Who converted Druids to Christianity?

Patrick was a missionary to Ireland. His goal was to convert the pagan Irish to Christianity. From all accounts, he was very successful. We know the pagans of Ireland as the Druids.
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Who converted pagan to Christianity?

The conversion of the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great, and subsequently the whole Empire, is seen as a historical watershed moment in Roman history. The nexus from which the classical world of polytheistic pagan Rome began its transition to the medieval world of monotheistic Christianity and Islam.
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Who converted the Irish to Christianity?

Christianity had arrived in Ireland by the early 5th century, and spread through the works of early missionaries such as Palladius, and Saint Patrick.
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Who got rid of the Druids?

The Druids were suppressed in Gaul by the Romans under Tiberius (reigned 14–37 ce) and probably in Britain a little later. In Ireland they lost their priestly functions after the coming of Christianity and survived as poets, historians, and judges (filid, senchaidi, and brithemain).
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What God did the Druids worship?

The Druids believed in a supreme god, whom they called Be' al, meaning "the source of all beings." The symbol of this supreme being was fire. But the Druids also worshiped many lesser gods. The Druids taught that the human soul was immortal and that, upon death, it passed into the body of a newborn child.
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How Druids became Christians

Did Jesus meet the Druids?

As legend would have it, Jesus travelled some 2,000 years ago to the West Country with Joseph of Arimathaea, a tin trader who some believe was Jesus' uncle. Jesus is said to have studied with Druids in Glastonbury, the idea being that Druidism held some similarities to the Christian faith.
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What is a druid in the Bible?

Christian historiography and hagiography

In the lives of saints and martyrs, the druids are represented as magicians and diviners.
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Why did the Romans hate Druids?

Officially, it was because the druids practised human sacrifice, which was a big no-no for the Romans.
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Why are Druids considered evil?

As representatives of the rival religion, Druids were considered evil worshippers of devilish or demonic gods and spirits. The Celtic underworld inevitably became identified with the Christian Hell. The effects of this policy were to diminish but not totally eradicate the beliefs in the traditional gods.
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What is a female Druid called?

Historically, there were female druids, and quite powerful members of their order. In Ireland they were known as bandruí ("woman-druid") and banfilid.
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Who converted to Christianity first?

In 301, Armenia became the first kingdom in history to adopt Christianity as an official state religion. The transformations taking place in these centuries of the Roman Empire had been slower to catch on in Caucasia.
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What religion was Ireland before Christianity?

The Celtic populations of Britain and Ireland gradually converted to Christianity from the fifth century onward. However, Celtic paganism left a legacy in many of the Celtic nations, influenced mythology and in the 20th century served as the basis for a new religious movement, Celtic neopaganism.
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Who lived in Ireland before Christianity?

Hunter-gatherers in Ireland, c.

It would appear that the earliest inhabitants of Ireland were hunter-gatherers, later supplemented by nomadic farmers who cleared the land. Into the early medieval period, cattle and their seasonal movements governed the nomadic rhythms of life.
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Which Roman emperor killed Jesus?

According to the Gospels, Jesus of Nazareth preached and was executed during the reign of Tiberius, by the authority of Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor of Judaea province. Luke 3:1, states that John the Baptist entered on his public ministry in the fifteenth year of Tiberius' reign.
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Who was the Roman emperor when Jesus died?

Jesus Christ of Nazareth was born during the reign of the first official Roman emperor, Augustus, and was crucified under the reign of the second emperor, Tiberius.
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Who is Constantine in the Bible?

Constantine was the first Roman Emperor who patronised Christianity (& converted to it in his deathbed). He lived in the late 3rd century and early 4th centuries AD i.e. well after the time of Jesus and the Apostles and as such is not mentioned in the bible.
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Do Druids believe in god?

An increasing number of Druids are polytheists, believing in, and developing relationships with a number of gods and goddesses, most often drawn from what is known of Celtic deities, as well as from medieval mythological sources that many believe hold fragments of pre-Christian belief.
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What faith do Druids have?

The most common, concurrently practiced religious traditions reported among Druids were Buddhism, Christianity, shamanistic traditions, Witchcraft/Wicca, northern traditions, Hinduism, Native American traditions, and Unitarian Universalism.
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Did the Druids actually sacrifice humans?

The druids may have been involved in human sacrifice. The first-century Greek historian Diodorus Siculus wrote that although the druids were always present during a human sacrifice, it was another group known as the "vates" that carried out the sacrifices.
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What is the difference between Celts and Druids?

The Druids were an educated class of the Celtic people. The Celtic were a people that originated from beyond the Caspian Sea. The Celtic nations included tribes that were spread across several European locales but not limited to Scotland, Britain, Wales, Ireland, Cornwall, and Isle of Man.
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Did Celtic Druids sacrifice humans?

According to the Romans, Celts (and the druids are Celtic priests) did perform human sacrifices. There's no archaeological evidence of one particular method that Julius Caesar describes, though: confining the victim in a Wicker man and setting fire to it.
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Where did the druids originally come from?

The earliest detailed accounts of the Druids date back to the first century B.C., but it's likely that they had established their special role within the ancient communities of what is now Britain, Ireland, and France long before then.
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What do Druids believe about death?

Most Druids believe that we when die it means that we have finished our purpose here and this journey is over. Druids believe in being present and in quality of life and most importantly, honouring life. MAID is a compassionate way to journey to the next life.”
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What language did Druids speak?

The Druids spoke a celtic language, as druids were high ranking members of various Celtic cultures, from a admittedly quick Google it looks like the languge varies from a Gaelic language, to welsh to Gaulish, so different languges, but celtic ones.
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What is the druid holy symbol?

Druids are a sub-class of Cleric that serve as priests of nature. They use mistletoe as a holy symbol, and tend to be more involved with plants and animals than with humans.
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