Windhelm's Court Wizard who is residing in the upper floor of the Palace of the Kings. He is also a Common trainer for the Destruction skill.
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Where to find Calixto in Skyrim?

Calixto's House of Curiosities is an attraction found in Windhelm. It is a museum, run by Calixto, to show off items he (and his deceased sister) collected in their travels. He is not a trader, but for 2 Gold he will give you a tour highlighting a few items.
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"I Found a Way To Get The Windhelm House For Free!!!"

Where is Susanna in Windhelm?

Susanna the Wicked is a Nord who can be found in Candlehearth Hall in Windhelm. She is flagged as essential and cannot be killed by the Dragonborn, however she is later murdered as part of the quest "Blood on the Ice". Susanna works at Candlehearth Hall as a waitress, at all hours.
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What time to catch Calixto?

Ask Calixto about the strange amule. Talk to WUUNFERTH, NOT JORLEIF. Wait at the marketplace until about 8-9 pm. Catch the butcher!
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What happens if you sell Calixto the amulet?

Selling Calixto the Strange Amulet is the only way to turn it into the Necromancer's Amulet. If you reject his offer, the strange amulet will remain a quest item, leaving it permanently assigned to your inventory.
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Is Wuunferth actually the butcher?

Talking to Wuunferth, located in his cell in the Bloodworks of the Palace of the Kings, will make it clear that he is not the killer: The killer has struck again. "Oh, isn't that a shame.
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Who is the real killer in Blood on the Ice?

The real killer is Calixto and you can find him in "Calixto's House of Curiosities" located in Windhelm.
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Does Hjerim need a key?

Entering Hjerim

Talking to Tora will reveal that she has a key to Hjerim that players can use. Simply talk to her and she will grant the players a key to the house. Alternatively, players can steal it from her if they are proficient with Pickpocketing or pick the Master lock on the door of Hjerim.
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How to become Thane of Windhelm?

Become Thane of Windhelm

The option to become Thane will only become avaliable from Ulfric after you have liberated Falkreath. If you joined the imperials, you can only become thane when you've completed the imperial's Civil War quest line. The objectives you need to complete here are as simple as is Morthal.
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Where is the Strange Amulet in Hjerim?

During the quest "Blood on the Ice" in Windhelm, you can find a "Strange Amulet" in the house Hjerm. Picking it up seems to be optional, and not required to complete the quest. It's hidden under some papers, but it sticking out from underneath them a little.
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Where is the easiest place to get blood in Skyrim?

You can harvest blood from the deceased. A good location for acquiring all except the High Elf blood is Liar's Retreat, southwest of Dragon Bridge and Chillwind Depths. For High Elf blood, you can simply go to the Thalmor Embassy and kill a Justicar.
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How do you start the Blood on the Ice quest in Skyrim console?

If you're on pc you can use the console command setstage ms11 10 to start the quest.
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What happens when you drink blood in Skyrim?

PC When drinking a Potion of Blood as a non vampire, a permanent vampire transformation will occur. Falion of Morthal will not recognize this as a true vampire form, and will not provide a cure. Feeding will not be an option, resulting in gradual stage 4 vampirism. No visual appearance changes (eyes, fangs, etc.)
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Who killed Susanna in Skyrim?

As part of the quest "Blood on the Ice," Susanna is murdered by the Butcher.
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Who is the serial killer in Windhelm Skyrim?

Calixto Corrium, also known as The Butcher, is the main antagonist of the Skyrim quest Blood on the Ice. He is a serial killer with the intent to revive his sister, Lucilla, by murdering young women and harvesting certain parts of their body.
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What happens if you imprison Wuunferth?

He can be reported to Jorleif as such, to which he will then be imprisoned; the quest will end, with the Butcher seemingly caught. After this, though, murders continue, proving that he was innocent after all, and that he was in fact framed by Calixto.
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How to get necromancer robes in Skyrim?

Found typically on necromancers. May be found on hostile mages. Sometimes can be found as loot in containers, such as chests and dressers.
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Should I keep the Strange Amulet in Skyrim?

If the Dragonborn keeps the amulet and doesn't sell it to Calixto, it remains a quest item forever, unable to be sold, and never attains any capability. If the Dragonborn sells the amulet, the next time it is seen, it will be identified as the Necromancer Amulet.
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Who is Calixto sister Skyrim?

Lucilla Corrium is a character mentioned in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. She was the sister of Calixto Corrium, and helped create Calixto's House of Curiosities with her brother.
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What does Calixto's key open?

Calixto possesses a key that will open a key-only chest in the House of Curiosities. Opening it will reveal Nordic embalming tools and Butcher Journal 3.
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Why is Calixto just standing there?

The most likely reason for Calixto to be going around without doing anything is a missing step in the quest that is yet to be completed. The game set him has essential (invisible) until the end of the quest.
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Can you free Wuunferth?

When all is said and done, you are to return to Jorleif for your reward. He will let Wuunferth go if you've previously got him arrested. At the end of the hall, you will see Wuunferth return to his quarters and his quiet life, now a free man.
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