Who survived Helgen?

Ulfric, Tullius, and Elenwen all managed to escape alive, but every citizen of Helgen died during the attack, leaving only a young boy named Haming as the sole survivor of the village.
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Who is the dragon in Helgen Skyrim?

The Attack on Helgen, also called the Destruction of Helgen, is a event that took place at Helgen, a small thriving town in 4E 201 that a Dragon named Alduin, the Nordic God of Destruction destroyed the town, with the Varian Empire and the Stormcloaks leaders, General Tullius and Jarl Ulfric Stormcloak escaped.
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What happened to the child in Helgen?

Haming can be found in Froki's Shack, where he lives with his grandfather Froki after the destruction of his home in Helgen, which claimed the lives of both his parents, Torolf and Matlara.
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Did anyone else survive the Helgen?

Helgen Survivors | Fandom. In the prologue, the only survivors are you, Elenwen, Tullius, Ralof / Hadvar and Haming.
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Does Hadvar survive Helgen?

If you pick a side during the escape and then later change sides during the Civil War, then yes, Hadvar or Ralof will be alive to accompany you on some of those quests, so it's implied they both escaped Helgen.
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Boy which survived Helgen. Skyrim Anniversary Edition

Is it better to join Ralof or Hadvar?

Following Ralof plays out much like following Hadvar except that his contact in Riverwood is Gerdur. Following him or Hadvar enables players to take advantage of a few glitches to level up skills. Conversely to Hadvar, following Ralof will give the Dragonborn a foot in the door with the Stormcloaks.
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Who helps you escape Helgen Skyrim?

Escape the dragon attack by fleeing to Helgen Keep. Follow Ralof, a Stormcloak rebel, or Hadvar, an Imperial soldier through the keep. Escape from Helgen and enter Skyrim.
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Who is unkillable in Skyrim?

Summary. Essential followers in Skyrim cannot be killed, making them valuable companions in tough battles. Characters like Aela the Huntress, Barbas the talking dog, and Cicero offer unique skills and immortality, making them powerful assets to any player's journey.
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Why was Ulfric executed in Helgen?

They did it in little Helgen for two reasons; It was the closest and they didn't want something like a stormcloak raiding party to attack and free Ulfric., and the Imperials wanted to execute him in a tiny who-cares village as an insult.
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Why did Alduin destroy Helgen?

Alduin Attacks Helgen So He Can Kill Dragonborn Himself

To defeat the Dragonborn - the one person prophesied to destroy him - would be the ultimate badge of victory, in his mind.
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Can you adopt Haming?

Haming / Froki's Shack / Unadoptable boy who escaped Helgen at the beginning; lives with grandfather Froki.
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Can you get a baby in Skyrim?

With the release of the Hearthfire DLC, players will be able to adopt oprhan boys and girls found in Skyrim's various cities. There are few things that need to happen before you can adopt a child of your own. You can't adopt a kid until you have a house, and have completed Innocence Lost.
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What happened to Japhet Skyrim?

Eventually, his followers left him one by one, but he refused to give up. He eventually died in the cellar, convinced that the rumors about Japhet's Folly being haunted were true.
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Who is the weakest dragon priest in Skyrim?

Here's every Dragon Priest to be found in Skyrim and its DLCs, ranked from easiest to hardest.
  • 8 Rahgot.
  • 7 Zahkriisos.
  • 6 Otar The Mad.
  • 5 Dukaan.
  • 4 Ahzidal.
  • 3 Krosis.
  • 2 Nahkriin.
  • 1 Miraak.
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Is there a female dragon in Skyrim?

Skyrim players have finally worked out why there are no 'female' dragons in the game. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is full to the brim with interesting lore and features but one issue that has been plaguing fans all these years is the game's lack of female dragons.
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Who was Jarl of Helgen?

Six months after Helgen's reconstruction and drastic renovation, Ulfric Stormcloak named Helgen the new capital of Falkreath Hold, and Horik was selected to be the Jarl.
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Who is Ulfric Stormcloak's daughter?

Mera Stormcloak II, also known as Ice-Veins, or The Bear of The East, is the daughter of Ulfric Stormcloak, and the leader of The Stormcloak Remnants, living in Skyrim in the year 4E 201.
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Why is Ulfric a traitor?

Although Arngeir states that Thu'um should not be used for bloodshed, Ulfric enlisted in the Great War and later used the Thu'um to get what he wanted by murdering High King Torygg with it. In other words, he betrayed the Greybeards and their teachings.
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What did the Thalmor do to Ulfric?

Due to his high birth, the Thalmor took Ulfric in for interrogation and manipulation. Given the treatment of prisoners beneath the Thalmor Embassy, it can be assumed Ulfric was tortured and perhaps even brainwashed by his interrogators.
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Who can't be killed in Skyrim?

Mjoll, Serana, Freya, and Derkeethus are all essential and cannot die. The spooniest bard. Technically, most Followers 'cannot die' due to being Protected (see UESPwiki for moar).
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What is the rarest enemy in Skyrim?

Here are the rarest creatures in Skyrim.
  • 8 Spriggan.
  • 7 Werewolf.
  • 6 Hagraven.
  • 5 Chaurus Hunter.
  • 4 Dwarven Centurion.
  • 3 Dragon Priest.
  • 2 Wispmother.
  • 1 Dremora.
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What is the hardest enemy to be in Skyrim?

The Wispmother, Falmer Warmonger, and Hagraven are some of the most challenging enemies in Skyrim due to their unique abilities and powerful attacks. Giants and Sabre Cats are formidable opponents that can deal massive damage to players, but they have specific weaknesses that can be exploited.
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How did the Dragonborn end up in Helgen?

But how does the Dragonborn come into play here? Well, I think the Dragonborn was caught trying to cross the border from Cyrodiil into Skyrim illegally, presumably on the 16th of Last Seed, and was captured by either the prisoner escort, or patrolling Imperial Soldiers.
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Who sends assassins after you in Skyrim?

the Dark Brotherhood sends assassins after me all the time. lol must be his first (and last) day on the job! I had thugs sent after me for petty lacerny - must've stolen 100 coins worth of misc crap, must've cost them more to send people after me! Considering I looted their corpses I didn't lose anything =D.
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Can you rebuild Helgen in Skyrim?

Helgen Reborn is a mod made for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition. It gives the Dragonborn a chance to rebuild Helgen and foil a Thalmor plot. Much like Kvatch Rebuilt, it adds a new questline that can be walked through while Helgen is being rebuilt.
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