Why do I randomly get extra estus in Dark Souls?

If somebody kindles a bonfire in the area you are in you get an extra estus. This is completly random. Normally you only get one. And this mechanic exists since the beginning of dark souls 1.
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Why do I sometimes have 10 estus?

Bonfires with Firekeepers Present

If there is a visible Firekeeper who controls the flame of a Bonfire, that fire as standard will give you ten Estus Flasks. All other standard Bonfires will give you 5.
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Why do I randomly get Estus Flasks in Dark Souls 3?

I've only seen this happen when killing an enemy. Normally when you kill an enemy, their souls travel to you in a smoky trail. When you get estus from a kill, you can see it because the soul trail is orange and then an orange cloud briefly appears around your character.
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How did I get 20 Estus Flasks?

The Bonfires with a Fire Keeper present is kindled by default, providing 10 flasks. After acquiring the Rite of Kindling the bonfires can be kindled again for a total of 15 "swigs", and a third time for a maximum amount of 20.
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Do you get more estus in Dark Souls 1?

Certain bonfires like Firelink will already give you 10 flasks from the start. a) git gud and you won't need to use them as frequently :p. b) restoring your humanity and kindling a bonfire will make it grant 5 more estus flasks each time it is kindled, up to a total of 20 estus flasks.
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How To Get More Heals in Dark Souls Remastered - Kindle Bonfires

Why do I sometimes have 11 Estus Flasks?

If you have the Rite of Kindling you can kindle bonfires above 10 flasks. what he is talking about is what happens when someone else online kindles the same fire you are working out of. If someone kindles your fire you get a bonus flask, and these can put you over whatever your current kindle is giving.
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Do bonfires stay kindled?

They sure do. Make sure you go through and kindle the important ones up to 20, because NG+ is much harder. I would also advise you go around and kill all the NPCs as well, since your guilt is reset. Plenty of free humanity and fire keeper souls, just don't kill your covenant leader since your current one won't reset.
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Where are all 15 Estus Shards?

Dark Souls 3 - Estus Shard locations
  • Firelink Shrine. This one is well hidden, and also requires an investment of Souls to gain access to the area. ...
  • High Wall of Lothric. ...
  • Foot of the High Wall. ...
  • Road of Sacrifices. ...
  • Cathedral of the Deep. ...
  • Farron Keep. ...
  • Catacombs of Carthus. ...
  • Irithyll Dungeon.
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What is the max Estus Flask ds1?

The maximum amount of times an Estus flask can be upgraded is seven times. Only seven fire keeper souls can be obtained in one game.
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What does reverse hollowing do?

Being human (reverse hollowing) also allows other players and NPCs to invade you which is a critical part of the fun. You have to be human to invade others. It also unlocks special "adult only" scenes that you can't get when you are ugly. Reverse hollow makes u human, so u can summon other players.
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How do I get my 10 Estus Flask back?

You need to kindle bonfire to get 10 or more estus. And you need humanity for it. Most bonfires are unkindled, and they only give five. If you kindle a fire using humanity it gives +5 estus permanently when you rest at it, great way to make an area easier.
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What does Estus Flask +1 do?

When you burn an Undead bone Shard at fire link the +1 is added to your Estus Flast it makes each flask you dring heal you more.
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Does Demon Souls have estus?

In Demon's Souls, there are no Estus Flasks or Blood Vials. Instead, you can find various 'Grasses' that restore your health. In the PS5 version of the game, the Grasses that restore the most health will weigh more, so be sure to keep an eye on your item load when picking them up.
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How do you kindle to 20 in Dark Souls?

With the Rite of Kindling, all bonfires may be kindled up to three times for a total of 20 Estus Flask charges. Each act of kindling requires one Humanity.
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Is kindling permanent?

Kindling is essentially a permanent change in the sensitivity of the brain to a stimulus. It therefore follows that the biological basis for kindling must be a permanent change. Permanent changes in neurotransmitter levels or receptor parameters have not been conclusively demonstrated in kindling.
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Why do I only have 5 flasks in Dark Souls?

At most Bonfires, except for Firelink Shrine and Anor Londo, you'll only have five Flasks when you rest. However, there is a way to strengthen these bonfires and get a maximum of 20 at any certain Bonfire. To do this, you need to go through The Catacombs and killing the boss Pinwheel to attain the Rite of Kindling.
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How do you become a human in Dark Souls?

To become human, you need to rest at a bonfire and select “Reverse Hollowing.” You'll consume a single “soft” Humanity from the upper left of your screen — 11 will become 10, and you'll look like a normal person until something kills you and you go back to being a Hollow.
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What happens if you use a Fire Keeper Soul?

When consumed, the Fire Keeper Soul will grant the user with 5 units of humanity, and restore full health. Consuming is not recommended because of its limited benefits, while upgrading flasks provides permanent benefits.
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How many times can you kindle a bonfire Dark Souls?

At the start of the game you can only kindle once, to get 10 Estus, but after you defeat a certain boss later on you can kindle 2 more times for a total of 20 Estus flask uses.
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How do you refill Estus?

Sit at the bonfire, and it'll replenish back up to 5.
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Is there an Estus Shard in Firelink Shrine?

Continue walking on the roof and proceed until you see another archway. You'll now be on top of Firelink Shrine, and you can find the Estus Shard on a narrow walkway situated above the Firelink Shrine bonfire.
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Is Estus bottled fire?

"Estus is essentially bottled fire. In the world of Dark Souls, fire is symbolic of life and the power thereof. The current Age, the age of gods (Gwyn, Seath, Nito, The Witch of Izalith, The Pygmy), is also known as The Age of Fire. When you rest at a bonfire, you capture some of its flame in your Estus Flask.
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Can you warp to demon ruins?

How to get to Demon Ruins. Demon Ruins is accessible from Quelaag's Domain, just under where you rang the second bell, you can warp there after getting the Lordvessel by travelling to the Quelaag's Domain hidden bonfire. So proceed down from Quelaag's Domain and into this fiery hellscape.
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Can you fast travel in ds1?

You can unlock fast travel after you have beaten the boss in Anor Londo. Right now you're far away from it. To get back from Blighttown to Firelink Shrine you can use the wooden wheel , that works as an elevator and will bring you back quite fast.
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Are bonfires pagan?

Most Christian scholars attribute the association of the bonfires with celebrations of the feast of a saint to pagan, pre-Christian practices which were later adopted by the local people to their new religion. Indeed, the Celtics made bonfires to honor some of their deities and spirits.
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