Which Hogwarts house has the least dark wizards?

Hufflepuff was the house that produced the fewest Dark wizards throughout its history. Their cheerful and friendly demeanour could probably account for this achievement of the House.
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Which Hogwarts houses have the most dark wizards?

For Slytherin it is because it is known for being the house which has produced the most Dark wizards. After all, it is the house that Voldemort came from as well as many of his followers.
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Did Hufflepuff have any dark wizards?

"However, it's true that Hufflepuff is a bit lacking in one area. We've produced the fewest Dark wizards of any house in this school."
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Did Ravenclaw have any dark wizards?

Of course, it is still true that many dark wizards come from Slytherin, but according to the Hufflepuff welcome letter on Pottermore, Hufflepuff is the *only* house to produce no dark wizards, that means Gryffindor and Ravenclaw have produced them too.
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Were any dark wizards not from Slytherin?

For example, Peter Pettigrew was in Gryffindor, yet he betrayed the Order of the Phoenix and joined Voldemort; Quirinus Quirrell, a Ravenclaw, also allied himself with the Dark Lord; and (albeit only in an alternate timeline) Cedric Diggory from Hufflepuff would become a Death Eater, whereas Slytherins such as Horace ...
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The Evil Hufflepuff Who Slaughtered Thousands...

Has Gryffindor produced any dark wizards?

Peter Pettigrew. The only known wizard from Gryffindor that 'went bad' or joined the Dark Side. While Gryffindor chooses the bravest witches and wizards, many have questioned how Pettigrew ended up in the house that values chivalry. Pettigrew has not displayed a single trait that suits a Gryffindor.
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Was there ever a bad Gryffindor?

As was probably expected, Peter Pettigrew takes first place as the evilest Gryffindor, having betrayed some of his best friends to a mass murderer and framed another one for their murder. Peter is the proof that evil can truly come from any house, and is not limited to those from Slytherin.
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Has a Hufflepuff ever been a death eater?

There were presumably no Hufflepuff Death Eaters (Hufflepuff House boasted of being the only house never to produce any Dark Wizards).
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Why wasn't Ron in Hufflepuff?

Ron had the traits of a Hufflepuff, but valued Griffindor more.
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Are there any Gryffindor Death Eaters?

Peter Pettigrew. Peter Pettigrew (a.k.a. Wormtail) is one of two Death Eaters known to have been in a House other than Slytherin (Gryffindor) while at Hogwarts. There, he was a close friend of Sirius Black, James Potter, and Remus Lupin, although he was the least intelligent and least talented of the group.
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Was Bellatrix a Hufflepuff?

At Hogwarts, she, along with her sisters, was sorted into Slytherin. It is suggested in the novels that, as a student, Bellatrix associated with a group of students – including Rodolphus Lestrange, Severus Snape, Avery, Evan Rosier and Wilkes – who nearly all became Death Eaters.
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Was Sirius Black Hufflepuff?

Sirius's family were mad with him, not only because he's a gryffindor, but because he's no like them at all.
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Were there bad Hufflepuffs?

Not true. If there was a Hufflepuff death eater for example, they would have all the Hufflepuff traits. They would be loyal, dedicated, hard-working, and patient. These would all be very good things, however, in this case, it would be good for Voldemort.
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What is the weakest house in Harry Potter?

Hufflepuff is often considered the worst house at Hogwarts because it hasn't contributed as much to magic as other houses, except for a few exceptions like Newt Scamander. Hufflepuffs are known for their hard work but it rarely leads to major magical discoveries.
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Which house has the least dark wizards?

Hufflepuff was the house that produced the fewest Dark wizards throughout its history. Their cheerful and friendly demeanour could probably account for this achievement of the House.
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What is the least best Hogwarts house?

Upon closer examination, it's not hard to realize Gryffindor is the most uninteresting Hogwarts House. Their main traits are also not the best; yes, they are brave and chivalrous, but they're also impulsive to the point of hot-headedness. They act without thinking and often cause more problems than necessary.
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What is the rarest Harry Potter house?

What Hogwarts House is the least recognized? Very easily Ravenclaw.
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Why is Hermione not in Ravenclaw?

Hermione wanted to be in Gryffindor, though Ravenclaw was her second choice. Although she's intelligent, she actually isn't open-minded or creative (other traits that Ravenclaws value). Being Sorted into your House doesn't necessarily mean “What traits you have”. It's more “What traits you value”.
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Was Luna Lovegood a Hufflepuff?

Luna started attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in 1992 and was Sorted into Ravenclaw House.
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Who was the only Death Eater that was sorted into Gryffindor?

But we don't know where many Death Eaters came from. Peter Pettigrew was a Gryffindor, and Barty Crouch Jr was a Ravenclaw (most probably). Rookwood's House is unknown, Quirrell was a Ravenclaw, Karkaroff came from Durmstrang… maybe.
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Which Ravenclaw died?

After Helena was tragically killed, legend tells us that Rowena Ravenclaw died of a broken heart. No wonder Helena's ghost, that became Ravenclaw's house ghost, would often roam the corridors in silence.
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Can hufflepuffs go to Azkaban?

Which House can Visit Azkaban? Interestingly, the Hogwarts House that must be chosen to visit Azkaban is Hufflepuff. This is because only the Hufflepuff Common Room contains the portrait of the former Minister of Magic, "Eldritch Diggory." Mr.
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Has there ever been a Malfoy in Gryffindor?

All five of their children were sorted in Slytherin and Gryffindor. Draco's marriage with Hope was met with the disapproval of his parents.
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Why did Cedric Diggory become a Death Eater?

When Harry refuses, Albus takes up the cause, and he tries to humiliate Cedric in several of the tasks so that he can't win the tournament and, as a result, won't die. However, in some of the timelines, Cedric becomes a Death Eater as a result of this humiliation, then leading Voldemort to win the Battle of Hogwarts.
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What is the most evil Hogwarts house?

Finally, Slytherin is thought of as the 'evil' house. These stereotypes are found throughout Harry Potter, with Harry himself refusing to be sorted into Slytherin and Draco Malfoy saying he'd leave if he were sorted into Hufflepuff.
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