Which Zelda has the biggest map?

Breath of the Wild and its sequel, Tears of the Kingdom, have the most expansive and immersive overworld maps, offering players countless hours of exploration.
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What Zelda game has the largest map?

BOTW's map is forty times larger than Ocarina of Time's version of Hyrule, which is only slightly larger than BOTW's Great Plateau. After BOTW, the games with the largest maps in the Zelda series are Twilight Princess, The Wind Waker, and Skyward Sword.
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Is Zelda Breath of the Wild map bigger than Skyrim?

Despite first releasing way back in 2011, Skyrim's map has been among the largest available for RPG worlds. However, as the GIF of the map comparison shows, the Breath of the Wild map is a whopping 1.66 times larger than Skyrim's map. Despite its massive size, the Breath of the Wild map doesn't feel too overwhelming.
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Is the Tears of the Kingdom map bigger?

Based on all of this information, Tears of the Kingdom is clearly bigger. There are two additional layers of Hyrule to explore, with the Depths being the size of the full surface map. With more nooks and crannies to explore on the surface, the game is over twice as large as Breath of the Wild in terms of content.
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How big is the Zelda 2 map?

Luckily Photoshop does this for me and to round things off since I'm lazy, the old map measures in at only 355 pixels in width while the overall map clocks in at a humongous 2700 pixels, or 7.6 times wider than the original map, or precisely 10,952 feet wide!"
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How BIG is Breath of the Wild? (Zelda Theory)

How big is Zelda 1 map?

The entire overworld is 4096 x 1344 pixels, 16 x 8 rooms, and 256 x 88 tiles in size. Each room (a single screen) is 16 x 11 tiles in size (the bottom row only shows the top half of the tile).
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What is the longest Zelda game?

12 Longest Mainline Zelda Games, Ranked By HowLongToBeat
  1. 1 Tears Of The Kingdom (50.5 Hours) An error occurred.
  2. 2 Breath Of The Wild (50 Hours) ...
  3. 3 Skyward Sword (38 Hours) ...
  4. 4 Twilight Princess (37.5 Hours) ...
  5. 5 The Wind Waker (29 Hours) ...
  6. 6 Ocarina Of Time (26.5 Hours) ...
  7. 7 Majora's Mask (20.5 Hours) ...
  8. 8 Spirit Tracks (20 Hours) ...
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Do BotW and TotK have the same map?

TOTK shatters that record, with the inclusion of the entire overworld map from BOTW plus two all-new areas: the sky archipelagos and the underground Depths. However, the developers of TOTK did far more than copy and paste BOTW's map into the new game.
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How big is Zelda's Breath of the Wild map?

Breath of the Wild's overworld map is estimated at 139 square miles.
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Is The Witcher 3 bigger than Breath of the Wild?

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt received praise for its impressive playtime and breathtaking story, but neither could be possible without the size of its map, which is much bigger than other open-world games like Breath of the Wild, Skyrim, and GTA 5.
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How many hours long is Zelda Breath of the Wild?

When focusing on the main objectives, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is about 50½ Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 193 Hours to obtain 100% completion.
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How big is Elden Ring map compared to Breath of the Wild?

How Big is Elden Ring? What is the Elden Ring Map Size? The total explored Elden Ring Map Size is 79 km² or 30.5 square miles. In comparative terms, this is bigger than the map of Skyrim, but not as big as, say, Assassin's Creed Odyssey or Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
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What game has the biggest map size?

Open World Games Map Size Comparison
  • #1 Minecraft: Pioneering the Open World Realm | Jedi News Overview.
  • #2 No Man's Sky: A Universe of Limitless Exploration.
  • #3 Assassin's Creed Odyssey: An Epic Journey.
  • #4 Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild: A Majestic Adventure.
  • #5 Dead Island 2: A Zombie Infested Open World.
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Which Zelda game has the best overworld?

Some standout versions of Hyrule include Koholint Island in Link's Awakening, Termina in Majora's Mask, and the iconic Hyrule in Ocarina of Time. Breath of the Wild and its sequel, Tears of the Kingdom, have the most expansive and immersive overworld maps, offering players countless hours of exploration.
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What is the smallest game map ever?

Let's take a look at 10 of the smallest open-world games released.
  • 6 Batman: Arkham Knight 1.3 Square Miles. ...
  • 5 Assassin's Creed Unity – 1 Square Mile. ...
  • 4 Shenmue – 1 Square Mile. ...
  • 3 The Legend Of Zelda – 0.8 Square Miles. ...
  • 2 Hydlide – 0.4 Square Miles. ...
  • 1 Courageous Perseus – 0.1 Miles.
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Which is harder, TOTK or BotW?

I find both the puzzles and combat to be more difficult in ToTK than BoTW and it's actually a little annoying. This. Also, gathering materials and such wasn't much of a problem in BOTW since you had the Remote Bombs that are infinite in amount and therefore served as an "economical" method to gathering materials.
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Is TOTK ending better than BotW?

I prefer BOTW's ending. First of all, Hyrule Castle is a great level and blows the tunnels under it out of the water. TOTK's final area feels like some random hallways outside of the mural room and there isn't much to explore. Nothing in TOTK quite matches Hyrule Castle.
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Is TOTK basically BotW?

Botw is like a prototype for Totk. It's basically Botw on steroids.
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How many shrines are in TotK?

TOTK has a grand total of 152 Shrines – 32 more than in Breath of the Wild. There are still 120 Shrines to be found on the ground – the same as the original game – but that additional 32 can all be found in the sky.
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Is Sheikah a Hylian?

Characteristics. The Sheikah are a humanoid race, bearing great resemblance to Hylians in both appearance and magical capacity. The Sheikah are a subrace of Hylian. As the Sheikah have scarcely appeared, with Impa being the only member to appear across multiple games, very little can be known about their shared traits.
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What's the hardest Zelda game?

With other spin-offs and classic games always being revisited, the Legend of Zelda franchise will remain atop the gaming industry, possibly forever.
  1. 1 Zelda 2: The Adventure Of Link.
  2. 2 The Legend of Zelda. ...
  3. 3 The CD-I Trilogy. ...
  4. 4 Breath Of The Wild. ...
  5. 5 Majora's Mask. ...
  6. 6 Cadence Of Hyrule. ...
  7. 7 Oracle Of Ages. ...
  8. 8 Tears Of The Kingdom. ...
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Which is the shortest Zelda game?

The first game in The Legend of Zelda franchise is the shortest official main series entrance. It may not be long, but this game was revolutionary.
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Which Zelda game was 10,000 years before botw?

The first Great Calamity refers to the original emergence of Calamity Ganon, 10,000 years before the events of Breath of the Wild.
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