Who is the big orc?

Lurtz was the first of Saruman's Uruk-hai to be bred, and led them into battle against the Fellowship of the Ring at Amon Hen. Lurtz also appeared to be the largest Uruk-hai, and his strength is highlighted when he strangles an Orc immediately after being spawned.
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Who is the big Orc in The Hobbit?

In Peter Jackson's The Hobbit film trilogy, Bolg was played by Lawrence Makoare in The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug and John Tui in The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies. He is portrayed as a huge, pale Orc clad in armor and bones.
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Who is the main Orc?

Makoare is best known for his roles in The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit film trilogies. In The Fellowship of the Ring, he portrayed the Uruk-hai leader Lurtz, and in The Return of the King, he portrayed the Witch-king of Angmar as well as Gothmog, the Orc commander at the Battle of the Pelennor Fields.
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Did Saruman create the Uruk-hai?

Uruk-hai were later bred by the wizard Saruman the White late in the Third Age by his dark arts in the pits of Isengard. The Uruks in the service of Saruman used the symbol of the White Hand of Isengard, featured on their banners, helmets, and faces. They were "large, swart" and "slant-eyed".
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Is Azog the son of Bolg?

Bolg was the son of Azog, succeeding his father as a prominent leader of the northern Orcs after Azog was killed by Dáin Ironfoot at the Battle of Azanulbizar in Third Age 2799.
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10 Most Powerful & Deadly Orcs In The History Of Lord Of The Rings/Tolkien Universe - Backstories

Did Azog know Sauron?

Azog arrives at Dol Guldur where it is revealed that he is in league with the Dark Lord Sauron, who was in disguise as the Necromancer. Given command of his Morgul-host, Azog demands the promise of Thorin's head, to which Sauron tells him all will die anyway.
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What breed of Orc is Azog?

Azog is played by Manu Bennett via motion-capture and CG (though he was originally intended to be played by Conan Stevens in a practical costume and makeup). He is a white-skinned Orc, known as the Pale Orc or Azog the Defiler. According to Balin, he is from Gundabad.
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How did Sauron breed orcs?

Mordor Orcs refer to the Orcs that Sauron bred for his own army. The first Dark Lord Melkor took hostage some Elves from Cuiviénen. He tortured them, beat them, and broke their bodies into the first deformed and twisted beings known as Orcs.
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How did elves become orcs?

In Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, orcs appear as a brutish, aggressive, ugly, and malevolent race of monsters, contrasting with the benevolent Elves. They are a corrupted race of elves, either bred that way by the Dark Lord Morgoth, or turned savage in that manner, according to the Silmarillion.
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Are Uruk-hai elves?

They were originally elves, because Morgoth took them and imprisoned in his Fortress of Utumno, and they became twisted and corrupted under his influence. Uruks were apparently bred by Sauron, being a larger species of orc.
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Who is the strongest orc?

I would name the Uruk-Hai of Isengard as the strongest Orcs in Middle Earth. Their “perfected” biology made them quite strong and durable.
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What orc killed Boromir?

Lurtz also appeared to be the largest Uruk-hai, and his strength is highlighted when he strangles an Orc immediately after being spawned. In the book, Boromir is slain by an unnamed orc or orcs; he is described as having been "pierced by many arrows". In the film he is killed by Lurtz, who shot him three times.
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Who was the 1st ORC?

Turns out, Adar was one of the first orcs ever created — explaining why the orcs call him "father" in Sindarin. As Galadriel explains, in the First Age, the Dark Lord Morgoth captured and tortured elves, turning them into twisted, ruined creatures that would later become the orcs as we know them.
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Who becomes king when Thorin dies?

After the death of Thorin in the Battle of Five Armies, Dain becomes King under the Mountain. He redeems the Arkenstone from Bard with a fourteenth of the treasure, which is used to re-establish Dale. Over the next three years, Bard rebuilds the city of Dale and becomes its ruler. The city begins to prosper again.
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Who was the main Orc?

The deformed Orc leader Gothmog (Lawrence Makoare) does not appear in the original novel of "The Lord of the Rings", at least not explicitly. The name appears twice in J.R.R. Tolkien's works.
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What arrow killed Smaug?

The Black Arrow plays a very similar role to that in the book. Bard uses the arrow to kill Smaug after the thrush informs him of Smaug's weak point.
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Are there female Orcs?

Tolkien confirms that female orcs existed. In a letter to Mrs. Munby, he writes that “there must have been orc-women. But in stories that seldom if ever see the Orcs except as soldiers of armies in the service of the evil lords we naturally would not learn much about their lives.
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Are Orcs fallen Elves?

Shortly afterward Saruman tells his Uruk captain about the origin of the Orcs. "They were Elves, once," the White Wizard says. Taken in untold ages, the Dark Powers tortured, corrupted and bred the captive Elves until they became the vile Orcs.
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Are Orcs technically Elves?

Orsimer (Pariah Folk in Aldmeris), called Orcs by humans and Ornim in their own tongue, are a race of elves that was created from the Aldmer after the Aedra Trinimac was corrupted into the Daedric Prince Malacath. Trinimac's followers and kin were transformed into the first Orsimer.
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How is Aragorn related to Isildur?

"He was Aragorn son of Arathorn, the nine and thirtieth heir in the right line from Isildur, and yet more like Elendil than any before him." Aragorn was a descendant of Elros Tar-Minyatur.
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How did Morgoth breed Orcs?

This in-world aspect is also used in another essay, in which Tolkien wrote that although Morgoth could not beget anything, the Eldar believed he had bred Orcs by corrupting Elves and Men.
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Can Orcs breed with humans in lotr?

Yep. The reason that Men and Elves can interbreed is because the difference between them is not biological , but rather spiritual. Orcs can interbreed with Men, as evidenced by Saruman doing just that - and this created both Half-Orcs (Orcish Men) and Uruk-Hai (Mannish Orcs).
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Why are some orcs white?

White Orc are a tribe of Orcs that are infused with magic from the river Pale, their white skin representing the corruption of the water.
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What Orc has a white handprint on his face?

During the War of the Ring, the White Hand was featured prominently on banners, and used as an intimidating symbol on the helms and faces of the Uruk-hai of Isengard.
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How are Uruk-hai made?

There are suggestions that the Uruk-hai created by the fallen wizard was the result of crossbreeding Orcs with Men or with Goblin-men. The Uruk-hai were clearly meant to be the super-soldiers to the armies of evil, also likely meant to ultimately replace the inferior Orcs altogether.
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