Who would win Ash Greninja or Charizard?

With all the facts laid out pretty bare for all to see, Greninja and Charizard are very close contenders to take the top spot, being powerful Pokémon in their own right. However, if one had to give the top spot, it would have to be Charizard who has earned the right to be called Ash's strongest Pokémon.
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Who will win, Greninja or Charizard?

If it's just base Charizard, I can see Greninja winning. If somehow Mega Charizard X, Greninja loses. PTSD. If somehow Mega Charizard Y, it's a battle of attrition.
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Is Greninja Ash's most powerful Pokémon?

Given their unique bond and its incredible win record, there should be little doubt that Greninja is Ash's strongest Pokémon other than Pikachu.
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Who can defeat Ash-Greninja?

During the battle between Greninja and Alain's Charizard, Charizard Mega Evolved, while Greninja again evolved into Ash-Greninja. In the end, Charizard was able to defeat Greninja with Blast Burn.
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Why did Greninja lose against Charizard?

This even isn't that hard to answer. In the Pokemon XY&Z series, Satoshi's Gekkouga (Ash's Greninja) grows stronger every second it bonds with Ash. Their bond against Sawyer's Mega Sceptile was incomplete and same with against Charizard.
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The Complete Story Of Ash's Charizard

Who defeated Greninja?

Next, Alain's Bisharp defeats Goodra and falls to Greninja—and just as both Trainers have been hoping, it's Ash-Greninja versus Mega Charizard X for the very last battle! The attacks and strategies are fast and fierce, but in the end, Mega Charizard X is triumphant, and Alain becomes the Champion!
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Who has Ash never beaten?

Ash Never Beat Anyone in the Kanto Elite Four

A peer of Professor Oak's, Agatha is a member of the Kanto Elite Four, and one of the greatest Ghost-type trainers in the world. Ash doesn't battle her in the original series like he does Lorelei, but rather in the Advanced seasons.
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Can Greninja defeat Arceus?

With the proper moves and strategy, a Protean Greninja could run circles around any type of Arceus.
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Who can defeat Ash Charizard?

Red will be the first name on the lips of Pokémon fans, in terms of a Trainer who could still beat Ash even in his current rich vein of form. Red appears at the end of the Gen II games, acting as the final boss of the Kanto region, as the Elite Four and Lance did for Johto.
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What is Ash's weakest Pokémon?

Pidgeot ended up reuniting with Ash in his final episode, over a thousand episodes later, but that still meant it never got a chance to fight again, making Pidgeot Ash's weakest Pokémon.
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Who is Ash's top 5 strongest Pokémon?

This update adds five more of Ash Ketchum's strongest Pokemon to this list.
  • 8 Bulbasaur. ...
  • 7 Charizard. ...
  • 6 Infernape. ...
  • 5 Snorlax. Battle Win Rate: 79% (11/14) ...
  • 4 Krookodile. Battle Win Rate: 80% (4/5) ...
  • 3 Greninja. Battle Win Rate: 87% (47/55) ...
  • 2 Goodra. Battle Win Rate: 88% (14/16) ...
  • 1 Pikachu. Battle Win Rate: 89% (479/538)
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Did Ash catch Mewtwo?

However, Mewtwo wished to be one of Ash's Pokémon to evade being captured by someone else due to the fact that Giovanni had mass produced dozens of Master Balls to many of his agents, hunters, and poachers. Althought he was hestitant at first, Ash agreed with his request and captured Mewtwo in the Master Ball.
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Who beats Greninja?

An unlikely hero, Clodsire has a lot of staying power against Greninja. The Water Absorb ability allows Clodsire to turn a traditional weakness (water-type attacks) into HP recovery, and its natural typing means it takes only 25% damage from poison-type attacks.
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Can gengar defeat Greninja?

A level 30 Greninja with 2275 CP is defeated by a level 30 Gengar with 21207 CP in this battle simulation. The attacking Greninja was using Unknown as its quick and Unknown as its special move. The defending Gengar was using Unknown as its quick and Unknown as its special move.
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Who is better Greninja or dragonite?

If we were to judge by overall stats, Dragonite clearly takes the W because obviously it has higher overall stats of 600 compared to Greninja's 530 and also it's a Pseudo Legendary so it is bound to have better stats.
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Is Mewtwo stronger than Greninja?

A level 30 Greninja with 2275 CP is defeated by a level 60 Mewtwo with 66318 CP in this battle simulation.
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Who can defeat Mewtwo?

Mewtwo is a pure psychic-type Pokemon, which means it's vulnerable to only three types: dark, ghost and bug. Any Pokemon of those types are good to use against Mewtwo, but dark Pokemon in particular are your best choice, as they resist both ghost- and psychic-type attacks while dishing out super-effective damage.
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Can Gengar beat Mewtwo?

A level 30 Gengar with 2467 CP defeats a level 30 Mewtwo with 3582 CP in this battle simulation. The attacking Gengar was using Unknown as its quick and Unknown as its special move.
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Who will win, Ash or Leon?

Ash Ketchum defeats Leon to win the Masters Eight Tournament and be crowned world champion - Episodes to air in English in 2023 on Netflix. Not open for further replies.
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Who is better, Ash or Red?

Who's better Red or Ash? - Quora. Red would win. Why? In Red's universe, Team Rocket are an extremely formidable organization that has taken over the Kanto region and has most of the gym leaders on their payroll.
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Who is Ash closest to?

The obvious choice for Ash's best friend over the course of the series is quite simply Pikachu. Being his trusted companion and friend over Ash's entire Pokémon journey, through thick and thin, Pikachu is always there to either fight fiercely for him or to support him in any other aspects of everyday life.
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Is Greninja weak?

Greninja is weak to moves of the Electric, Grass, Fighting, Bug, and Fairy types. If Greninja has the ability Protean, however, its weaknesses may change when it uses a move. Greninja also has relatively low Defense and Special Defense stats, compared to its other stats.
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Who is Greninja's rival?

Similarly, Ash's Greninja and Sawyer's Sceptile developed a rivalry during the Pokémon XYZ series. Sawyer, another skilled Pokémon trainer, was one of Ash's rivals in the Kalos region.
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Why did Ash leave Greninja?

Plenty of the Giant Rock's roots remained underground, which would prove to be disastrous if left alone. When Z2 requested that Greninja and Z2 aid it in tracking down the remaining roots, Greninja's strong sense of duty kicked in, prompting Ash to let his companion go off on its own path.
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