Who was Mimir in love with?

It has been confirmed that Mimir and Sigrún aren't in fact dating, however they both acknowledge that they love each other. Calling one-another "Love" throughout the Valhalla DLC.
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What happened between Freya and Mimir?

Freya hates Mimir under the falsely belief that he brokering her marriage with Odin just to end the war between the Aesir and Vanir but instead made the war even worse.
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Who is Mimir the son of?

On the basis of Hávamál 140 – where Odin learns nine magic songs from the unnamed brother of his mother Bestla – some scholars have theorized that Bestla's brother may in fact be Mímir, who would then be Odin's maternal uncle. This also means that Mimir's father would be Bölþorn.
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Is Mimir actually Kratos brother?

Quickly, Mimir proved to be a loyal ally and friend to Kratos and his son, addressing the former as "Brother" and the latter as either "little brother" or "lad", and eagerly helping them find the realm of the giants.
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Why does Freyr hate Mimir?

Like his sister, Freyr also held a strong hatred for Mimir under the false belief that he had sold Freya to the Aesir, as well as wanting to cut off the former ambassador's head.
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Mimir Tells Kratos About His Relationship Problems With Sigrun - GOD OF WAR RAGNAROK VALHALLA

Who is Mimir in love with?

Mimir was close (and possibly romantic) with Sigrun, Freya's second-in-command of the Valkyries, and visited him before she departed.
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Is Kratos attracted to Freya?

Since Kratos was the one to take Freya's son away from her despite it being done to stop her own death, it is felt that it would be unrealistic for either character to develop romantic feelings.
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What does Mimir call Atreus?

After you acquire Mimir he called Kratos "Brother", as in a brother God. Shortly after he starts calling Atreus "Little Brother".
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Is Mimir celtic or Norse?

Mimir, in Norse mythology, the wisest of the gods of the tribe Aesir; he was also believed to be a water spirit.
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Is Mimir a giant or god?

In Norse mythology, the wise being with vast knowledge, possibly a sea giant, who was an ally of the Aesir gods and was often considered one of them, was called Mimir. His name means “pondering,” and it was also spelled Mime or Mim.
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Why did Odin hang himself?

Odin's self-sacrifice

He sacrificed his eye in Mimir's well and he threw himself on his spear Gungnir in a kind of symbolic, ritual suicide. He then hanged himself in Yggdrasil, the tree of life, for nine days and nine nights in order to gain knowledge of other worlds and be able to understand the runes.
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Who is Mimir's wife in Norse mythology?

In Norse mythology, Sinmara is a gýgr (giantess), usually considered a consort to the fiery jötunn Surtr, the lord of Muspelheim, but wife of Mimir.
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Is Mimir good or bad?

In Norse mythology, Mimir isn't clearly classified as good or bad. Rather, he's known for his wisdom and knowledge. Characters in Norse mythology often embody complex traits and cannot easily be categorised into binary “good” or “evil" archetypes.
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Did Odin love Freya?

Odin was the king of the realm, and made Njörðr and Freyr temple priests. Freyja was the daughter of Njörðr, and was Odin's concubine. Odin deeply loved Freyja, and she was "the fairest of woman of that day".
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Were Sigrun and Mimir lovers?

It has been confirmed that Mimir and Sigrún aren't in fact dating, however they both acknowledge that they love each other. Calling one-another "Love" throughout the Valhalla DLC.
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Who is Freya's husband?

Freya was married to Od (also spelled Ódr or Odur), about whom little else is known, except that they had a daughter named Hnoss, who was said to be as beautiful and precious as treasure. Od was often away on travels.
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Could Mimir get a new body?

While it's an intriguing idea, placing Mimir's head on Baldur's body is unlikely to happen due to story aspects in God of War Ragnarok. Regardless of whether Mimir gets a body or not, he will likely remain present in future entries of the game as long as Kratos is still around.
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Why does Freya hate Mimir?

Mimir basically convinced Freya to marry Odin to broker a peace between Vanir and Aesir. And she agreed despite the fact that she hated his guts, she thought (again convinced by Mimir) she would save her poeple from Aesir with that action. Boy was she wrong...
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What is Mimir's accent?

He is the only character in the game with a pronounced Scottish accent, for example, making him stand out from the rest of the cast. A boat tale in the game delves deeper into Mimir's origins, revealing that he once worked as the counselor and court jester of a fairy king.
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Is Mimir Odin's uncle?

Mimir is Odin's uncle on his mother's side, who was herself the daughter of a giant, so it stands to reason that he was alive prior to the creation of the worlds, however in the course of slaying Ymir, Odin and his brothers inadvertently flooded Ginnungagap with Ymir's blood, killing all of the giants except Bergelmir ...
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What Greek god is Atreus?

In Greek mythology, Atreus (/ˈeɪtriəs/ AY-tri-əs, /ˈeɪtruːs/ AY-trooss;) was a king of Mycenae in the Peloponnese, the son of Pelops and Hippodamia, and the father of Agamemnon and Menelaus.
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Why does Mimir say "never go there"?

God of War (2018)

Before his soul could pass the Bridge of the Damned, he was brought back to life by Freya. The experience apparently left Mimir deeply terrified of the dreaded realm and he had no desire to ever return there.
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Is Brok gone forever?

He was able to retrieve it, albeit fragmented and missing its direction. Sindri was able to revive Brok as planned due to this, but became so traumatized by the event that he decided to never tell Brok, as he didn't want to burden his brother with the guilt.
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Did Baldur know who Kratos is?

Freya and Mimir very quickly realized that Kratos was a god, but Baldur and the others didn't.
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Does Kratos love Atreus?

Atreus, recognized as Kratos' son in the God of War series, has a deep relationship with his father. Kratos displays affection towards Atreus, even going out of his way to spend time with him.
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