Which is better Jolteon or Flareon?

That said, Flareon is actually the most optimal as a mixed attacker with access to moves like Bite, Flamethrower, Shadow Ball, Dig, Double-Edge and Body Slam to make a few. The big difference here is that it has a high physical attack and a high special attack.
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Is Jolteon better than Flareon Fire Red?

Flareon is pretty weak. Are you agreeing or disagreeing with me? While he CAN be a deadly choice bander in a Baton Pass team, you're better of using Jolteon and Vaporeon since they are far more useful in real battles, AND take less setup time to use.
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What is the best Eevee evolution?

The Best Eevee Evolutions in Pokémon GO Ranked
  • Umbreon. With incredible defense stats, Umbreon excels as a Dark-type tank for PVP battles. ...
  • Sylveon. Boasting strong Fairy-type moves, Sylveon dominates against common enemies like Giratina and Dragonite. ...
  • Vaporeon. ...
  • Glaceon. ...
  • Espeon. ...
  • Leafeon. ...
  • Jolteon. ...
  • Flareon.
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What should I evolve Eevee into?

This depends on your needs, of course - but it's clear some are more useful than others. Umbreon is particularly useful in some Battle Leagues. Our picks for the best Eevee evolutions in Pokémon Go are Sylveon, Espeon, Umbreon and Glaceon.
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Should I get Jolteon or Flareon?

That said, Flareon is actually the most optimal as a mixed attacker with access to moves like Bite, Flamethrower, Shadow Ball, Dig, Double-Edge and Body Slam to make a few. The big difference here is that it has a high physical attack and a high special attack.
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Why Is Flareon So Unpopular? | Flareon's Glaring Flaws

Is Flareon a good Pokémon?

Flareon will always be outclassed by other Fire types that perform its role much better. People said this to others who were convinced that all it needed Flare Blitz to be good but they didn't care. Flareon is one of those Pokemon that needs a better movepool and higher speed if it wants to be really good.
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What is the weakest Eevee evolution?

It is also one of the slowest Eevee evolutions, which is hurt by this fact. Glaceon needs to be the first in combat to land a move, but its speed makes it unlikely to happen. Making Glaceon the weakest Eevee Evolution.
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When should I evolve Jolteon?

As for when to evolve the Eevee, if you want your Jolteon to be useful to you then before level 31. Otherwise it doesn't matter unless your aiming for a specific move which as that point Bite may be worth it for main game.
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What is the cutest Eevee evolution?

Espeon. Espeon is cute. It has a cat-like, sleek look that's minimal yet very bold. The split tail, four ears, and red dot above its enchanting eyes are all desirable in a cute-focused design.
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What is the rarest Eevee evolution?

The Rarest Eevee Evolution Revealed

Among all of Eevee's transformations, the crown for rarity goes to Espeon and Umbreon. These two evolutions require a bit more effort compared to their counterparts.
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Who is the most popular Eeveelution?

Umbreon. A Dark-type Eeveelution that evolves from Eevee when leveled up with high friendship during the night or with a Moon Shard in the player's bag.
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What Eeveelution has the highest HP?

Vaporeon. Vaporeon has the highest HP of any of Eevee's Evolutions and has an impressive Special Attack stat to go with it. Many Water-type Pokémon share these qualities, so it's Vaporeon's capability to learn some interesting support moves that sets it apart from other Pokémon of its type.
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Why is Flareon bad?

However, its poor Defense and Speed, weaknesses to common offensive types, and vulnerability to Stealth Rock limits its opportunities to switch in or fire off an attack. In addition, Rock-types like Omastar can easily come in on Flareon if it is not locked into Superpower.
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Is Jolteon better than Raichu?

Both are Special Attacking fast Glass Cannon Electric types from Gen 1, but Jolteon for the most part is better than Raichu. Raichu has a better movepool, and can run mixed attacking or outright Physical Attacking sets, Jolteon cant do either of those.
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Who can beat Flareon?

Flareon Counters
  • Swampert (Mega) Water Gun Water. Hydro Cannon Water. ...
  • Blastoise (Mega) Water Gun Water. Hydro Cannon Water. ...
  • Gyarados (Mega) Waterfall Water. ...
  • Aerodactyl (Mega) Rock Throw Rock. ...
  • Latios (Mega) Dragon Breath Dragon. ...
  • Shadow Claw Ghost. Shadow Ball Ghost. ...
  • Rampardos. Smack Down Rock. ...
  • Alakazam (Mega) Confusion Psychic.
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When should I evolve Flareon?

Vaporeon, Jolteon, and Flareon are random evolutions, with no special conditions required. An Eevee will evolve into one of these forms if none of the conditions for other evolutions have been met. Each evolution costs 25 Candy.
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Is Jolteon better than espeon?

With this in mind, what would you prioritize between Jolteon or Espeon? I've been told Espeon is a lot stronger overall but Jolteon's typing may be more useful for gyms, especially in my area where there are many water types and nearly every gym has Vaporeon/Gyarados/Lapras.
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What is Jolteon good for?

The best moves for Jolteon are Thunder Shock and Thunderbolt when attacking Pokémon in Gyms. This move combination has the highest total DPS and is also the best moveset for PVP battles.
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What are the top 3 best Eevee evolutions?

  • 8 Glaceon.
  • 7 Jolteon.
  • 6 Flareon.
  • 5 Vaporeon.
  • 4 Espeon.
  • 3 Sylveon.
  • 2 Leafeon.
  • 1 Umbreon.
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Which Eevee is powerful?

1. Umbreon. Niantic Umbreon is one of the strongest Dark types in Pokemon Go. Umbreon has long been considered the best Eevee evolution in Pokemon Go, and that's still the case thanks to its great bulk and powerful moves that make it one of the best Dark types across the game.
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What is the hardest Eevee to get in Pokemon go?

Get as many Eevee and its associated evolutions as you want. All of these have a solid attack stat and can be a great way to round out a team, particularly because the candy isn't all that hard to come by. Sylveon is by far the hardest, but the rest can be replicated without too much trouble.
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Is Flareon or Houndoom better?

Flareon has better defenses, but fewer HP. Houndoom is faster.
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Who is better Flareon or charizard?

Flareon is arguably the worst of the three as it's a while until he learns a decent STAB move. The only worthwhile fire type in the game is Charizard. Flareon is actually a beast stat wise.
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