Who is the lady after Ornstein and Smough?

Gwyn's daughter Gwynevere will ask the player to join her covenant after defeating Ornstein and Smough in Anor Londo. Gwynevere will give you the Lordvessel item even if you do not join this covenant. Simply speak with her after the two battles to join.
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What happens if I kill Guinevere?

Killing Gwynevere will give you a permanent sin that will cause Anor Londo to become much more hostile and make you an enemy of the Darkmoon Covenant.
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Is there a point to killing Gwynevere?

Nope, no real difference in the ending. Only things that killing Amazing Chest change are: * Anor Londo becomes dark (and largely deserted, only Silver Knights and Painting Guardians will remain). * Darkmoon Knightess will become hostile, and move to near the rotating tower.
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Who is the big lady in Dark Souls?

Gwynevere, Princess of Sunlight, also known as Gwynevere, Queen of Sunlight, is a character in Dark Souls and mentioned character in Dark Souls III. She is voiced by Clare Corbett, who also voiced the Undead Female Merchant and Crossbreed Priscilla.
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Who is Gwyn's daughter?

Gwynevere is the daughter of Lord Gwyn, making her the Princess of Sunlight. She appears as a giant woman draped in cloth, resting in her chamber.
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Where To Go & What To Do After Anor Londo (Where to Put The Lordvessel) | Dark Souls Remastered

Is Gwyn Tamlin's daughter?

"Gwyn sang, chin high, a faint glow seeming to radiate from her." Gwyn is Tamlin's daughter! In Chapter 29, Gwyn says that her mother participated in the Great Rite with a male stranger. Remember, the Great Rite is where the High Lord of Spring Court has to find the Maiden and bed her to generate magic for the land.
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Is Solaire the son of Gwyn?

His armor and shield are decorated with a hand-painted sun, reflecting his worship of the Sun, and by association, Lord Gwyn. While he was theorized by some fans to be Gwyn's firstborn son in disguise, this was later proven not to be the case in Dark Souls III.
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Who is the freakiest boss in Dark Souls?

10 Creepiest Soulsborne Bosses, Ranked
  1. 1 Orphan Of Kos – Bloodborne.
  2. 2 Darkeater Midir – Dark Souls 3. ...
  3. 3 Ludwig, The Accursed/The Holy Blade – Bloodborne. ...
  4. 4 Oceiros, The Consumed King – Dark Souls 3. ...
  5. 5 Amygdala – Bloodborne. ...
  6. 6 Gravelord Nito – Dark Souls. ...
  7. 7 Gaping Dragon – Dark Souls. ...
  8. 8 The One Reborn – Bloodborne. ...
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Who is the woman at Artorias grave?

Ciaran appears after Artorias is defeated, asking the player for the Soul of Artorias. She rewards the player with the Gold Tracer and the Dark Silver Tracer if given the Soul of Artorias. It is possible that she was romantically involved with Artorias, before he was lost to the Abyss.
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Who is the blind girl in Dark Souls?

Irina of Carim is a character and merchant in Dark Souls III. She is voiced by Sarah Beck Mather, who also voiced Lucatiel in Dark Souls II.
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Who eats Gwyndolin?

Dark Souls III

With Sulyvahn as an escort, Aldrich was able to reach the old Anor Londo and slowly consumed the last god that resided there, Gwyndolin, who gave himself to Aldrich to save his sister Yorshka.
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Can you fight Gwyndolin after killing Gwynevere?

This optoinal Boss can be found in Anodr Londo. To gain entrance you either need the dark moon seance ring from the catacombs or you can kill Gwyneverre. If you kill Gwynevere you can just warp straight to the dark moon tomb to challenge Gwyndolin.
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Why is Gwyndolin still alive?

As a God like the rest of his family, Gwyndolin was immortal, living beyond the human lifespan.
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What happens if you kill Dark Sun Gwyndolin?

After killing Dark Sun Gwyndolin, he'll drop 40,000 souls and the Soul of Gwyndolin. This can be consumed for an extra 16,000 souls, sold to Frampt for 20,000 souls, or turned into the Darkmoon Bow or Tin Darkmoon Catalyst at the Giant Blacksmith in Anor Londo.
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Do we ever meet the real Gwynevere?

There is actually pretty strong evidence that she was never real at all. Think about it: We meet all of Gwyns children except for her - Nameless King, Filianore and Gwyndolin. We only see an illusion of Gwynevere.
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Was Gwynevere real Dark Souls?

What this means is that Gwynevere was never actually in Anor Londo to begin with. The Gwynevere we interact with was simply an illusion all along. It seems the Gwynevere may double as a goddess of light, and her absence cast Anor Londo into perpetual darkness.
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Who was in love with Artorias?

Artorias was one of the Four Knights Of Gwyn, which was a group that also included infamous Dark Souls boss Dragonslayer Ornstein; giant bow-wielding archer and wood carving aficionado, Hawkeye Gough; and the assassin as well as a possible love interest of Artorias, Lord's Blade Ciaron.
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Who is Artorias daughter?

Liona: Daughter of Artoria (Ruler) [Timeline B]
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Do I give the soul of artorias to the girl?

If you give her his soul you get both of her weapons without having to deal with her. On the other hand, killing her grants you both weapons for free and allows access to her armor set.
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What is the hardest Dark Souls boss ever?

The PlayStation 5 exclusive, Demon's Souls, showcases some of the best aspects of a next-gen remake, but no game is perfect.
  • 7 Sanctuary Guardian. ...
  • 6 Four Kings. ...
  • 5 The Bed Of Chaos. ...
  • 4 Dragon Slayer Ornstein & Executioner Smough. ...
  • 3 Manus, Father Of The Abyss. ...
  • 2 Artorias The Abysswalker. ...
  • 1 Black Dragon Kalameet.
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Who is the hardest boss in all of souls?

This list is updated to include more challenging boss fights that fans of the genre should undertake.
  1. 1 Dragon Slayer Ornstein & Executioner Smough - Dark Souls.
  2. 2 Malenia, Blade Of Miquella - Elden Ring. ...
  3. 3 Guardian Ape And Brown Ape - Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. ...
  4. 4 Maliketh, The Black Blade - Elden Ring. ...
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What is the most annoying enemy in Dark Souls?

The 10 Most Annoying Enemies In Soulsborne Games
  1. 1 Basilisks – All Souls.
  2. 2 Anor Londo Archers – Dark Souls 1 And 3. ...
  3. 3 Revenants – Elden Ring. ...
  4. 4 Brainsuckers – Bloodborne. ...
  5. 5 Lesser Wormfaces – Elden Ring. ...
  6. 6 Frozen Reindeer – Dark Souls 2. ...
  7. 7 Bonewheel Skeletons – Dark Souls Trilogy. ...
  8. 8 Mimic Chests – Dark Souls Trilogy. ...
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Is there a Solaire in Dark Souls 3?

Solaire's charming and friendly demeanor is likely a large reason as to why this Covenant is so popular and would go on to be included in Dark Souls 2 and Dark Souls 3.
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Did Solaire link the flame?

In his lucid state, Solaire can later be summoned for the fight against Gwyn. Solaire goes on to defeat Gwyn and link the Flame in his own world, if he survives Lost Izalith with the player's help.
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Is Nameless King Gwyn's firstborn?

All signs point to The Nameless King being Lord Gwyn's firstborn son. Gwyn had four children: Filianore, Gwynevere, Gwyndolin, and an unknown firstborn child. This child is only referenced a few times in a few item descriptions and based on those; we know this child was once a god of war.
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