Why are there no Dwarves in Elder Scrolls?

The Disappearance of the Dwarves was a major event that took place in 1E 700. The event came about as a result of the events at the Battle of Red Mountain, which brought about the near-complete disappearance of the entire Dwemer race, save one – Yagrum Bagarn.
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What happened to the dwarves in Elder Scrolls?

What happened to the Dwemer in Skyrim? During the Ist era, the scientist Kagrenac tried to tap into the power of Lorkhan's Heart to create a weapon of mass destruction called Numidium and by doing so, would have offended the Aedra (Gods) and so they were all wiped out from existence.
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Are there any living Dwarves in Elder Scrolls?

Yagrum Bagarn is the last known living Dwemer. Bloated and sick with Corprus disease, he was under the care of the ancient Telvanni wizard Divayth Fyr, in Tel Fyr.
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Do you ever meet Dwarves in Skyrim?

Players won't be able to find even a body or limb of a Dwemer. However, for those curious, a Dwemer did live in Tamriel at the same time as in The Elder Scrolls games. Yagrum Bagarn is perhaps the last known living Dwemer, and he is someone who managed to survive the disappearance of the Dwarves.
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Are there any Dwarves left in Tamriel?

The Dwemer Disappearance

Every single member of the race disappeared all at once, never to be seen again. It's definitely strange, not to mention the fact that all of their cities and creations were left behind.
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Turns Out The Dwemer Are Still Alive

Are Dwarves going extinct in LOTR?

However, the battle did further deplete the number of existing Dwarves, leading to their extinction and the ascendancy of the Men in the Fourth Age.
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Are Dwarves still alive in Skyrim?

The Disappearance of the Dwarves was a major event that took place in 1E 700. The event came about as a result of the events at the Battle of Red Mountain, which brought about the near-complete disappearance of the entire Dwemer race, save one – Yagrum Bagarn.
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Are there any Dwemer still alive in Skyrim?

Yagrum Bagarn is a resident of the Corprusarium and the last known living Dwemer. He is infected with Corprus, and can only move around with the help of a modified Centurion Spider's lower half. He is a good friend of Divayth Fyr, a powerful and ancient mage who oversees the Corprusarium and Tel Fyr.
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Why don t Dwarves trust elves?

The Elves always believed themselves to be superior to the Dwarves, and so few questioned that assumption. Dwarves believed that Elves were all arrogant and entitled, and assumed that it wasn't worth their time to engage with them.
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Are there any living Dwemer?

Yagrum Bagarn is the last known living Dwemer living in the Corprusarium under Tel Fyr. You may meet him in the main quest when you must collect the Dwemer Boots of Flying for Divayth Fyr. Alternatively, you may consult him as you try to solve the Mystery of the Dwarves.
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Who is the oldest living character in the Elder Scrolls?

Divayth Fyr

This character takes on the appearance of a Dunmer, but he was born a Chimer, the golden forerunners of the Dark Elves of modernity. By the time of Morrowind, Divayth Fyr claims to be 4,000 years old.
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What did Dwemer look like in Skyrim?

Some stories liken the Dwemer to beings of small stature with beards, but other accounts acknowledge they were the same height as elves or men. The Dwemer were mostly nicknamed as Dwarves by the men races, and this was due to their height being compared to giants.
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Are there elves in Elder Scrolls?

The Dunmer/Dark Elves

Following a curse, the Chimer race were permanently transformed into the Dunmer, a largely dark-skinned, red-eyed race that's commonly referred to as "Dark Elves" by the people of Morrowind.
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What were the Dwemer trying to do?

During the Dawn Era, the Dwemer attempted to reach the state of immortality up to the point of their disappearance. They researched the fall of the Earth Bones, and were essentially trying to reverse the effects for themselves—to create immortality from the deaths of the Earth Bones.
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What era is ESO set in?

The Elder Scrolls Online is set on the continent of Tamriel during the Second Era, but not all places in Tamriel are playable.
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What is the zero sum theory in Elder Scrolls?

If the Elder Scrolls is an equation and your existence is 1, when you reach the Aurbis, you realize you are not real, and the equation becomes 1 + (-1), to which the answer is almost always zero, which is a zero-sum and you cease to exist in the Dream. Think of it like this: 1 (I exist) + (-1) (I'm not real).
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Are Legolas and Gimli a couple?

They are constantly paired off together in The Lord of the Rings, and they are repeatedly attentive to each other's needs and health. Considering all of that, there is a strong case for fans to interpret their relationship as queer and romantic, despite the lack of explicit confirmation within the text.
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Can Elves mate with dwarves?

Breeding with dwarves is usually unsuccessful and results in sterile half-dwarves . Half-dwarves cannot produce children with other half-dwarves. Unsurprisingly dwarves and elves have interbred for centuries though it is not common they have been close allies for too many centuries for it to be otherwise.
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Why are there half Elves but not half dwarves?

The disconnect between Dwarves and other races was cultural as well as biological. There existed a long-standing rivalry between the Elves and Dwarves of Middle-earth, so the average Dwarf was unwilling to even befriend an Elf, let alone start a family with one.
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What is the life span of a Dwemer in Elder Scrolls?

The Dwemer average lifespan is around 300 years. However, it can be extended with the use of magic to a couple more centuries.
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What happened to the Falmer in Skyrim?

The Falmer would meet their end with the death of the Snow Prince during the Battle of the Moesring. Around this time, many Falmer had died during the great skirmishes of Solstheim, and this battle was to be their last stand.
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What is the closest race to the Dwemer in Skyrim?

The Dwemer aren't anything like Dwarves in other fantasy settings, they are Elves who live underground. They are called Dwarves because the Humans observed one next to a Giant. They are basically Altmer who live underground.
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How long do humans live in Skyrim?

As in real life, most of the human races of The Elder Scrolls have an estimated lifespan of around eighty years.
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What happened to the Snow Elves in Skyrim?

They were forced to eat toxic plants in order to live underground. This toxic fungus naturally came from Blackreach, and the Dwemer fed the toxic fungus to the Snow Elves. The toxins gradually destroyed their sight, and this loss happened over generations. The Dwemer then forced the blind Snow Elves into slavery.
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Are there still dragons in Skyrim?

There are, however, certain locations where Dragons are scripted to appear. These locations are called dragon lairs that can be found all over Skyrim. In these locations Dragons are typically perched atop word walls that they are guarding.
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