Who is ebyssian?

Ebyssian is an uncorrupted Black Dragon who was rescued from Neltharion's Lair by Huln Highmountain 10,000 years ago. Ebyssian has been watching over Huln's descendants in disguise of a Highmountain tauren Lua error in package.
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Is Ebyssian the Black dragon aspect?

“For today, we emerge from all the shadows that sought to sow doubt and shame within us. The black dragonflight's legacy is ours to create.” Ebyssian is the Aspect of the black dragonflight, and one of the few black dragons uncorrupted by the Old Gods.
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What is the personality of the Ebyssian?

Ebyssian - The Safe Choice. In contrast to Sabellian, Ebyssian is the candidate who is potentially least like Neltharion. Throughout Dragonflight, Ebyssian is portrayed as calm, reasonable, and level-headed. While Wrathion and Sabellian fight for leadership, Ebyssian focuses on helping to guide where he can.
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Who is the leader of the black Dragonflight?

His name is Ebyssian, also known as Ebonhorn, and players were first introduced to him in World of Warcraft: Legion. He hatched some ten millennia ago, his egg purified from corruption by the Highmountain Tauren. He served as their seer ever since, but now his stake in Azeroth's future has led him to the Dragon Isles.
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Who is the current Black dragon aspect?

This led to the title falling to Ebyssian, who both believed had counseled with wisdom during their time in Zaralek. He accepted this, and before the other aspects, Ebyssian was declared the new aspect of the black dragonflight.
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Emberthal Ebyssian Epilogue - In Game Cutscene

Who is the new blue dragon aspect?

Kalecgos. The leader of the Blue Dragonflight, Kalecgos is the Aspect of Magic. He became Aspect after the fall of Malygos, but has struggled to keep his Dragonflight together, especially since the Aspects lost their powers. In Dragonflight, Kalecgos's focus has been on rebuilding his flight.
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Who killed the black dragon?

Before the rising of the sun Eärendil slew Ancalagon the Black, the mightiest of the dragon-host, and cast him from the sky; and he fell upon the towers of Thangorodrim, and they were broken in his ruin.
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Who corrupted the black dragonflight?

Led by the Dragon Aspect Neltharion, later known as Deathwing, the black dragonflight was charged by the Titans with protecting the earth. The ambitious Neltharion was chosen by the Old Gods to be their ultimate tool of destruction and their corruption eventually spread to the entire dragonflight.
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Who is the big bad of dragonflight?

The Primalists are the main antagonists of World of Warcraft: Dragonflight. They are a faction of rogue proto-dragons and their mortal followers that have rejected the edicts of the Titans, in favor of the elements.
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Are dracthyr part of the black dragonflight?

The dracthyr were created by Neltharion, an ancient dragon and the former Aspect of the Black dragonflight, who later became a villain known as Deathwing. Neltharion combined the resourcefulness of mortal races and the power of all five dragonflights in order to form the ideal soldier.
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Where did Ebyssian come from?

Ebyssian is an uncorrupted Black Dragon who was rescued from Neltharion's Lair by Huln Highmountain 10,000 years ago. Ebyssian has been watching over Huln's descendants in disguise of a Highmountain tauren Lua error in package.
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Is Nozdormu dead?

Nozdormu is both dead and alive. He is timeless, so he does not lose his living self to the past.
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How does nozdormu become murozond?

Even after I... Nozdormu falls silent. After another moment, he clasps the sphere more tightly and turns away from you. According to Cataclysm's End Time dungeon journal, Nozdormu's transformation into Murozond is brought about when he is tricked by the Old Gods into trying to avoid his own death.
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Are the Black Dragonflight evil?

The Black Dragonflight are a race of mostly villainous and hostile dragons corrupted by influence of the Old Gods. Under the leadership of Deathwing, their goal was the eradication of all mortal life on Azeroth. There are 67 known individuals in this race.
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Will Ebyssian get a new model?

New Ebyssian Dragon Model

Humbled by their decision, Ebyssian took his place in the Seat of the Aspects as the new Earth-Warder. As the heir to a new Black Dragonflight legacy, Ebyssian finally has an updated Dragon Aspect model alongside his Patch 10.1. 7 Visage Form.
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Why isn't Wrathion the aspect?

Realizing that he did not need to be Aspect to aid his flight, and that his reasons for pursuing the position were skewed, Wrathion withdrew his claim for Aspect.
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What happened to Anduin at the end of Dragonflight?

Near the final battle against Zovaal, Anduin manages to break free from the Domination, but is left mentally and emotionally damaged due to his actions while under the Jailer's control. While not an active participant in Dragonflight, Anduin is heard to be roaming Azeroth in solitude to heal his damaged mental state.
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What is the strongest class in Dragonflight?

Key Takeaways
  • Best Class in WoW for DPS (Melee): Rogue.
  • Best Class in WoW for DPS (Ranged): Evoker.
  • Best Class in WoW for Tank: Death Knight.
  • Best Class in WoW for Healer: Priest.
  • Best Class in WoW (Easiest) for Solo Melee DPS: Demon Hunter.
  • Best Class in WoW (Easiest) for Solo Ranged DPS: Hunter.
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Who is the strongest healer in Dragonflight?

Dragonflight's most effective healers usually comprise preservation evokers, holy paladin, and restoration druids.
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Who is the red dragon in dragonflight?

Alexstrasza, also known as Alexstrasza the Life-Binder, is a major character in the Warcraft franchise created by Blizzard Entertainment. A female red dragon with the power to shapeshift into the form of a High Elf, she is the queen of all dragons and the leader of the organization known as the red dragonflight.
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Which dragonflight were the nightmare dragons created from?

The Dragons of Nightmare are four of Ysera's lieutenants of the green dragonflight who fell prey to the corruption of the Emerald Nightmare: Emeriss, Lethon, Taerar and Ysondre.
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Who is the infinite Dragonflight boss?

Just as unsettling was the identity of the infinite dragonflight's leader. It was Nozdormu himself. In some distant future, he had fallen to corruption and taken on the name Murozond. This shade of Nozdormu had forged the infinite dragonflight to unravel the sanctity of time."
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Who killed Morgoth's dragon?

At length Eärendil gained the upper hand, throwing Ancalagon down on the peaks of Thangorodrim, destroying both Ancalagon and the towers. With his last and mightiest defender slain, Morgoth was defeated and made captive, thus ending the War of Wrath.
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Is Smaug bigger than balerion?

However, there's yet another Game of Thrones dragon who completely overshadows Smaug -- Balerion. This beast, often referred to as the Black Dread, was ridden by Aegon the Conqueror even before House of the Dragon and can be seen as a huge skull hung in King's Landing.
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Is Smaug the last dragon?

Smaug — the last great dragon of Middle-earth, slain by Bard of Esgaroth. A winged Urulokë. Gostir — was one of the Dragons of Morgoth only known by name. An unnamed dragon appears in Hobbit verse, said to have had red eyes, black wings and teeth like knives.
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