Who do you need for Full Crew achievement?

The ones that must be recruited for this achievement are:
  • Ermion.
  • Hjalmar an Craite.
  • Keira Metz.
  • Triss Merigold.
  • Vernon Roche.
  • Ves.
  • Zoltan Chivay.
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Do you need Dijkstra for Full Crew?

These characters are NOT needed, even though they are part of the "Brothers in Arms" questline or can be recruited otherwise: Emperor Emhyr Var Emreis (Royal Palace of Vizima) Letho (Velen) Sigismund Dijkstra (Novigrad)
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How to get everyone at Final Battle in Witcher 3?

The Friends Who Unconditionally Support
  1. Vesemir, Eskel, and Lambert: The Witchers are already at the keep.
  2. Zoltan: Just ask for his aid during "Brothers In Arms: Novigrad."
  3. Ermion: Simply request his help in "Brothers In Arms: Skellige."
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How many allies do you need Witcher 3?

There are 7 allies that you must recruit for the Full Crew. After doing the main quests in Kaer Morhen (towards the end of the story) you will receive a main mission called "The Isle of Mists" and 4 other "Brothers in Arms" quests. That's when you are supposed to recruit people for your upcoming battle in Kaer Morhen.
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How to get Emhyr to help at Kaer Morhen?

Meeting Emhyr

Geralt insists that the battle has to be fought at Kaer Morhen. Emhyr will only allow his men to be led by General Voorhis, which Geralt cannot allow. There is nothing you can do to get Emhyr's help. The quest will automatically end after this disappointing encounter.
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The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt - Full Crew Trophy / Achievement Guide (Bring all Allies to Kaer Morhen)

Which quests fail in the Isle of Mists?

The following 25 quests will fail when entering Isle of Mists, if they are not completed.
  • A dangerous game.
  • A deadly plot.
  • A favor for a friend.
  • A matter of life and death.
  • A tower full of mice.
  • An eye for an eye.
  • Berengar's blade.
  • Brother's in arms - Nilfgaard.
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What happens if you send Keira to Kaer Morhen?

If you convince Keira to go to Kaer Morhen, she will join you for The Battle of Kaer Morhen. If she doesn't go to Kaer Morhen, the Brothers In Arms: Velen quest later will automatically fail. If you let Keira go to Radovid (or didn't do the quest at all), this will later unlock the secondary quest A Final Kindness.
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Who do you need for full crew Witcher 3?

The ones that must be recruited for this achievement are:
  • Ermion.
  • Hjalmar an Craite.
  • Keira Metz.
  • Triss Merigold.
  • Vernon Roche.
  • Ves.
  • Zoltan Chivay.
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Should I give 5000 Witcher 3?

This will, in turn, unlock more powerful enchantments, but you'll need some serious cash to progress through the system. As an example, Level 1 costs 5,000 to unlock, Level 2 an additional 10,000, and top tier enchantments require another 15,000.
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Can Vigi the Loon be saved?

You have a choice to make: Hjalmar suggests you leave him in the cage. If you do that, Vigi will get killed in the ensuing battle. There is no saving him if you don't release him.
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Should I patch up the wall or clear the armory?

Patching up the wall leads to fewer waves of the Hunt later in the battle. Clearing out the armory gives all Witchers shiny silver swords.
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Is Letho a witcher?

Letho of Gulet, also known as the Kingslayer, is a witcher from the School of the Viper. His closest associates are Auckes and Serrit, also Kingslayers from the same witcher school.
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Can you save vesemir?

His death is, unfortunately, unavoidable, and no matter what path players take he will ultimately fall at the hands of Imlerith. During the Battle of Kaer Morhen, Vesemir will spend his final hours fending the Wild Hunt off from Ciri, putting himself directly in the line of danger to keep her safe.
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Is a star or Dijkstra better?

In conclusion, the use of Dijkstra's algorithm and A* algorithm in the shortest path is essential will give the same output in no time when being used on the town or regional scale maps. But on a large scale map, A* will provide the solution faster than Dijkstra.
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Will Letho be at Kaer Morhen?

Geralt proposed he hide out at Kaer Morhen for a while, and after a bit of thought Letho agreed. Though some of Geralt's companions did not extend Letho a very warm welcome, the decision to invite him to Kaer Morhen proved wiser than Geralt could have known.
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Is Dijkstra always correct?

Yes Dijkstra's always gives shortest path when the edge costs are all positive. However, it can fail when there are negative edge costs. Negative edge costs invalidate all shortest-path algorithms on non-tree graphs (with negative cycles).
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What is the max stash in Witcher 3?

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt allows you to store an unlimited amount of items in your inventory, but that does not mean you should. Every weapon and armor, among other items, that you come across in the open world weighs a certain amount. Hence, you need to be wary of your carrying limits.
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Should I keep junk or sell Witcher 3?

As junk items have weight, it is better to either sell or dismantle them when available. Note that certain quest items, once they are no longer needed, will be put in the junk tab and can then be dismantled or sold off like regular items.
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Should I win the race or pay the debt Witcher 3?

If you do win, you get a master saddle and Dandelion gets his placards. If you lose, Rautlec is in more debt (275 crowns), and you may either pay his debts or leave him and forget the placards. Pay his debts- Instead of racing, you may pay his debt of 200 crowns.
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Should I make Cerys or Hjalmar?

Important: this is the only way to reach this place of power. If you go with Hjalmar or decide not to get involved you will not earn this skill point. Also, this is the only way to find the true culprit, so helping Cerys is the best option for both roleplaying and character development.
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Should I trust Cerys?

Trusting Cerys will allow you to trick the hym. If not, you will use the witcher's method and fight the hym with Udalryk present.
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Can cerys come to Kaer Morhen?

Cerys can't be recruited to fight at Kaer Morhen. Assuming she was made Queen I believe when you go to speak with her during the quest Brothers in Arms: Skellige, she will direct you to to her brother Hjalmar an Craite who will join the fight. If Hjalmar was made King then he should join you for the fight.
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What happens if you don't help the pellar?

Note that choosing to not help the pellar here will make him unavailable as a merchant in the future. If you choose to defend the pellar, kill the witch hunters, which will unfortunately taint the ritual grounds with blood, thus unintentionally calling the ghosts of men who seek to kill.
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Does romancing Keira do anything?

The good news is that if Geralt chooses to romance the sorceress Keira Metz, it won't have any impact on his relationship with Yennefer or Triss. Keira is the first romantic interest in the game and before Geralt can romance her, he needs to complete several quests for her.
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What happens if you tell the peasants about the crypt?

Outside speak to the two men and you'll complete the quest. If you decide to tell them about the crypt whenever you come back this way you'll find them dead.
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