Why can't I hit Alduin in Skyrim?

You need to hit Alduin with Dragonrend. When you do, he will start to glow and then he will be forced to land. Only then can your attacks hurt him. Parthurnaax tells you this during the battle as well.
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Why can't I do damage to Alduin?

Although Paarthurnax will spar with Alduin in the air, Alduin cannot be damaged until you ground him with Dragonrend. A single tap of the shout button will do a single-charge version of the shout that can still effectively stun Alduin after he is already grounded.
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At what level should I fight Alduin?

If you fight him at levels 30-50, then just use the same strategy as against other dragons. As for Alduin's attacks, he has four of them: Fire Breath - The dragon breathes fire at you, causing huge damage and inflicting lingering damage.
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How long do you have to wait for Alduin?

Bug: It is possible that Alduin will not appear after Gormlaith Golden-Hilt's warning. This causes the three Nord heroes stuck looking at the sky. Solution: fast travel to another location and attempt to read the scroll. After this wait for 24 hours and the quest should work as intended.
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Can you befriend Alduin?

Certain named Dragons cannot be tamed (Alduin, Sahloknir, Paarthurnax, Durnehviir, and the Skeletal Dragon in Labyrinthian).
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Skyrim ٠ What happens if you kill Alduin in Helgen

How do you fix the Time-Wound glitch in Skyrim?

The bug section of the wiki says to fast travel away from the time wound and read the scroll in a different location. Then wait 24 hours in game, then fast travel back and try again. I did that a few times, completed several quests while I was at it and even dummy read the scroll as well.
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Is Alduin the hardest boss?

By all accounts, the frightening Alduin should be the baddest boss of them all, but by the time the player reaches Sovngarde, the threat is somewhat lessened.
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Do you get anything after defeating Alduin?

Dragonrend and stuns can definitely help bring Alduin down. Once Alduin is dead, talk to Tsun and he will teach you a new Shout and send you on your merry way back to the living world. You should end up at the Throat of the World with many dragons surrounding you.
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Is Alduin the final boss?

Skyrim Final Boss fight - Alduin - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. A clip of the final boss fight in the game (main story) against Alduin.
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Why is Alduin so weak in Skyrim?

One of the most interesting theories offered as to why Alduin might be so underwhelmingly weak at the end of the game is the fact that since he's denying his fate as the World-Eater and planning on taking over the province instead, he has given up his powers and abilities.
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Can you loot Alduin?

It is impossible to loot Alduin, even though the option presents itself while his body dissipates. However, it is possible to harvest dragon heartscales from him. Alduin's soul is not absorbed. You can later discuss the ramifications of this with Arngeir unless you have antagonized him by killing Paarthurnax.
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How do I start the Alduin quest?

To kick off the Alduin's Wall quest, you should journey to the quiet town of Riverwood that you first arrived at near the very beginning of Skyrim, and meet Esbern there. Head inside the Sleeping Giant Inn with him, and you'll meet up with Delphine in the secret hideout through the back left door of the inn.
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Is there no reward for killing Alduin?

He's mostly just a bit stronger than an average dragon in-game, not much else to him other than a unique endgame boss “death” animation. You don't get dragon bones or scales. No magical item or quest reward. You don't even get a dragon soul, because you never technically killed Alduin at all.
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Is Killing Alduin the last quest?

With the assistance of the original Nord heroes who banished him, the Dragonborn must ensure that Alduin is destroyed and can no longer threaten the world. It is the final quest in the main story of Skyrim.
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Do dragons stop attacking after defeating Alduin?

Dragon attacks become less frequent but still continue as some dragons remain loyal to Alduin. Story wise keeping Paarthurnax alive should reduce the number of dragons loyal to Alduin, but since that is optional the game largely ignores that choice. They never stop.
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How many times do I fight Alduin?

Well if you're talking about how many times you can fight alduin it's 2, like the previous answer said.
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Do all dragons disappear after killing Alduin?

Short answer: They can't. His death does not kill all dragons.
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What does Alduin say when he dies?

So the last words Alduin say after defeating him are “Zu'u unslaad! Zu'u nis oblaan” and after researching what it means it actually translates into “I am eternal!
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Is Miraak the final boss?

Miraak is the main antagonist of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. He is the final boss and is the archnemesis of Takes-In-Fire, the last Dragonborn.
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Is Alduin good or bad?

He is the eldest son of the main god in the series, Akatosh, the god of time, and his evil counterpart.
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Who is the strongest character in Skyrim?

While the strongest person in Skyrim is almost always going to be the Dragonborn (followed by enemies), the humans in the Old Kingdom aren't exactly weak and useless. On the contrary, several humans are essential components of the Dragonborn's journey from the execution block to Sovngarde.
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Why won't Alduin show up in the Elder Scroll?

You just have to reload- it's a common bug, and that is the only known way to fix it at the moment.
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Why doesn't Dragonrend work on Alduin?

It happens on any dragon really. Also Alduin's special Dragonskin passive prevents all damage when he's not effected by Dragonrend...even if you use ranged attacks because he refuses to land, he still has to be rended (glowing blue) to be damaged. If He's Not Surrounded By A Purple Haze, Then That Means You Missed.
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What is the final Skyrim quest?

Skyrim's main quest line consists of seventeen required quests and three optional quests. During these quests, you discover your heritage as the Dovahkiin, learn why dragons have returned to the world, and find a way to respond to the dragon threat. Dragonslayer is the last main quest.
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