Who is the hardest legendary to catch?

The hardest Legendary Pokémon to catch range from the series' inception in the Kanto region with the likes of Mewtwo up to the Hoenn region.
  • Lugia. The same rules apply on the opposite end of the spectrum, as Lugia can be just as challenging (if not more so) than its Gold/HeartGold counterpart Ho-Oh. ...
  • Suicune. ...
  • Moltres.
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Which is the hardest Pokémon to catch?

  • 8 Tapu Bulu. ...
  • 7 Gholdengo. ...
  • 6 Regigigas. ...
  • 5 Enamorus. ...
  • 4 Galarian Articuno. ...
  • 3 Manaphy. ...
  • 2 Deoxys. ...
  • 1 Arceus. Arceus lives up to its reputation as the god of Pokémon by being of the most difficult Pokémon to catch.
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Who is the No 1 Legendary Pokémon?

Arceus. By far the most naturally powerful Legendary Pokémon, with 720 points, Arceus is the closest thing the Poké-world has to a God – and as such, has powers you won't find with any other. These include Multitype, allowing it to change forms at will, telepathy, and the ability to control other Legendary Pokémon.
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Which legendary has the lowest catch rate?

The lowest catch rate is 3, which belongs to the Beldum family and almost every legendary Pokémon in the game. A low catch rate means that the Pokémon is very hard to catch, often meaning the player must use over 20 Poké Balls or more.
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What is the rarest legendary to get?

Legendaries are often tied into each game's main story, or a focus of the post-game quest, and they often have high stat totals. Rayquaza, Kyurem, and Necrozma are among the series' rarest Legendary Pokémon, only appearing in a handful of mainline titles.
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Top 10 Hardest Legendary Pokemon to Catch

Who is the weakest legendary?

Cosmog isn't just the weakest legendary Pokémon of all time; it's the worst Pokémon in the franchise. It has the same base stat total as Magikarp and only has access to Teleport and Splash.
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What is the 3 strongest Legendary Pokémon?

Below, let's rank the top 10 strongest Legendary Pokémon — and you can decide for yourself what it might take to catch 'em all.
  1. Arceus. Arceus is, without a doubt, the most powerful Legendary Pokémon.
  2. Mewtwo. ...
  3. Giratina. ...
  4. Dialga. ...
  5. Palkia. ...
  6. Rayquaza. ...
  7. Groudon. ...
  8. Kyogre. ...
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What is Mewtwo's catch rate?

Mewtwo has a catch rate of 3, meaning you will catch it about 0.4% of the time at full health. This is made worse by programming and balancing issues that made the Psychic type near impossible to beat in Gen 1. You're better off using the master ball. You can, and is not that difficult with high enough level.
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Is a shiny legendary 100% catch rate?

If a Shiny Pokemon is found after completing a Raid, it has a 100% catch rate.
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Who can defeat Mewtwo?

Mewtwo is a pure psychic-type Pokemon, which means it's vulnerable to only three types: dark, ghost and bug. Any Pokemon of those types are good to use against Mewtwo, but dark Pokemon in particular are your best choice, as they resist both ghost- and psychic-type attacks while dishing out super-effective damage.
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Who is stronger, Mew or Mewtwo?

In a fight between Mewtwo and Mew, the winner would be Mew. Both Pokemon have immense power and physical attributes, but Mew emerged victorious since he has far superior intelligence over his clone.
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Who can defeat Arceus?

no pokemon in its normal form is stronger, yet Eternamax and mega evolution can beat arceus. Take mega rayquaza and mega mewtwo.
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What is the 1 weakest Pokémon?

What is the first weakest Pokemon? The first weakest Pokemon is Shedinja, with a base stat total of 236. Although it has a 90 attack, this feeble creature only has 1 HP, which means it instantly dies after getting one hit.
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What is the rarest Pokémon?

Pseudo-legendaries like Dragonite, Larvitar, Gible, and Goodra are all incredibly rare Pokémon every game they appear in. Ash has also obtained genuine legendary Pokémon like Solgaleo, Naganadel, and Melmetal.
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What is the toughest Pokémon?

The Most Powerful Pokemon
  • Arceus (720)
  • Complete Forme Zygarde (708)
  • Terapagos (700)
  • Crowned Sword Zacian (700)
  • Crowned Shield Zamazenta (700)
  • Black / White Kyurem (700)
  • Eternatus (690)
  • Rayquaza (680)
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Which Poké Ball can fail?

Master Balls will capture any Pokémon without fail, but they're also the rarest of all Poké Balls.
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What is the rarest Poké Ball?

: Precious Ball) is a rare Poké Ball only able to be obtained through receiving a Pokémon through means of an Event. As such, this Poké Ball can never be used to catch a Pokémon unless through a cheating device, such as Action Replay. A Cherish Ball can also come with a Pokémon over Wi-Fi in Pokémon Black and White.
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What is the strongest Poké Ball?

Ultra Ball

The best of the “basic” Poké Ball types, the Ultra Ball is a sleek black and yellow item that improves on the Great Ball's capture ratio.
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What is the rarest version of Mewtwo?

The Mewtwo EX card represents the year 2011, when it was originally released as part of the Next Destinations series in the U.S. Its status as a limited issue given only to people who helped build the Pokémon brand makes this card one of the rarest and most desirable around.
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How rare is Galarian Articuno?

Not only are the three Galarian Legendary birds rare spawns when using the special Incense, but their catch rates and flee rates are rather extreme. Reports from the community suggest a base catch rate of 0.3%, and a flee rate of 90% - making them incredibly hard to catch.
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Who is the strongest Pokémon Arceus or Mewtwo?

Key Takeaways

Arceus is considered the strongest Pokémon due to its balanced base stat total and competitive viability. Each stat category, such as HP, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed, has a Pokémon with the highest base stat.
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Does Ash see Arceus?

Ash, Dawn, Brock, and Sheena are transported to the present, only to discover that Arceus is still furious and has defeated Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina. Arceus spots Ash and recognizes him due to history's alterations, and reverses the destruction it caused and heals its former adversaries.
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Is Rayquaza stronger than Dialga?

For the most part. Mega Rayquaza is godly in AG, but in a 1v1, both Dialga and Giratina can win.
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Who is stronger than Arceus?

Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre are waaaaaay stronger than Arceus, both having a whopping 770 BST against Arceus's almighty/s 720. Mega Rayquaza and both Mega Mewtwos have 780.
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