Who would a Dragonborn Paladin worship?

Dragonborn religion is an elaborate form of ancestor worship or animism. It's the rejection of the Dragonborn's one true god for idols and other gods that they decided to follow after. In this case, their ancestors.
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What god would the Dragonborn worship?

In the Realms, Dragonborn are most likely to worship Ilmater and Chauntea. They also worship the Untheric god Enlil. The worship of any member of the draconic pantheon was taboo in dragonborn culture due to their long history of enslavement by dragons on their homeworld, but only the faith of Tiamat…
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What god do paladins worship?

Paladins who did worship good or lawful gods tended towards the worship of deities such as Azuth, Bahamut, Chauntea or her aspect Yondalla, Helm, Ilmater, Kelemvor, Mystra, Jergal, Lathander, Moradin, Re-Horakhty, Sune, Torm, or Tyr.
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Who does Dragonborn worship in D&D?

Religion. Many dragonborn follow Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon, deity of good-aligned metallic true dragons. The most dedicated paladins and clerics of Bahamut take him as an ideal of truth, justice, mercy, and light in the darkness.
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Would a dragonborn worship Bahamut?

Likewise, dragonborn viewed Bahamut not only as their deity, but also as their father, and as such they honored and respected him above all.
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Skyrim - Every Decision The Dragonborn WOULD Make

Can a Paladin worship Bahamut?

Elves, humans and many other races of the world often worship Bahamut as a paragon of justice, often ascribing his priests' dominion over laws and courts as well as honouring him as the patron of most paladins.
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Why does Tiamat hate Bahamut?

Tiamat's enmity with Bahamut dates back to their creation, when Io made them; they were made with the intention of becoming complements and mates, but their personalities were too much at odds. Tiamat murdered Vorel, her eldest brother, and tried to frame Bahamut for the deed.
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Can dragonborns be paladins?

Strength and Charisma, what more do you need? Dragonborns get a bonus on two ability scores needed for a Paladin, and that's just the beginning.
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What are common Dragonborn faiths?

The Ancestors: Itinerate people, without their own homeland, family is the one institution that most dragonborn can claim as their own. Consequently, dragon religion consists mostly of a type of ancestor worship. Dragonborn pray to the spirits of their forefathers and foremothers at domestic altars.
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Which God created the Dragonborn?

Also known as the Dragon God of Time, Akatosh is responsible for the creation of both dragons and Dragonborn – all of these individuals have a piece of Akatosh's soul within them.
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Can a paladin worship an evil god?

Culture. Most paladins serve actual gods, though a few act as champions of a primordial, demon, or devil though in the latter two cases they must commit atrocities such as the sacrifice of sapients in order to retain their powers.
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Who is the paladin that worships Tiamat?

Arkhan, also known as Arkhan the Cruel, is a dragonborn paladin/barbarian, and a champion of Tiamat. He is played by Joe Manganiello.
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What is the best god for a paladin?

Torm and Tyr are both popular deities for paladins, as is Ilmater, who stresses self-sacrifice and the alleviation of suffering.
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Do Dragonborn dislike dragons?

Dragonborn have a strong hatred of dragons, who enslaved them on Abeir.
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Is there a dragon God in D&D?

Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon, is the god of the good-aligned metallic dragons. He is particularly revered by gold, silver and brass dragons, though all good-aligned dragons hold some reverence for Bahamut, and even evil-aligned have grudging respect his strength. Tiamat is the progenitor of the evil chromatic dragons.
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What races do Dragonborns get along with?

Relations with other races

Other than their well-known hatred of dragons, dragonborn had few definitive relationships with other races. The dragonborn of Tymanther had a known tolerance for races of all kinds, extending their courtesy even to races who were generally disliked, such as tieflings.
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Do Dragonborn have a faith?

Dragonborn religion is an elaborate form of ancestor worship or animism.
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What is the rarest type of Dragonborn?

Brown, gray, purple, adamantine, mithral and steel are significantly rarer, either due to their otherworldly origin, or by how they were created or where they live. Dragonborn descended from dragon turtles, as well as mirage, fey, and shadow dragons also exist, though they're very rare as well.
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What race would Dragonborn be?

The Last Dragonborn being a Nord is certainly poetic in consideration of the province's culture, but Skyrim and The Elder Scrolls at large show that the race of Tamriel's most venerated heroes is usually inconsequential.
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What gods do dragonborns worship?

Still, some dragonborn do hear the call of the gods of Faerûn and choose to serve them, and are as loyal in this faith as they are to any other cause. Bahamut and Tiamat have dragonborn worshipers, and both Torm and Tyr appeal to the dragonborn sense of honor and order.
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What race is best for a paladin?

The Best DnD 5e Paladin Races
  • Variant Human and Custom Lineage Provide Obscene Value. ...
  • Orcs Allow For Aggressive Mobility. ...
  • Aasimar Fit Mechanically and Aesthetically. ...
  • Shadar-Kai Are Grim, Mobile, and Hard to Kill. ...
  • Autognomes Fit Specific Paladin Builds Well. ...
  • Dhampir Opens Up A Very Unusual Paladin Build.
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How old are Dragonborn paladins?

Dragonborn Traits

Age: Young dragonborn grow quickly. They walk hours after hatching, attain the size and development of a 10-year-old human child by the age of 3, and reach adulthood by 15. They live to be around 80.
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What is a nickname for Tiamat?

She is sometimes called "Her Dark Majesty" or simply "Dark Queen". Tiamat is most concerned with spreading evil, defeating good, and propagating chromatic dragons.
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Who is Tiamat's rival?

Tiamat was also the eternal rival of her brother Bahamut, ruler of the good metallic dragons.
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Is Tiamat a guy or a girl?

The motif depicts Nabu and Marduk defeating Tiamat. In this picture, Tiamat is shown as a woman's body with legs which are made of snakes.
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