Who is Ash's cutest Pokémon?

Here are the cutest Pokémon Ash has caught over the years.
  • 8 Meltan.
  • 7 Squirtle.
  • 6 Rockruff.
  • 5 Totodile.
  • 4 Phanpy.
  • 3 Noibat.
  • 2 Buizel.
  • 1 Pikachu.
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What is Ash's most loved Pokémon?

Ash Ketchum's 10 Best Pokemon, Ranked by Likability
  • 5 Bulbasaur Never Evolves, but He Does Develop. ...
  • 4 Pikachu Will Always Be Ash's Best Friend. ...
  • 3 Charizard was the Stand-Out of the Original Series. ...
  • 2 Greninja Shares a Spiritual Bond with Ash. ...
  • 1 Infernape has the Best Character Arc in the Pokémon Anime.
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What is the #1 cutest Pokémon?

  • 8 Gible. ...
  • 7 Mimikyu. ...
  • 6 Shaymin. ...
  • 5 Piplup. ...
  • 4 Jigglypuff. ...
  • 3 Togepi. First Appearance: Season 1, Episode 50: "Who Gets to Keep Togepi?" ...
  • 2 Mew. First Appearance: 'Pokémon: The First Movie - Mewtwo Strikes Back' ...
  • 1 Eevee. First Appearance: Season 1, Episode 40: "The Battling Eevee Brothers"
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Which girl does Ash like most?

Unlike most of the girls, Serena was obviously designed to be Ash's love interest. Ash's enthusiastic, never-give-up attitude encouraged her to chase her own dreams, instead of her mother's. And, when Ash fell into a depression after losing to the gym leader Wulfric, Serena was there for him.
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Who is Ash real crush?

Serena, not Misty, is Ash's true love in the Pokémon anime. Serena has shown clear romantic feelings for Ash and even had an implied kiss with him. Despite teases of romance with other companions, Ash has not shown any romantic feelings towards any of them.
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Top 10 Cutest Pokemon Owned By Ash Ketchum

Who is Ash's BFF?

Pikachu. It's so obvious that it probably doesn't need to be said, but Pikachu is and always will be the best friend Ash ever had. No matter how great the challenge, we always knew Ash wouldn't be alone because his partner Pokémon would be at his side.
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Who all kissed Ash?

Off my mind I have:
  • Team Rocket while they were disguised. (Kiss on the cheeks)
  • Melody, from a movie (still on the cheek, don't remember the title of the movie tho)
  • Bianca/Latias - I believe it was Latias - at the end of Pokémon Heroes. (Cheek)
  • Serena in Pokémon XYZ, and that was on the lips (confirmed, so that's canon)
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Who is Ash's real wife?

Who is Ash Ketchum's lover or wife? Serena.
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Who is Misty's true love?

Some of the lyrics of “Misty's Song” make her crush blatantly obvious, such “I wanna tell you what I'm feeling, / And to say that, I love you.” A secret profession of love like this basically seals the deal on the ship's validity: Misty's feelings for Ash are strong and romantic.
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Who will marry Ash?

In an official interview, it was stated that Ash and Serena will hopefully become a couple in the future.
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Who is the prettiest Pokemon?

Milotic is a Water-Type Pokémon that was first introduced in Generation III and specifically has the reputation for being the world's most beautiful Pokémon. Milotic's Pokédex entry even speaks about how the creature's elegance has inspired many of the world's greatest artists.
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What is #1 Pokemon?

The first Pokémon, Bulbasaur, is number 0001 and the last, Mew, is number 0151. Alternate forms that result in type changes are included for convenience. Mega evolutions and regional forms are included on the pages for the generation in which they were introduced.
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Who is the weakest Pokémon?

What is the first weakest Pokemon? The first weakest Pokemon is Shedinja, with a base stat total of 236. Although it has a 90 attack, this feeble creature only has 1 HP, which means it instantly dies after getting one hit.
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What is Ash's weakest Pokémon?

Pidgeot ended up reuniting with Ash in his final episode, over a thousand episodes later, but that still meant it never got a chance to fight again, making Pidgeot Ash's weakest Pokémon.
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What is Ash's rarest Pokémon?

Ash's Poipole, as a Pokémon not native to his world, was very rare, and it evolved into Naganadel, making it even rarer. Naganadel, however, eventually returned to its home dimension. Ash also had his Rockruff evolve into a unique Lycanroc, the Dusk form, which seems to be very rare.
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Why did Greninja leave Ash?

Plenty of the Giant Rock's roots remained underground, which would prove to be disastrous if left alone. When Z2 requested that Greninja and Z2 aid it in tracking down the remaining roots, Greninja's strong sense of duty kicked in, prompting Ash to let his companion go off on its own path.
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Who married Misty?

Bengali actress Misty got married to boyfriend Remo after dating for 14 years.
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Has Misty ever kiss Ash?

Ash and Misty never kiss in any way, shape or form. Anyone who says they did is pulling your leg. Ash never kisses anyone. Melody and Bianca/Latias (from 2 different movies) gave him a kiss on the cheek and as for the show it's known Serena did kiss Ash but it was not shown.
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Did Serena kiss Ash?

Producer: The actual scene differed from the screenplay, after all. Yajima: That is true (laugh). The scene had her riding on the escalator for a bit, and then she ran back up and kissed him.
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Who is Ash's ex boyfriend?

Lance is a supporting character in the 2016 computer-animated film Sing. He is a male porcupine who was Ash's ex-boyfriend, and is now dating Becky.
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Did Ash marry Dawn?

dawn and ash has more of a sibling relationship. Nothing more than that.
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Does Dawn like Ash or Kenny?

Ash and Dawn are the closest of friends. Dawn has a relationship with Ash of the highest tier, rivaled by very few other companions such as Brock. They could be compared to twin siblings-they even have a song talking about how they are best friends.
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Which girl has crush on Ash?

Besides Serena and Misty, there were definitely a few girls who at the very least had a slight crush on the protagonist of the Pokemon Anime. Unfortunately, Misty and Serena lead the way because of how long they spent by Ash's side, but they weren't alone in having feelings for the trainer from Pallet Town.
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Did Ash ever kiss May?

I'm 99% sure this is fake but apparently there was an episode that never got released that was called "A kiss under the mistletoe" or something like that and ash supposedly was going to kiss may.
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