Who is the killer in Windhelm?

As it turns out the murderer is Calixto, who had been deliberately lying about the amulet, trying to frame Wuunferth. Killing Calixto on the spot, pretty much avoids a catch up game.
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Who is the serial killer in Windhelm?

Calixto Corrium, also known as The Butcher, is the main antagonist of the Skyrim quest Blood on the Ice. He is a serial killer with the intent to revive his sister, Lucilla, by murdering young women and harvesting certain parts of their body.
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How do you catch Calixto?

Calixto will be standing next to the victim and never do the crime. To fix this, type setstage MS11 130 and follow the indicator to catch Calixto. Calixto won't run and you only need to follow the indicator. You will find Calixto behind the victim and the victim will be alive.
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What happens if you accuse Wuunferth?

If accused of crimes during "Blood on the Ice," he will be moved to the jail of the Windhelm Barracks, known as the Bloodworks.
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Who is the Thalmor assassin in Windhelm?

Upon arrival, the marker will disappear, and the Dragonborn will need to find out who is the assassin. At this point, the Dragonborn has two options to find out who the assassin is: If J'datharr is pickpocketed, J'datharr's Note will be found. This will prove J'datharr as the Thalmor assassin ordered to kill Malborn.
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The "Butcher", Windhelm's Serial Killer - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Are the Thalmor evil in Skyrim?

Type of Villains

The Thalmor are some of the main antagonists of The Elder Scrolls franchise. Originally a minor Altmeri political party, they later gained power in the Fourth Era through usurpation, murder, and propagandizing.
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Which side does the Thalmor want to win?

The Thalmor want the Stormcloaks to prevent the Imperials from recovering for Empire-Thalmor war. The plan is to let them punch each other out whilst the Thalmor rebuild ready for the next war.
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Is Wuunferth actually the butcher?

Talking to Wuunferth, located in his cell in the Bloodworks of the Palace of the Kings, will make it clear that he is not the killer: The killer has struck again. "Oh, isn't that a shame.
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What happens if I sell the amulet to Calixto?

Selling Calixto the Strange Amulet is the only way to turn it into the Necromancer's Amulet. If you reject his offer, the strange amulet will remain a quest item, leaving it permanently assigned to your inventory. The Unofficial Skyrim Patch, version 1.0, addresses this issue.
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What happens if you keep the Sheogorath Amber?

If players manage to keep it, the Sheogorath-Shaped Amber can then be used as an ingredient at the Atronach Forge found within The Midden at the College of Winterhold. Of course, the option also remains to instead simply keep the Sheogorath-Shaped Amber as a collectible.
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Where does Calixto hang out?

Calixto's House of Curiosities is an attraction found in Windhelm. It is a museum, run by Calixto, to show off items he (and his deceased sister) collected in their travels. He is not a trader, but for 2 Gold he will give you a tour highlighting a few items.
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Why is Calixto not killing?

The most likely reason for Calixto to be going around without doing anything is a missing step in the quest that is yet to be completed. The game set him has essential (invisible) until the end of the quest.
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What time does Calixto strike?

Patrol the market district, after about 5pm (in game) the murderer appears and kills another young lady. You then give chase, the murderer will make his way back to the abandoned house. Once inside he (Calixto Corrium) will attack you. Kill and loot his body.
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How to stop Calixto?

You need to finish the quest to get rid fo Calixto. He is unkillable until it is over. This quest is really buggy, so save a lot in differents saves when doing it. If all of that doesn't work, going back to a previous save before you bought the house is your best solution.
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Who becomes Jarl of Windhelm?

Ulfric assumed the position of Jarl of Windhelm in 4E 186. As a source, this wiki cites the official Bethesda game guide for this game.
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Who is the cannibal leader in Skyrim?

Eola is a Breton cannibal who is initially encountered in the Hall of the Dead in Markarth. She leads a coven of cannibals who worship the Daedric Prince Namira as their high priestess.
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How to get in Calixto's House of Curiosities?

Calixto's House of Curiosities[edit]

While Calixto is awake between 5am and 12am, his door is only unlocked from 9am until 8pm, the same as a regular store. Outside of these hours, it is locked with a leveled lock.
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Why can't i sell Amulet of Talos?

If the amulet is taken from Roggvir's corpse after his execution in Solitude it will become listed as a quest item, and cannot be dropped. Any other Amulets of Talos picked up will also be quest items and will stay in the inventory permanently (until the quest has been completed).
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How to become Thane of Windhelm?

Become Thane of Windhelm

The option to become Thane will only become avaliable from Ulfric after you have liberated Falkreath. If you joined the imperials, you can only become thane when you've completed the imperial's Civil War quest line.
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Should I sell a Strange Amulet to Calixto?

If the Dragonborn keeps the amulet and doesn't sell it to Calixto, it remains a quest item forever, unable to be sold, and never attains any capability. If the Dragonborn sells the amulet, the next time it is seen, it will be identified as the Necromancer Amulet.
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Can you catch Calixto?

No because once you arrest Wuunferth the quest ends, to arrest Calixto you have to ask Wuunferth about the strange amulet and he'll tell you when the next killing will be and then you'll find Calixto near the blacksmith killing a high elf I think and then you can kill Calixto and finish the quest properly.
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Who is Calixto Corrium sister?

Lucilla Corrium is a character mentioned in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. She was the sister of Calixto Corrium, and helped create Calixto's House of Curiosities with her brother.
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Did the Thalmor want Ulfric to win?

Ulfric really isn't as bad or as good as people say he's willing to fight to the last man for his cause but he only seems to care about the nord way of life. Maybe he's what's best for Skyrim but not for Tamriel. The thalmor have even said they want him to win the war.
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Who is the guy you save in Thalmor Embassy?

TIL if you save Etienne Rarnis from the Thalmor Embassy and help him escape safely, he joins the Thieves' Guild.
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What happens if you kick out Elenwen?

If you are a Stormcloak and get rid of Elenwen then it will be General Tullius who wants you to hand over either Dawnstar or Winterhold. If you let her stay then it will be Ulfric who wants to take a minor hold. I let her watch the Stormcloaks getting an extra hold.
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