Why can't i hear game chat on PS4?

Troubleshoot PS4 console audio settings If you're having trouble with voice chat, try adjusting the following settings. Go to Settings > Devices > Audio Devices > Output Devices. If you are using headphones, select Output to Headphones to select what sound comes through headphones.
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Why can't I hear anyone in game chat PS4?

Look for the Mute Game Voice Chat option. If the Mute Game Voice Chat option is checked, uncheck that box. PLEASE NOTE: There is also a Mute All Microphones setting. If this option is checked, this setting will mute your mic, even if the mic is unmuted on the headset itself.
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Why can't i hear my game on PS4?

No audio output from your PS4 console? Make sure your screen and any other audio devices aren't muted and that the volume is loud enough. Make sure your PS4 console audio output is set to an HDMI device.
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How to unmute game voice chat PS4?

To mute or unmute your microphone, highlight your name and press the OPTIONS button. In-game chat is enabled. You cannot hear the audio from the party, and the party cannot hear your voice. To switch to party audio, select [Party Settings] > [Chat Audio].
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Why is my PS4 mute?

Check the audio settings on your PS4: Go to the Settings menu on your PS4, select "Sound and Screen," and then "Audio Output Settings." Ensure that the correct audio output is selected (e.g., HDMI Out or Digital Out) and that the volume levels are appropriately set.
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Why when playing a game viewers say they Cannot hear the game audio?

Why when playing a game, viewers say they cannot hear the game audio? Make sure that the audio source itself is not muted or too low where it cannot be heard. If it is still an issue, make sure that you have added the source to which the game is playing through.
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How do I hear my voice on PS4?

Depending on the screen, you can use the L2 button on the controller to enable and disable the voice recognition feature. To use the voice recognition feature, select (Settings) > [System] > [Voice Operation Settings], and then select the checkbox for [Operate PS4 with Voice].
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Why can't anyone hear me on Fortnite PS4?

Check your Fortnite voice chat channels

Make sure you're in the right voice chat channel. If you're in the incorrect channel this may cause issues with you being able to hear teammates if you are cross-playing on multiple platforms.
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Why can't I hear my friends on my headset?

The problem could be either the jack or the headphones you're using or the audio settings of the device. ... Just open up the audio settings on your device and check the volume level as well as any others settings that might mute the sound.
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Does PS4 support voice chat?

Use (Party) to voice chat with your Friends and other players. You can start parties while you're playing games or using other applications. While voice chatting with other players in the party, you can each play the same game, or use Share Play to share your screen and enjoy gameplay together.
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Why can't my stream hear my teammates in game chat?

If you are unable to hear yourself or others on your broadcast. Please review the Privacy and Online Safety Settings for your account. Check your settings and make sure you allow audio to be shared outside of Xbox Live. In addition, members of your party must also opt-in to share their voice chat on stream.
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Why can't i hear my game in party chat?

Game or app audio becomes inaudible during voice chat

To adjust the level of sound while communicating, adjust the Chat mixer settings: Press the Xbox button  to open the guide, then select Profile & system > Settings > General > Volume & audio output.
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Why can't I hear the sound of my game?

Make sure your device is not muted and that the volume is high enough. Make sure your music player is turned off. Try plugging in and unplugging your headphones.
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Why can't I hear people talk on my PS4?

Troubleshoot PS4 console audio settings

If you're having trouble with voice chat, try adjusting the following settings. Go to Settings > Devices > Audio Devices > Output Devices. If you are using headphones, select Output to Headphones to select what sound comes through headphones.
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How to reset audio settings on PS4?

You can set the format of audio output from the PS4 console.
  1. Go to Settings > Sound and Screen.
  2. Select Audio Output Settings > Audio Format(Priority). The default setting is Linear PCM.
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How do I fix my voice chat on PS4?

Help with voice chat on PlayStation
  1. Restart Your PlayStation.
  2. Review Game Audio Settings.
  3. Review Microphone and Audio Settings.
  4. Check Devices Connected to Your PlayStation.
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How to unmute PS4 mic?

How To Unmute Mic On PS4 – A Comprehensive Guide
  1. Step 1: Go to Your Settings. ...
  2. Step 2: Choose Audio Devices. ...
  3. Step 3: Select Input Device. ...
  4. Step 4: Check Your PlayStation Camera Settings. ...
  5. Step 5: Explore Microphone Options. ...
  6. Step 6: Unmute Your Mic. ...
  7. Step 7: Test Your Unmuted Mic.
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Why is my headset not working on PS4?

Make sure the USB wireless adapter is firmly plugged into the console's USB port. Turn off your headset and turn it back on. Remove unused wireless adapters from the other USB ports. Make sure there are no other wireless devices near the adapter that may be causing interference.
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