Why didn t Charizard respect Ash?

After evolving into Charmeleon, his happy personality and loyalty disappeared because Charmeleon's own skill level exceeded that of Ash's and as such, he disrespected him, becoming arrogant, overconfident and prideful.
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Why does Charizard disobey Ash?

Charizard doesn't take anyone's orders because he doesn't respect them. Despite the fact that Ash helped Charizard and risked his life for him, Charizard's level makes him view Ash as a weakling undeserving of his acknowledgment.
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Does Charizard ever respect Ash?

Charizard initially disobeyed Ash because it didn't respect him as a trainer. However, over time, Ash worked hard to gain Charizard's trust and respect by putting in extra effort to help him in battles, saving him from danger, and showing him kindness.
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Why doesn t Charmeleon obey in Ash gray?

When he evolve into Charmeleon, he lost his fear and considering itself as proud. He gained self-pride and was considering itself as strong pokemon. Thus he was arrogant, and didn't listened Ash's orders. Later it evolved into a Charizard to prove its strength in front of a Aerodactyl.
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Why did Charizard not obey Ash reddit?

I think Charizard wanted to be the best after the truama of being abandoned but maybe on some level wanted to see if Ash really would stick by them as well and is also really Ash's only (strong) final stage Pokemon . So they stopped caring unless he felt the threat was "worthy" of them.
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Why did Charmander stop listening to Ash?

In Pokemon for the trainer to command the Pokemon the Pokemon must respect the trainer. However, in The Problem with Paras, it was revealed that Charmeleon was no longer loyal to Ash. Cassandra's grandmother explained that Charmeleon's skill level had exceeded Ash's, and therefore it did not respect him.
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When did Charizard start respecting Ash?

It wasn't until Episode 105, "Charizard Chills," that things started to change for the better. In this episode, Ash, having collected three of the four Orange Island Badges, was challenged by another trainer named Tad.
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Why doesn t Ash use gengar?

After Ash had won the battle, Gengar joined him and the rest of his team for the awards ceremony. Ash left Gengar, along with the rest of his Journeys team, at Professor Oak's Laboratory sometime prior to The Road Most Traveled!, as he decided he wanted to start rotating his team for his new journey.
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Why did Ash's Squirtle not evolve?

It's obvious why Squirtle did not evolve. It was part of the Squirtle Squad, Even though he left for a while, he still knew he would return. So he did not evolve. Ash's Bulbasaur did not want to evolve.
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Why Charizard is not a dragon type?

Even though Charizard gains the Flying secondary type instead of the Dragon type upon evolving, it belongs to the Dragon Egg Group, learns Dragon moves like Dragon Claw, and has its Flying type replaced by Dragon in its "Mega Charizard X" form.
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Why did Ash release Greninja?

In episode 46 of the XYZ season, "Facing the Needs of the Many!", Ash released Greninja in order to assist Zygarde and Squishy in destroying some of the remaining roots of the Giant Rock, which threatened to destroy Kalos and the whole world.
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Why did Bulbasaur leave Ash?

Bulbasaur was separated from Ash in Island of the Giant Pokémon-along with Pikachu, Charmander, and Squirtle-after a group of Gyarados sent them flying with Dragon Rage. During the separation, Bulbasaur was pessimistic about their Trainers whereabouts, believing he may have abandoned them.
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Is Ash's Charizard weak?

He is strong, but some opponents gain the upper hand because they are at a different level. You may think Ash's Charizard is weak because he only used to sleep and did not train after evolution. But now he's strong and can give a good fight to other pokemon.
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Why did Ash Charizard cry?

Once Ash released the captured originals to confront the clones, Charizard battled the cloned Charizard once again but ended the battle to cry for Ash after his sacrifice to try and stop the battle between Mew and Mewtwo.
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What is Ash's strongest Pokémon?

This update adds five more Pokemon of Ash's that have proven to be the strongest.
  • 8 Dracovish. ...
  • 7 Goodra. ...
  • 6 Infernape. ...
  • 5 Lucario. ...
  • 4 Sceptile. Battle Win Rate: 60% (29/48) ...
  • 3 Greninja. Battle Win Rate: 87% (47/55) ...
  • 2 Charizard. Battle Win Rate: 70% (33/47) ...
  • 1 Pikachu. Battle Win Rate: 89% (479/538)
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Who does Charizard hate?

Why does Charizard hate Ash Ketchum but later he started liking him? Charizard never hated Ash. When he evolved from Charmeleon he found himself having immense power as compared to his colleagues namely Pikachu , Bulbasaur, etc. Therefore he started considering himself to be the strongest of all of them.
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Why did Ash's Bulbasaur never evolve?

In universe, it's simply because Bulbasaur doesn't want to. As many have said, no one can, and it is especially not in Ash's character to do so, to force their Pokemon to evolve. Outside of the anime universe, we all know it's because the anime is mainly used for advertisement.
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Why did Bulbasaur refuse to evolve?

Bulbasaur and Squirtle May Have Decided Not to Evolve

The fan argues that, upon seeing this drastic change in their friend's personality, Bulbasaur and Squirtle were so horrified that they swore never to evolve, lest they end up the same way.
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Why did Ash Pikachu never evolved?

Summary. Pikachu's refusal to evolve was due to his determination to win and prove himself as a Pikachu, staying true to who he is. Pikachu's decision to not evolve fits the narrative of being great without changing, teaching young viewers an important lesson.
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Is gengar a dead clefable?

The theory is that gengar is the ghost of a clefable, rather than its shadow. It somehow aquired the poison typing after being killed with a poison move.
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What Pokémon did Ash refuse to evolve?

Bulbasaur is the second Pokémon Ash owns that chose not to evolve, the first being Pikachu, but he is the first Pokémon that Ash caught that chose not to evolve because Bulbasaur was not ready to evolve yet. Pikachu wants to prove that he can defeat stronger Pokémon without evolving.
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Did Ash give up his Charizard?

In episode 134 Charizard's Burning Ambitions Ash left his Charizard in Charicific Valley in Jonto region for living with his own kind and train. He returns in multiple occasions to help Ash in his battles and returns to the Charicific Valley.
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Why is Ash's Charizard so strong?

Despite Charizard initially barely listening to Ash, even costing him a victory in the Indigo League back in Kanto, Charizard eventually underwent through special training with other stronger Charizard back in Charicific Valley; a valley built and made with the purpose of training Charizard's specifically.
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Can Charizard beat dragonite?

However, if we include competitive prowess, Charizard comes out on top. Thanks to it's 2 megas, Charizard can shift between a forceful physical Dragon and a devastating special Drought user. So, Charizard is a loser in base form, but if it has the mega stones, it can outclass Dragonite.
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