Who killed Aiden Witcher 3?

Lambert had learned Aiden had been murdered by a gang of hired thugs led by a man named Jad Karadin. Geralt decided to help Lambert and the two set off on a path to revenge. It turned out the monster was an ekimmara, but that was of minor importance.
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Will Lambert kill Vienne?

After the conversation with Vienne you can decide whether Lambert will kill her or leave her be. Whatever you choose you will be given 80 XP. Letting him kill her will start a fight between her and 3 other elves. Head to Trottheim on the island of Faroe in Skellige.
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What is the relationship between Lambert and Aiden?

Aiden was a witcher of the Cat School, and the best friend of Lambert of the Wolf School.
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Should you kill the rock troll?

If Geralt kills the troll:

He was justly rewarded for his efforts - and the villagers could now mine silver in peace and enjoy the steady income that entailed. In brief, everyone had reason to cheer... except for the troll, that is.
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Should I kill the rock troll in Witcher 3 Missing Miners?

The best choice here is to Kill Wham-A-Wham. If you kil him, you will get the Cave Troll Trophy, the relic Steel Sword Caroline, and increased rewards when reporting back to Gjarr.
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The Witcher 3 ► Let Lambert Kill Jad Karadin

What happens if you leave your swords with the trolls in Witcher 3?

What Happens When You Leave Your Swords With The Trolls. This decision is more about defining how Geralt treats sentient monsters more than any gameplay considerations. There are no further monsters after the trolls and the monsters will not betray Geralt, meaning that you can safely surrender your weapons to them.
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Who does Lambert end up with?

Notes. If Geralt convinces Keira Metz to go to Kaer Morhen, she and Lambert will become lovers after she helps to defend the fortress in The Battle of Kaer Morhen. In a potential outcome, Geralt can arrive too late to save Lambert who dies when overcome by a group of enemies during the Battle of Kaer Morhen.
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What happened to Aiden the Witcher?

Lambert had learned Aiden had been murdered by a gang of hired thugs led by a man named Jad Karadin. Geralt decided to help Lambert and the two set off on a path to revenge. It turned out the monster was an ekimmara, but that was of minor importance.
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What happened to Mad Kiyan?

Kiyan fulfilled the contract and then departed aboard the ship Flying Stag, despite being offered a secure post as Adrien's bodyguard. On this ship, Ireneus var Steingrad had bribed the captain to allow the mage to share a cabin with Kiyan so that he could kidnap the witcher.
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Is it possible to save Lambert?

Saving Lambert (dependent)

Lambert will be surrounded by enemies and need help. If Keira was recruited, she will automatically intervene and save him, but otherwise you have to run to his aid. If that's the case, do not run the walls, but drop down as quickly as you can and kill the enemies before they can kill him.
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What happens to Lambert if Keira dies?

If Keira dies and does not make it to the Witcher school to aid in the final fight, then she will not be able to save Lambert, and he will subsequently die.
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Should you investigate the scream with Lambert?

Lambert will hear the cry of a small boy in the distance. You may either investigate it or just head into the cave immediately. If you investigate the cries, you will be ambushed by Foglets. After dispatching them, you will go into the cave.
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How to beat Mad Kiyan?

7 - Mad Kiyan

He's considered a human, so you should use your steel sword on him. When Kiyan dies, he'll drop a leveled version of the silver sword Moonblade, a Laboratory Notebook, and diagrams for Feline Armor, Feline Boots, Feline Gauntlets, and Feline Trousers.
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Who is the mad mage in witcher?

But, as they find out, the real villain is actually Vilgefortz of Roggeveen (Mahesh Jadu).
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Where is the key for the passage under Temple Isle?

Laboratory key is a quest item in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. It's obtained from the cave beneath Temple Isle and is used to open a nearby door to the laboratory where Kiyan is found. To obtain the key, a puzzle involving statues and levers must be completed to reveal a pool with drowners in which it is found.
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Who is the pregnant elf in witcher?

Mecia Simson, the accomplished English actress renowned for portraying Francesca Findabair in the Netflix series The Witcher, spent her formative years in Plymouth and attended Plymstock School. After winning Britain's Next Top Model in 2009, she enjoyed a successful modeling career before transitioning to acting.
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Do Dara and Ciri reunite?

Dara is taken into Brokilon forest by the dryads, where he is reunited with Ciri as they treat his wounds.
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What happened to filavandrel?

The elven leader Filavandrel (Tom Canton) dies in a bloody explosion that douses his wife Francesca (Mecia Simson) in his guts, and the mage Artorius (Terence Maynard) is killed in the battle by his own niece Fringilla (Mimi Ndiweni).
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What happens to Eskel after witcher 3?

Departure south. In the battle's aftermath, Eskel bid a last farewell to his valiant master. Unable to imagine Kaer Morhen without Vesemir, he decided to watch over the Witchers' Settlement until winter 1273 and return to the Path for an unknown amount of time.
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Should you wake up old speartip?

Speartip will be sleeping when you arrive, so if you don't want to tangle with him then you should just stay far enough away so you don't wake him up. If you do fight Speartip, then be sure to apply Ogroid Oil to your silver sword first.
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What happened to Keira Metz after Kaer Morhen?

After the story of The Witcher 3, provided that Geralt convinces Keira Metz to go to Kaer Morhen instead of Oxenfurt, she is said to have gone adventuring with the Witcher Lambert. This would imply that she is in parts unknown and not still at Kaer Morhen after the game.
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Who stabbed Geralt with a pitchfork?

During the riots 76 nonhumans perished including Geralt of Rivia who was stabbed in the chest with a pitchfork by a man named Rob.
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Can you get Ciri's sword?

It can only be obtained if the Witcher ending of the game is achieved. The sword does no damage in combat as it is intended to be given to Ciri, as a fitting way to start her witcher career. The weapon's craftsman, Master Ort, remarks that "no witcher has, or ever had, a better weapon", when he presents it to Geralt.
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Should I destroy the being in the tree Witcher 3?

Which should you choose? There's no clean or tidy outcome for this quest, but the most generally positive solution is to kill the Ghost in the Tree.
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Who is the mad mage in The Witcher?

In the events of The Witcher 3, Geralt would learn that this powerful mage was named Ireneus var Steingard. On the ship, Ireneus tailed Kiyan, studying his movements. Then, one day, he conjured up a storm to distract the crew while he opened a portal to his laboratory, taking Kiyan with him.
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