Who can beat Arcanine?

The best counters are strong Water and Rock-types such as Kyogre, Rampardos, Terrakion, Rhyperior, and Swampert. Arcanine is weak to Ground, Rock, and Water moves.
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How to defeat Arcanine?

Hisuian Arcanine is a level 36 rock- and fire-type, opening it up to a plethora of weaknesses. You can use water-, ground-, fighting-, or rock-type moves against it. Water- and ground-type moves will actually deal quadrupled damage. Luckily, Cobalt Coastlands is filled to the brim with water-type Pokémon to use.
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How to quell Arcanine?

Throw the Volcano Balm at the frenzied Arcanine, dodging to avoid attacks. Arcanine will use a type of attack where it dashes across the arena. You'll be able to see where the attack is being focused, so try to dodge the attack as he leaps forward. His eyes will flash just before he attacks, so watch out for that!
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What is effective to Arcanine?

Arcanine is a Fire type Pokémon, which makes it weak against Ground, Rock and Water moves.
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What is the best Pokémon to use against Hisuian arcanine?

The best Pokemon Go Hisuian Arcanine counters are Primal Kyogre, Primal Groudon, Mega Swampert, Shadow Kyogre, Shadow Groudon & Mega Garchomp.
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How to Beat NOBLE Arcanine Boss | Lord of the Isles ► Pokemon Legends Arceus

What type can beat Arcanine?

As a Fire / Rock-type Pokemon, Hisuian Arcanine is incredibly weak to Ground and Water-type attacks.
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What is super effective against Arcanine?

The best counters are strong Water and Rock-types such as Kyogre, Rampardos, Terrakion, Rhyperior, and Swampert. Arcanine is weak to Ground, Rock, and Water moves.
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Is Arcanine a legendary Pokémon?

Perhaps Arcanine's inclusion in the carvings was meant as a nod to that in-universe status, despite not being a true Legendary.
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What is Arcanine Galarian weakness?

Pokemon Sword and Shield Arcanine is a Fire Type Legendary Pokémon, which makes it weak against Ground, Rock, Water type moves.
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What is effective against Growlithe?

The best Pokemon Go Hisuian Growlithe counters are Shadow Swampert, Mega Swampert, Shadow Flygon, Shadow Hippowdon, Greninja & Shadow Feraligatr.
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What turns into Arcanine?

Locations: You can't catch Arcanine in the wild in any version -- you have to evolve a Growlithe using a Fire Stone.
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Is Arcanine immune to Fire?

Arcanine's Abilities

Arcanine is immune to Fire moves and increases the power of its Fire moves by 50% when hit by one and while active.
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How big is Arcanine?

Height 6' 03" Weight 341.7 lbs.
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How fast is Arcanine?

The Pokedex claims Arcanine can run 6,200 miles in a single day and night. 6200mi/24hrs=258 MPH which is way faster than any animal can run for a short period of time let alone sustain that speed for 24 hours without stopping.
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Is Arcanine a dog or tiger?

Arcanine is a large, bulky canine Pokémon that also possesses traits of tigers and lions. It has a distinct long dog-like muzzle with a large round black nose. Its eyes are triangular in shape, with black pupils.
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Is Arcanine better than ninetales?

Results. Wiz: This battle may seem even at first but there were several key factors that gave Arcanine the win. Boomstick: For one Arcanine has 50 more base stat points than Ninetales meaning it had the advantage in most of the stats, and with Agility all but one of them.
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Is Flareon or Arcanine better?

both are equally good. doesnt really matter who you pick because both are pretty similar.
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What is Arcanine arceus weakness?

His main issue is being Rock/Fire and being x4 weak to ground and Water moves. Rock/Fire is really a terrible defensive type.
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Who can defeat Arcanine?

The best Pokemon Go Arcanine counters are Primal Kyogre, Primal Groudon, Shadow Kyogre, Mega Swampert, Shadow Groudon & Mega Garchomp.
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What Pokémon can defeat Growlithe?

The best Pokemon Go Growlithe counters are Shadow Excadrill, Shadow Rhyperior, Mega Diancie, Shadow Rampardos, Primal Kyogre & Shadow Kyogre.
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