Who is the strongest orc?

This article refers to the race itself. For other namesakes, see Uruk-hai (disambiguation). Uruk-hai (for short, Uruks) were brutal warriors of Middle-earth, and the strongest breed of Orc.
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Is Azog the strongest Orc?

Azog, the Defiler was a Gundabad orc who acted as the chieftain of the Morian orcs. He was considered the strongest orc to ever walk Middle-Earth and the greatest menace towards the dwarven race. After Smaug had driven them out of Erebor, King Thror led his people back to Moria where Azog reigned as its new lord.
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What is stronger than an Orc?

Basically, the Uruk-hai were faster, smarter, stronger, and larger than orcs (though they were still shorter than men.) And while orcs will generally refuse to travel during the day, and would be severely weakened if they had too, the Uruk-hai could do this with few problems.
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Who is stronger dwarf or Orc?

In D&D, dwarves are tougher than orcs, but not stronger. In Tolkien, dwarves are stronger, but not faster. In historical lore, orcs don't even exist.
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Who is the strongest person in LOTR?

Gwaihir was the most powerful, and he led the rest of the Great Eagles into battle against Sauron's forces. Gwaihir and Landroval, his brother, would also save Frodo and Sam following Mount Doom's destruction.
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10 Most Powerful & Deadly Orcs In The History Of Lord Of The Rings/Tolkien Universe - Backstories

Is Durotan the strongest Orc?

However, Durotan is generally weaker than the orcs that drank the Blood of Mannoroth, which increases their strength even greater. However, through rigorous training, Durotan is at least equal to the orcs that drank the Blood of Mannoroth. Being a chieftain, the strongest and the wisest would be the one chosen.
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Who is the toughest orc?

Uruk-hai (for short, Uruks) were brutal warriors of Middle-earth, and the strongest breed of Orc. In The Lord of the Rings, the term Uruk-hai refers chiefly to those bred in Isengard as Isengarders, while the Uruks from Mordor are referred to as black Uruks of Mordor.
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Who kills Durotan?

Shortly after his birth, Thrall's parents, Durotan and Draka, are killed by assassins sent by Gul'dan.
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Who killed Morgoth?

Nevertheless, according to the Second Prophecy of Mandos, Morgoth will come back and attack Arda. He will fight in the Last Battle against the Valar and their allies, but will ultimately be slain by Túrin Turambar, the Man he cursed.
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Who is stronger than Legolas?

In any case, Gandalf is a strong wizard, and he has numerous capacities that Legolas doesn't. Gandalf can utilize sorcery to go after his rivals, and he can likewise safeguard himself from actual assaults.
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Who is stronger than Morgoth?

Ultimately, the only being more powerful than Morgoth in his prime was Eru Ilúvatar. Only the combined effort of the Valar could stop Morgoth, and only after countless battles. Sauron might have bested his mentor under certain circumstances, but Morgoth is the greater Dark Lord by every metric.
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Could a human beat an orc?

In short, the strongest Orcs would be stronger than the strongest ordinary humans, but apparently not yet on the level of the Eldar and Dúnedain except some in prolonged endurance.
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Were first age Orcs stronger?

The First Orcs created by Morgoth were an amateur and fragile creation in the war against the Noldor. It was only after a long time and learning that Morgoth, Sauron and Saruman improved their Orcs. So no, the First Age Orcs were not stronger, those of later ages wer…
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What is the most powerful orc clan?

Background: Although years of war have reduced their numbers, the Blackrock clan remains the strongest within the Horde. Ruled for many years by Blackhand the Destroyer, the Blackrock clan rose quickly in power and was responsible for numberless victories against the Humans in the First War.
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Are there 2 types of Orcs?

The Lord of the Rings described Uruk-hai as a new kind of Orc: stronger, taller, and able to move in the daytime without ill effects. The "Black Orcs," as the text refers to them, emerged in the Third Age, around the time of the War of the Ring, and were closely aligned with Mordor.
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Are LOTR Orcs stronger than humans?

They were not only faster but smarter, stronger and larger, though they were still shorter than Men. The Uruks in the service of Barad-dûr, the folk of Mordor, used the symbol of the Red Eye of Sauron. The Red Eye was also painted on their shields.
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Why are Orcs so powerful?

Orcs are former Elves who were corrupted by dark magic and torture, who during the time of the Peter Jackson trilogy were primed by Sauron for battle. Therefore, they were built to be stronger than orcs of the previous Ages.
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What breed of Orc is Azog?

Azog is played by Manu Bennett via motion-capture and CG (though he was originally intended to be played by Conan Stevens in a practical costume and makeup). He is a white-skinned Orc, known as the Pale Orc or Azog the Defiler. According to Balin, he is from Gundabad.
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Why is Azog fight 7?

Both Azog and Bolg are Fight 7, which makes them better than Imrahil (a half-elven descendant of both the Quendi and the Numenoreans, and among the strongest three warriors of his time), Elrond (herald of the Faithful and among their best warriors in the Second Age), Celeborn (another of the strongest elf lords that ...
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Who killed Gothmog Orc?

After Éowyn has killed the Witch-King, in an act of revenge, Gothmog attempts to kill her with a mace he finds nearby. He is, however, killed just in time by Aragorn and Gimli. As he is about to strike, Aragorn cuts off his armored right arm, but Gothmog persists and Gimli hits him in the abdomen with his axe.
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Who is Morgoth afraid of?

It was said that Morgoth hated and feared the House of Fingolfin most among the Houses of the sons of Finwë, especially Fingolfin's son Turgon, as it was prophesied that his doom would come from the House of Turgon.
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What turned Morgoth evil?

Originally known as Melkor, Morgoth is essentially the Lucifer of Tolkien's story. Like the devil, Morgoth was one of the first children created by the God of Tolkien's world, but succumbed to jealousy and greed, especially over the creation of other races, and was duly disowned by his fellow Valar.
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How many balrogs are there?

In the end Tolkien stated that there were probably "at most" seven Balrogs: In the margin my father wrote: 'There should not be supposed more than say 3 or at most 7 ever existed. '
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Who killed Doomhammer?

In the alternate timeline where Thrall died as an infant, Orgrim Doomhammer was killed in a single combat by Aedelas Blackmoore during the Battle of Blackrock Spire. His weapon, the Doomhammer was shattered and his black armor reforged and worn by his slayer.
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Who killed Gul Dan?

When the alternate Gul'dan was later sent by the Legion to re-open the Tomb of Sargeras and allow the Legion to begin the largest demonic invasion Azeroth had ever seen, Kil'jaeden revealed why the original Gul'dan had been killed by the demons he once served. "YOU DIED BECAUSE YOU BETRAYED US.
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