Who is the serial killer in witcher 3?

Hubert Rejk is a minor villain in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and the main antagonist of the quest Carnal Sins. He is the coroner of Novigrad and, unbeknownst to anyone, a higher vampire commiting murders throughout the city in the name of the Eternal Fire.
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Is Nathaniel the killer in The Witcher 3?

Note, however, that Reverend Nathaniel isn't the true culprit of the recent killings and attacking him bars Geralt from finding the real killer. Choosing to talk to Reverend Nathaniel prompts him to deny his connection to the attacks on Priscilla, Patricia Vegelbud, and the rest of the victims.
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Should you hit the corpse collector?

Head there and chat with the corpse collector; feel free to be hostile. When the time comes you can get the info out of him with Axii level three or a bribe of 200 crowns (seems a bit rich). Threats have no effect, but you can beat him up at the end of the conversation if you like, regardless of what method you employ.
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Is Hubert Rejk a vampire?

Geralt had already figured out Rejk was the true murderer, but was shocked to learn he was also a powerful vampire. Luckily Geralt had considerable experience and a honed skill set to draw on for fighting such a creature.
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Can you chase the killer Witcher 3?

The Vegelbud Residence

On entering her room, you find Patricia murdered and the killer fleeing. Chase him (ignore the hostile dogs), until the guards mistake you for the killer and you are forced to fight them.
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witcher 3 [SPOILER] who is the serial killer Nathaniel or Hubert

Is it worth killing the succubus in The Witcher 3?

If you kill her, you have a chance to get the Succubus Mutagen (needed for the Succubus Decoction). There are only two chances in the game to get it. It's not a must-have, but if you want to create all decoctions, you'll need to make the tough choice for one of the two. Return to the guard, to collect your reward.
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Can you prevent Priscilla from getting attacked?

By completing Cabaret you trigger Priscilla's assault that puts her in the hospital. If I don't complete it and move forward with the story then Priscilla never gets attacked.
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Has a witcher ever killed a higher vampire?

Higher vampires cannot be truly killed by just anyone. The vampire Regis suffered several deaths, each time regenerating over a period of decades. Only a higher vampire can truly kill another of its kind, without the risk of regeneration.
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Is the coroner in Novigrad a vampire?

Type of Villain

He is the coroner of Novigrad and, unbeknownst to anyone, a higher vampire commiting murders throughout the city in the name of the Eternal Fire. He also leaves pamphlets throughout the city under the guise of a concerned citizen, warning the people of Novigrad from commiting blasphemy.
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Who is Orianna in Witcher 3?

Orianna is a supporting antagonist in the Witcher 3 expansion Blood and Wine. However, she was also featured in the A Night to Remember trailer for the main game. Orianna is a higher vampire who successfully infiltrated the society of Beauclair, hosting lavish parties for the upper class of Toussaint.
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Does Priscilla ever recover?

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Eventually Priscilla recovers and regains her voice and ability to sing. If Dandelion is spoken to after defeating the Wild Hunt on certain endings, he describes her as now having a lower pitched voice that sounds better than before.
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Whose urn should I take from the crypt?

You will have to separate the ghosts, by choosing between moving one of their urns to a different location. If you choose to help Margot, and Take Louis's Urn, you'll be rewarded with a Gwent card (such as Vampire: Bruxa). Helping Louis, and taking Margot's urn you'll be rewarded with a sword (Forged in Fire).
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Is corpse collector any good?

Although not top tier, Corpse Collector is strong and worthy of your time. There are better poisoners, better leech champions but the variety of the kit on Corpse Collector and the possibility of different boss fights she can support make her mid-tier. Make sure you build with accuracy to land those debuffs!
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Who kills the baby The Witcher?

In an attempt to impress Emhyr, Cahir and Fringilla claimed credit for killing Francesca's child and turning the elves against their enemies in Redania. However, they didn't realize that it was actually Emhyr who had the child killed.
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Who stabbed Geralt with a pitchfork?

During the riots 76 nonhumans perished including Geralt of Rivia who was stabbed in the chest with a pitchfork by a man named Rob.
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Who are the bad guys in witcher 3?

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Eredin and the Hunt return as the main antagonists, besides the riders of the Hunt themselves Eredin is aided by his three generals: The ruthless warrior Imlerith, the powerful mage Caranthir and the cunning strategist Ge'els.
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Who are the big 4 of Novigrad?

Carlo Varese (Cleaver) Cyprian Wiley (Whoreson Junior) Francis Bedlam (King of Beggars) Sigismund Dijkstra (Sigi Reuven)
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Can you become a vampire in The Witcher?

The Witcher

Humans can be turned into vampires (Blue Eyes)
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Who was burned at the stake in Novigrad?

In 1272, Felicia was in Novigrad, when she was captured by the witch hunters and taken to Hierarch Square, where she was burned at the stake for being a mage, just as Geralt arrived in the square.
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Is anyone immortal in The Witcher?

No, Witchers are not immortal but they age at a very, very slow rate. The books don't clearly state how old they really can get, but there are a few indications. In the book "Blood of Elves" Triss meets Geralt again after a long time when she comes to Kaer Morhen.
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What is the most powerful species in the Witcher?

Higher vampires are the most powerful creatures in The Witcher universe. Higher vampires can't be killed, only defeated by those with incredible power. Geralt managed to defeat one, but only at the peak of his strength and abilities, and he was still hurt tremendously.
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What is the hardest monster in witcher?

  • 8 The Crones. ...
  • 7 Eredin. ...
  • 6 Imlerith. ...
  • 5 The Wraith From The Painting. ...
  • 4 The Caretaker. ...
  • 3 Aamad, The Ofieri Mage. ...
  • 2 The Toad Prince. A Deceptively Tough Boss Whose Death Kickstarts The Events Of Hearts Of Stone. ...
  • 1 Dettlaff. The Hardest Boss In The Witcher 3 By A Country Mile.
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Should I let Priscilla stay or not?

The quest will become available after “The Play's The Thing.” Hop on Roach and ride out of the city to meet Zoltan at the ambush site. Priscilla will show up to deliver a message. You may decide to let her stay or go. It doesn't matter either way.
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Should I let Dandelion beat me?

This choice has no bearing on the outcome except for Dandelion's immediate disposition towards Geralt. You can also run away, which has different dialogue but the same effect as Dandelion winning.
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What style should I pick for Dandelion?

You'll be prompted to choose a style of decor, and there are no consequences to your choice, although both Dandelion and Priscilla prefer Theatrical to Boudoir.
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