Who should I give the dark ember to?
Dark Ember Usage Given to Blacksmith Andre to modify +5 Divine weapons into Occult weapons. Can be given to Andre at any time.Who do you give the Ember to in Dark Souls?
Embers are given to blacksmiths so they can grant weapon ascension used in modifying weapons. These items are listed as keys.What happens if I give Andre the dark ember?
Given to Andre of Astora to ascend +5 divine weapons down the occult path, allowing for occult weapon reinforcement to +5 (the highest).Does it matter who you give the Large Ember to?
The Large Ember can be given to Andre the Blacksmith to allow him to modify +5 normal weapons to +10, and +5 raw. Once you have picked up the Large Ember, proceed to Andre and he will ask you if he can have the Ember, answer yes.Who to give enchanted ember Dark Souls?
Giving the Enchanted Ember to Rickert of Vinheim gives him the ability to ascend +5 magic weapons down the enchanted path, allowing for enchanted weapon reinforcement to +5 (the highest).Dark Souls: Remastered - Undead Parrish: Give Devine Ember To Blacksmith Andre: Repair Sword (2018)
Who to give the very large ember Dark Souls?
Very Large Ember is an Ember in Dark Souls. This ember can be used to modify standard weapons from +10 to +15 by giving it to Blacksmith Andre.Should I give the blacksmith my ember?
Embers are found and given to black smiths allowing the black smiths to give your weapon different attributes. It is important to note that each Ember has a certain blacksmith it must be brought to. The list shows the maximum level needed before ascension is possible, if there is further ascension for that type.How to +15 weapon in Dark Souls?
Giving the Very Large Ember to Andre of Astora gives him the ability to ascend a standard weapon from +10 to +11, allowing for further standard weapon reinforcement from +11 to +15 (the highest it can go).Should I give the dull ember Dark Souls 2?
Give the dull ember to Steady Hand McDuff at the Lost Bastille to gain access to Infusions, the application of the special upgrade stones. It is the only blacksmith's ember available in the game and functions as an all-purpose upgrade for all elemental types.Who should I give the large magic ember to?
Given to Rickert of Vinheim in New Londo Ruins to further ascend magic weapons from +5 to +6, allowing for further magic weapon reinforcement from +6 to +10 (the highest it can go).Who should I give Dark Ember to?
Given to Blacksmith Andre to modify +5 Divine weapons into Occult weapons. Can be given to Andre at any time.What happens if you save Andre?
After the Sole Survivor heals Andre, they can speak with him and he will tell them his story and plans to kill everything in his path. One can convince him otherwise with a Charisma check. If the Charisma check is failed, Andre will eventually leave Far Harbor, thus disappearing from the game.Who should get the divine ember?
The divine ember is given to Andre of Astora, in the Undead Parish. He will ask you for it if you have it. Once given to him, he can ascend +5 normal weapons to +0 divine with a green titanite shard and some souls.What happens if you give Andre divine ember?
Nothing will happen except now he can modify Divine weapons for you now. Try upgrading a weapon to +5. From there, he'll be able to transcend that weapon into a divine weapon. There's no reason to regret giving it to him, since there's no other use for the divine ember anyway.Who is the best blacksmith in ds1?
Andre is possibly the most useful blacksmith. He is in a very accessible location, one that you will revisit a lot.What embers does Andre take?
And for the record, that Ember goes to Andres (the 1st blacksmith between the Undead Parish and Forest/Garden). He takes all the basic embers and the divine/occult embers.Should I give Andre the Large Ember?
It's meant to be given to him, so just do so. Thanks,i was worried that if i gave it to one blacksmith that it would not give me access to things another blacksmith could do. As a general rule of thumb, if the ember is for that blacksmith, he'll ask for it. If it's not, he'll notice it and comment that he can't use it.Who to give embers to ds2?
Give to blacksmith McDuff to use stones for infusion. The Dull Ember is a key item in Dark Souls II. It is the only ember available in the game.Who do I give the fire ember to in Dark Souls?
General information. When given to Vamos, who is located near the end of The Catacombs, he gains the ability to further ascend fire weapons from +5 to +6, allowing for further fire weapon reinforcement from +6 to +10 (the highest).How to get +15 ember ds1?
Bring both the large ember and the very large ember to Andrei. Andre does it if you've gotten the Very Large Ember from New Londo. If you have a +14 (Very Large Ember required to ascend +10 to +11) weapon already you need to find a titanite slab, then you can reinforce it to +15 anywhere, even at the bonfire.Should I make the Great Sword of Artorias?
The Greatsword of Artorias has the potential for very high damage. However, since its scaling is spread so much throughout the stats, it is hard for specialized builds to capitalize on much of the potential scaling.How to get uchigatana to level 15?
You need a large ember to get it to +6 and then you need large titanite shards for the rest to +10. Then an extra large ember to get to +11 and titanite chunks to +14 and finally, a titanite slab to +15. The large ember is in the Depths, next to the first Butcher, in a chest.How to get plus 10 weapons in Dark Souls?
If you have found the large ember (in the depth) then bring it to the blacksmith in Undead Parish. There you have the option to "modify weapon" to "... +6". After that you can upgrade it further to +10 just like before.What should I do with divine ember dark souls?
Either go see a blacksmith or buy the appropriate item from Blacksmith Andre to enable the upgrading of weapons and armor at bonfires. You need Titanite to upgrade up to +5. Give the Divine Ember to Andre and you'll be able to ascend a +5 standard reinforced weapon into a Divine weapon.How good are divine weapons in DS1?
A divine weapon will do less physical damage than a standard weapon but it will also do some magic damage. This magic damage scales off of your faith stat. So... if you're making a character that uses a lot of miracles and has a high faith stat you'll want a divine weapon at some point.
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