Why can't Bulbasaur evolve?

Bulbasaur and Squirtle May Have Decided Not to Evolve The fan argues that, upon seeing this drastic change in their friend's personality, Bulbasaur and Squirtle were so horrified that they swore never to evolve, lest they end up the same way. Now why Charmeleon and then Charizard refused to heed Ash has been debated.
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Why does Ash's Pokémon never evolve?

Ash's Pikachu, in all iterations, has wanted to prove himself. Pikachu's choice not to evolve fits the narrative that he was enough without changing. The message that someone can be great while remaining exactly who they were was an important one for the show and a lesson that stood out to young viewers.
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Why didn't Ash's Bulbasaur evolve on Reddit?

Ash's Buizel - Didn't want to evolve because he wanted to beat Crasher's Wake's Floatzel (evolved from of Buizel) without evolving. Whilst it would make sense that he didn't want to take the easy way out, this would become irrelevant after Ash beats Crasher Wake.
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How to evolve Bulbasaur?

Bulbasaur's evolution occurs naturally, the same way it has since the series' origins. Simply train Bulbasaur to level 16, then Ivysaur to level 36 to evolve it into Venusaur. If it's the Bulbasaur from the Master Dojo, it's final form will be able to Gigantamax which includes a unique set of superpowered moves.
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When did Ash stop using Bulbasaur?

Bulbasaur had stayed with Ash until midway in the Johto adventures in the episode, Bulbasaur... The Ambassador!, when it was sent back to Professor Oak's to keep the Pokémon there from quarreling with each other.
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18 Most ANNOYING Pokémon to Evolve in Pokémon GO!

Will party hat Bulbasaur evolve?

The base forms have been released so you can evolve to a Charizard or Blastoise now, but Bulbasaur with a hat cannot evolve.
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Why does Bulbasaur refuses to evolve?

Bulbasaur and Squirtle May Have Decided Not to Evolve

The fan argues that, upon seeing this drastic change in their friend's personality, Bulbasaur and Squirtle were so horrified that they swore never to evolve, lest they end up the same way. Now why Charmeleon and then Charizard refused to heed Ash has been debated.
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What is the next evolution of Bulbasaur?

Bulbasaur can evolve into Ivysaur, which can then evolve into Venusaur.
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Why was Bulbasaur banned?

Due to the developers introducing censored word filters that didn't account for Pokémon names, Bulbasaur and its evolutions were banned from trading if they didn't have a nickname.
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Why does Charmeleon hate Ash?

It is then explained that Charmeleon's skill level had far exceeded Ash's own skill levels, and it could not respect Ash as a result.
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Why does Ash's Gible not evolve?

Unfortunately, Gible never got the chance to evolve, mostly because it was caught too late in the series, and so Pokémon fans never got to see Ash battling with a fan-favorite like Garchomp.
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What is the final form of Bulbasaur?

Bulbasaur can evolve into Ivysaur at level 16, and can further evolve into Venusaur at level 32. The last evolution of bulbasaur is venusaur(grass/poison).
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How many times can Bulbasaur evolve?

Bulbasaur is a dual-type Grass/Poison Pokémon. It evolves into Ivysaur starting at level 16, which evolves into Venusaur starting at level 32.
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Should I stop Bulbasaur from evolving?

Although they learn moves faster, not evolving them puts them into a disadvantage later on in the game where most of the pokemon you fight are evolved. Evolved pokemon usually have higher/better stats then unevolved ones. I usually evolve them as soon as I can, and i recommend you do too.
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Why doesn't Ash let Pikachu evolve?

It's challenging, but the reward for battling with and leveling up Pokémon in their weaker, unevolved forms until the time is right is often too good to pass up. Ash keeping his Pikachu from evolving so it could learn moves like Quick Attack and Agility was meant to be a showcase for this important game mechanic.
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Why did Ash let Squirtle go?

Squirtle was a Pokémon Ash captured in the Kanto Region and later let him go back to the Squirtle Squad during his Johto journey because they were confused without a leader.
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Why did Ash get Pikachu instead of a starter?

"By the way, I decided from the very get-go that the Pokémon that would become [Ash's] partner would not be one of the three you choose between at the start of the video game, since I figured that might make some of the viewers sad. That's why he ended up with a Pikachu, a decision I'm really glad I made."
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Why is Ash's Pikachu special?

While the series never outright confirms what makes Pikachu special or rare, it's evident that it is more powerful and different from others of its kind. There is a possibility that Ash's Pikachu is maxed out at level 100 without evolving, explaining its dominance in Pokémon battles.
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Why can Ash only have 6 Pokémon?

In the Pokémon Adventures Manga, while there are no physical limits on how many Pokémon a trainer can have on hand, only six are allowed to be used in official battles. According to Professor Oak in his appearance in Pokémon Adventures, this is the ideal maximum a trainer can give sufficient care and attention to.
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Who was Ash's strongest Pokémon?

With that being said, here are five more Pokemon that are considered some of Ash's strongest.
  • 8 Dracovish.
  • 7 Goodra.
  • 6 Infernape.
  • 5 Lucario.
  • 4 Sceptile.
  • 3 Greninja.
  • 2 Charizard.
  • 1 Pikachu.
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What is the slur on the Bulbasaur?

One of the words that Nintendo had elected to ban was the German slur meaning 'pig'. By extension, all names containing the letters of the word next to each other were banned, which unfortunately also included the default name for all Bulbasaurs.
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Why is Venusaur illegal?

Ban Reasoning for Venusaur

Venusaur simply lacked defensive counterplay outside of Golbat and Silvally-Steel due to its typing, high-powered STAB moves, decent bulk, and access to reliable recovery in Synthesis.
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What Pokémon kills Bulbasaur?

The best Pokemon Go Bulbasaur counters are Shadow Mewtwo, Mega Alakazam, Mega Charizard Y, Mega Blaziken, Shadow Alakazam & Shadow Rayquaza.
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Who is 001 Pokémon?

The first Pokémon, Bulbasaur, is number 0001 and the last, Mew, is number 0151. Alternate forms that result in type changes are included for convenience. Mega evolutions and regional forms are included on the pages for the generation in which they were introduced.
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