Why did my villagers stop moving?

Description. Villagers become unable to move when their workstation is placed nearby. Placing the workstation will cause villagers to freeze immediately, and they will only return to normal once the workstation has been broken.
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Why did my villagers stop working?

Villagers need their beds

Apart from the jobsite, they have a link to their beds as well. Not having this item massively affects what they can or cannot do. Hence, if a villager is not willing to take up any job, there is a chance they might not have a bed.
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Why are my villagers frozen in place?

Nine times out of ten, the "stuck" villager is stuck because of player error . . . usually building their buildings too close to each other and blocking exits/entrances.
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Why won t my villager take a profession?

They won't take any form of profession until after they have linked with a bed. If the villager is not linked with a bed, they won't be able to take a job. Place a bed near the villager and give them a few seconds to link with it. Once linked, they should be able to take on a profession.
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Why are my villagers not trading anymore?

Villagers have a limited number of trades per day, so if you've exhausted all of their trades, they won't restock until the next day. Another possibility is that there aren't enough available workstations for all of your villagers.
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ACNH Little Tips #15: STOP Villagers from Moving!

How do you fix villagers not trading?

Workstation and bed: Each villager needs a linked workstation and a bed to restock. Make sure each villager has its own and both are accessible. Time of day: Villagers restock once per day, usually when they wake up in the morning. Wait until daylight and check again.
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Do villagers need to sleep to reset trades?

To briefly answer your question, No they do not need beds to restock. They do need beds to breed and reproduce though. However, since your question is about restocking, nope they do not need beds. In order to make a villager restock his trades, all you need to do is give him prior access to a job block.
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How do you force a villager profession?

If you want a certain job, you'll need to place the job block that corresponds with the desired job next to an Unemployed Villager. The job assigned to the villager will determine what trades they will offer. If you don't have an Unemployed Villager, you can destroy the job block a villager is using.
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Can a villager lose its profession?

Removal of a claimed job site block causes the owner to switch to another profession or become unemployed, provided that the villager has no prior trades with the player. If the villager has prior trades, it keeps its profession and claims a new job site block that matches its profession if one is available.
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How do you make a villager get a profession?

How do you assign jobs to villagers in Minecraft? Just place the corresponding job block next to them. It will take a while for them to react to it, and they may choose other job blocks around them. I once had this pesky villager that insisted he be a butcher, instead of a cartographer like I wanted.
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What block attracts villagers?

You can do that using a mod in which showing a emerald block to villager make them follow you until you put it down……
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What causes villagers to panic?

If a zombie/pillager is seen by villagers, they panic and increase the rate of spawn attempts.
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Can too many villagers cause lag?

Having around 15-20 villagers in one area pathfinding at once is enough to cause a lot of lag even on a good pc that has no performance issues.
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Can villagers lose their jobs in Minecraft?

Villager professions in Minecraft are attached to their job site blocks. Without access to these blocks, villagers essentially remain unemployed. Removing a job site block will also remove its connected villager's profession.
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Why are villagers not happy?

There are a handful of things that have an impact on your villagers' mood. The most important things are food, water, firewood and a home, of course.
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Will a villager forget you hit them?

In Minecraft, if you accidentally hit a villager, they will become mad at you. However, they will eventually forgive you and return to their normal behavior. The duration of their anger depends on the specific circumstances.
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What does killing a villager do?

Indirectly killing a villager doesn't affect your reputation. You can drown them, suffocate them, burn them in lava, push them off a cliff, and even feed them to zombies and as long as you're not dealing direct damage it won't matter.
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Do villagers forget you cure them?

Normally, a villager being cured multiple times can offer a heavier trading discount than one being cured once. However, when one save & quit the game while a villager is still being cured, upon returning to the game the villager will forget whether it has been cured before.
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Can you force a villager to move in?

A villager who has decided to move will suddenly have their belongings packed in boxes, at which point the player may ask them to stay, or a visiting player may invite the villager to move to their town. Sending a letter with a present attached to a villager who is 'in boxes' can sometimes force them to stay.
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Can villagers with jobs breed?

§ Baby villagers require beds with at least 2 empty blocks above the head (note that mobs view slabs as full blocks for pathfinding, so putting upper half slabs above a bed invalidates the bed). Job sites, jobs, doors, windows, or roofs are not required for villagers to breed.
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How do you cure a zombie villager?

Steps to Cure a Zombie Villager
  1. Use a Splash Potion of Weakness. First, find the zombie villager and a safe place to cure it. ...
  2. Use a Golden Apple. Now that you have weakened the zombie villager, select a golden apple in your hotbar. ...
  3. Place a Work Table. ...
  4. Villager will offer Discounted Trades.
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How do villagers breed?

Villagers need to be in close proximity and have an inventory full of food before they'll breed (either 3 loaves of bread, or 12 carrots, beetroot, or potatoes). Trading with villagers also increases their happiness level and makes them more willing to breed.
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Can villagers Despawn?

Distance from Village: Villagers need to be within the boundaries of a village to retain their profession and avoid despawning. If a villager wanders too far from the village or gets separated from it, they may despawn. Make sure there is a valid village nearby and that the traded villagers are within its range.
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