Why do I have only 4 characters in Vampire Survivors?

Vampire Survivors is a game that keeps on giving so long as you persevere. In the beginning, you only have access to a limited number of characters and weapons. The more playthroughs you clear the more unlocks you get: which includes items, weapons, and exciting new characters.
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How many characters are in Vampire Survivors?

Characters are what the player controls to move around in a stage. Each character starts with its own unique weapon(s) and passive bonus. There are currently 70 official playable characters, 17 of which are secret characters, and 25 of which being DLC characters.
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Can you have more than 6 items in Vampire Survivors?

The player can select up to six different passive items from level ups, but it is possible to carry more by picking up passive items that generate with the stage. Most passive items must be unlocked before they can be offered to the player.
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How do you unlock more levels in Vampire Survivors?

Those maps need you to unlock hyper mode on the 30 minute maps which you do by beating the 25 minute bosses on the map. If your missing normal map you need to reach level X on them.
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How do you unlock character stage 4 in Vampire Survivors?

Gallo Tower is the fourth stage in Vampire Survivors. This stage can be unlocked by reaching level 60 in Dairy Plant. Alternatively, Gallo Tower can be unlocked in the Forbidden Scrolls of Morbane by casting the spell "everywhere".
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ALL Secret Characters And Codes In Vampire Survivors

Who is the hardest character in Vampire Survivors?

Toastie is a secret character with passive bonuses, let's call them penalties in Toastie's case, which make it the most difficult character to use in Vampire Survivors. This character's passive bonuses are; +10% Cooldown, +20% MoveSpeed, -99 Max Health, -50% Speed, +100% Luck, and -10% to Area, Might, and Duration.
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Does Vampire Survivors have an end?

Cappella Magna is the fifth and final stage for Vampire Survivors, and it's one of the hardest. The difficulty is primarily due to all the different reapers that chase you around throughout the level.
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How do you unlock level 5 in Vampire Survivors?

Cappella Magna is the fifth stage in Vampire Survivors. This stage can be unlocked after reaching level 80 in Gallo Tower. Alternatively, Cappella Magna can be unlocked in the Forbidden Scrolls of Morbane by casting the spell "everywhere".
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What is the hardest unlock in Vampire Survivors?

8 Hardest Achievements To Unlock In Vampire Survivors
  • 8 Omni.
  • 7 Candybox.
  • 6 Game Killer.
  • 5 Victory Sword.
  • 4 Tiny Bridge.
  • 3 Seal.
  • 2 Greatest Jubilee.
  • 1 Queen Sigma.
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Can you have 7 weapons in Vampire Survivors?

Every character can have up to 6 different weapons at a time.
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What is the secret level in Vampire Survivors?

Holy Forbidden is a hidden stage in Vampire Survivors, temporarily accessible immediately after surviving 14 minutes in Moongolow with a standard character, other than Sir Ambrojoe, Divano, Gallo, or Zi'Assunta and defeating a special angel-like boss.
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What is the max armor in Vampire Survivors?

Armor's associated passive item is Armor, which increases Armor by 1 per level, up to a maximum of +5 Armor at level 5.
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How long does it take to 100% Vampire Survivors?

The estimated time to complete all 140 Vampire Survivors achievements is 40-50 hours. This estimate is based on the modal completion time from 1862 TrueAchievements members that have completed the game.
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What is the 30 minute limit in Vampire Survivors?

Sessions of Vampire Survivors have a soft time limit of 15, 20 or 30 minutes, depending on the stage chosen. At the time limit, the stage is cleared of all enemies and a final, tremendously strong enemy named The Reaper will spawn.
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Who is the imposter in Vampire Survivors?

Impostor Rina is one of the playable characters from the Emergency Meeting DLC of Vampire Survivors. Their starting weapon is Sharp Tongue.
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How do I unlock stage 6 Vampire Survivors?

Tiny Bridge is the sixth challenge stage in Vampire Survivors. This stage can be unlocked by reaching level 80 in Inverse Gallo Tower. Alternatively, Tiny Bridge can be unlocked in the Forbidden Scrolls of Morbane by casting the Spell "recyclethetower".
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How do you unlock the secret menu in Vampire Survivors?

In order to access the "Secrets" menu on the title screen, you first need to unlock the "The Bone Zone" Challenge map. To do so, you must unlock Hyper Mode for 3 of the initial maps: Mad Forest, Inlaid Library, Dairy Plant, and Gallo Tower.
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What is the end of Vampire Survivors?

At the 30:00 mark of Cappella Magna, the background fades to black and a short cutscene plays, depicting all the Reapers (excluding White Hand) flying towards the top of the screen and merging into a single entity. When The Ender finally spawns, the background is changed into a swirling purple and white void.
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Will Vampire Survivors get DLC?

Legacy of the Moonspell is an expansion DLC for Vampire Survivors.
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Does quitting Vampire Survivors lose progress?

The QUIT button is hidden in OPTIONS menu. You keep money even if you die or quit with that button. Yup, unlike most games, if you quit out you keep everything you unlocked and gained along the way; achievements, money, secrets, unlockables, etc.
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Who is the unkillable enemy in Vampire Survivors?

When the screen stops zooming in, White Death, the true final boss in Vampire Survivors, will appear to end your run. White Death is unkillable, takes no damage, and their unsurvivable attack will wipe you out in an instant.
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What happens if you pick too easy Vampire Survivors?

If you pick "Too Easy", it will give you the Relic. If you picked the other answer, you will receive this Relic when you enter the stage the second time.
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