Who gets executed in Skyrim?

Roggvir was one of the prisoners executed in Helgen at the start of the game. He was executed for allowing Ulfric Stormcloak to escape Solitude after Ulfric executed the High King. His family can be found in Solitude, including his brother Addvar, his nieces Vivienne Onis and Svari, and his wife Greta.
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Who got executed in Skyrim?

Despite his claimed innocence, Roggvir is still executed for treason. If the Dragonborn tries to stop the execution, whether by attacking the guards or simply walking onto the execution platform, Roggvir will make a run for it. If the guards are distracted long enough, he can escape.
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Why were you being executed in Skyrim?

You were caught in an imperial ambush accidentally when trying to cross the border and they mistook you are a rebel.
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Why is the Dragonborn being executed in Skyrim?

The Last Dragonborn and the captured Stormcloaks are all kept as prisoners in Fort Neugrad, the Stormcloaks for being in rebellion against the Empire, and the Dragonborn for illegally crossing the border.
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Is it possible to stop the execution in solitude Skyrim?

Yes, absolutely. Plug the executioner before he can swing the axe. However, that has several unpleasant side effects. One, of course, is Solitude's considerable guard force and Legion presence will immediately attempt to cause you grievous harm.
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TES: Skyrim HOW to Do Executions

Is there a way to peacefully end the war in Skyrim?

If you have yet to bring the Skyrim Civil War to a conclusion, you can bring the conflict to a temporary halt by calling peace talks. Using the Graybeards' authority, you bring leaders from each side to the negotiating table. There is no diplomacy skill tree, and there will be consequences for these decisions.
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Who is the guy getting executed in Solitude?

Roggvir was one of the prisoners executed in Helgen at the start of the game. He was executed for allowing Ulfric Stormcloak to escape Solitude after Ulfric executed the High King. His family can be found in Solitude, including his brother Addvar, his nieces Vivienne Onis and Svari, and his wife Greta.
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Did Alduin save the Dragonborn on purpose?

No, Alduin didn't. He has no reason to save the DB as he doesn't know, when he attacks Helgen, that the DB exists. Once he does learn, he speaks contemptuously to them, mocking their finite life (“I will outlast you—mortal!”) and their ignorance of the dragon language (“And you dare to call yourself a dovah”).
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Could the Dragonborn be soul trapped?

Yes. That seems to be what happens to people who are soul trapped, at least, though we know of at least one horse (Artax) and some cows who are also imprisoned there. And there's no escape. Even the Dragonborn has trouble getting their soul back after partially soul trapped.
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Should I finish Skyrim before Dragonborn?

Dragonborn is the first quest for Dragonborn Main Storyline. Players will require the expansion to begin this questline. If you have completed the Skyrim Main Quest Line up to The Horn of Jurgen Windcaller, simply travel to any of the main holds and wait for a pair of cultists to seek you out.
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Who is the serial killer in Skyrim?

Calixto Corrium, also known as The Butcher, is the main antagonist of the Skyrim quest Blood on the Ice. He is a serial killer with the intent to revive his sister, Lucilla, by murdering young women and harvesting certain parts of their body. He was voiced by George Coe.
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Does your wife get kidnapped in Skyrim?

Kidnapped for Ransom is a quest available in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. The Dragonborn's spouse is kidnapped and held for ransom by Rochelle the Red and her bandits.
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Why does everyone ask if I'm sick in Skyrim?

Your character has contracted a disease. You can see which disease it is in Magic>Active Effects. To cure it, buy or create a potion of cure disease. There are also ingredients like hawk feathers that can cure disease without having to make a potion.
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Who can't be killed in Skyrim?

Essential followers in Skyrim cannot be killed, making them valuable companions in tough battles. Characters like Aela the Huntress, Barbas the talking dog, and Cicero offer unique skills and immortality, making them powerful assets to any player's journey.
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Who survived Helgen?

Helgen Survivors | Fandom. In the prologue, the only survivors are you, Elenwen, Tullius, Ralof / Hadvar and Haming.
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Can a Dragonborn and a human have a baby?

In Eberron, they mostly stick to just one island where the majority of folks aren't welcome. They cannot breed with humans to make half-dragons, for two reasons. Dragonborn biology has split so far from human biology that they're no longer biologically compatible.
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Why can't Dragonborn fly?

When a dragonborn reaches 5 Hit Dice, she becomes able to fly at a speed of 40 feet (average maneuverability). A dragonborn can't fly while carrying a medium or heavy load or while fatigued or exhausted. Dragonborns can safely fly for a number of rounds equal to their Constitution modifier (minimum 1 round).
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Can you be an evil Dragonborn?

Dragonborn have a variety of personalities and alignments, just like any other race. Some dragonborn may be good, while others may be neutral or evil. The alignment of a dragonborn is determined by their individual personality and upbringing, rather than their race.
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What is the reward for killing Alduin?

Literally nothing. You don't get much of a reward for defeating the World Eater other than the experience. And that's arguably not much of a reward either, considering how fairly trivial and kind of lame the fight is.
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What does Alduin drop when he died?

No magical item or quest reward. You don't even get a dragon soul, because you never technically killed Alduin at all. He's very much alive, and he'll be back when the cycle demands him.
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Does killing Alduin stop dragons?

His death does not kill all dragons. Indeed, I did Dragonborn after finishing the main story, and there are still dragons galore. And Parthuurnax outlives Alduin, unless one is foolish enough to assuage the Blades' bloodlust.
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Can you save Uncle Roggvir?

So as you may all know, when you first enter Solitude a man named Roggvir gets executed. There is no way to stop it. If you kill the executioners, he'll die anyway from the guards.
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Can I become Thane in Solitude?

Become Thane of Solitude

You may now speak directly to the Jarl herself, and she will thank you and give you one more task. After you have completed this task go back and talk to the Jarl. She will invite you to be a thane of hers but in order to be a Thane, you must first own property in Solitude.
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Can you marry Jordis the sword maiden?

If the Dragonborn wears the Amulet of Mara, Jordis will be available for marriage, like any other Housecarl appointed, and will act as shopkeeper once married.
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