Why do Pokémon lose stats when traded?

Normally, certain Pokémon, such as Legendary Pokémon, are obtained with Individual Values that can not be lower than a 10. However, trading one of those to a friend, may result in any stat being lower than a 10, as trades have different lower IV bounds based on Friendship level.
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Why do Pokémon lose IV when traded?

Yes, IVs Do Change When Trading

This means you won't get the exact same stats that the Pokémon originally had. It's like a surprise every time you trade! The game randomly recalculates the IVs for each Pokémon traded. Factors like your friendship level with the person you're trading with can influence the new IVs.
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Why do Pokémon get weaker when traded in Pokemon GO?

A traded Pokemon level will be adjusted to the maximum power up level the recipient can perform. If you try to trade a higher level Pokemon to someone who can't normally power up to that level, the Pokemon's level will go down.
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Do Pokémon lose EVs when traded?

Niantic gutted this possibility by randomizing both Pokemon's IVs on trade and preventing traded Pokemon from being traded again. Instead of a means to shift high IV Pokemon between accounts, trading is more of a one-time chance to re-roll a Pokemon's IVs.
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Do traded Pokémon still level up faster?

As is tradition in main series Pokémon games, Pokémon traded from other players or in-game Trainers gain boosted experience and level up more quickly than Pokémon that are native to your copy of the game.
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Why do stats go down when trading Pokémon?

Normally, certain Pokémon, such as Legendary Pokémon, are obtained with Individual Values that can not be lower than a 10. However, trading one of those to a friend, may result in any stat being lower than a 10, as trades have different lower IV bounds based on Friendship level.
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Are Pokémon weaker if you use rare candy?

Rare Candies provide no Stat Exp; Pokémon who are raised using this item will therefore tend to be weaker than those who are trained in battle. If you've used Rare Candies on some of your Pokémon, don't worry. Stat Exp can be accumulated at any time, even at L100 when normal EXP stops increasing.
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Do 4 * Pokémon stay 4 * when traded?

When Pokémon are traded, their Individual Values (IVs) remain unchanged, ensuring that their inherent stats and qualities aren't altered during a trade, even in touch trades. Once the Pokémon returns to its original trainer, its IVs and core attributes remain as they were before the trade.
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Are Pokémon caught with 0 EVs?

A pokemon will never have or gain EVs unless it's fed a vitamin or wing (carbos, protein,health wing, muscle wing etc) or gains exp from battle.
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How to get lucky trade in Pokemon GO?

When you are Lucky Friends with someone, the next time you trade with each other, both Pokémon will become Lucky Pokémon. After the trade, your Lucky Friend status will be cleared. You can try to become Lucky Friends again by increasing your Friendship.
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Does CP matter when trading?

Note that the CP, HP, and other stats will change when you trade. The Pokémon's new CP and HP will appear as a range. Additionally, trading certain Pokémon may affect how much Candy is required to evolve that specific Pokémon.
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Why do traded Pokémon disobey?

A Pokémon received via trade won't obey your orders until you impress it with the Gym Badges you've earned by defeating Sinnoh's Gym Leaders. At the start of the game, you can only effectively use traded Pokémon of up to Lv.
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Can you trade the same Pokémon twice?

A traded Pokémon cannot be traded again, preventing unfair advantages.
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Why would you want a 0 IV Pokémon?

In general, having 0 Attack IVs on a Special Attacking Pokémon is a luxury, not a necessity-- it matters in very few scenarios. Those scenarios are 1) if your opponent has the move Foul Play, or 2) if your Pokémon might get confused and hit itself in confusion.
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Can a 2 star Pokémon become a 3 star?

However, purifying the Shadow Pokemon will give it a boost in CP and cost less Candy to evolve. In addition to this, a Purified Pokemon receives 2 points for all their IVs. This means it's possible for a Pokemon to go from 3 to 4 stars, 2 to 3 stars, etc.
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Is it worth keeping low IV Pokémon?

While low-IV Pokemon won't be ideal for high-end gameplay, they're still a great way for newer Pokemon GO players to make progress in the game by being used in gym attacks/defense, Team GO Rocket battles, and even the occasional low-end raid such as those found in Tier-1 and Tier-3.
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How rare is a 0 Pokemon?

However 0% pokemon are even rarer than 100% pokemon, since the former can never come from raids, eggs, research tasks or trades. I have a 0% Houndour and Sandshrew. I wish i'd thought of collecting them at an earlier date, i've probably binned one or two 0% pidgeys without knowing.
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How many HP up to max EV?

Each stat has 252 EV points allotted to be maxed out. So defeating 252 Skwovet will max out the HP stat. In past Pokémon games, this was made easier by hordes or double battles allowing for faster training.
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What is the most EVs a Pokemon can have?

Pokemon can only gain a total of 510 EVs spread throughout all six stats, and only a max of 252 EVs can make it onto one stat.
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Do Lucky Pokémon have better stats?

Lucky Pokemon also have High IVs, with the lowest IV capability being 12/12/12. IVs are the measurement of power within a Pokemon, with the three stats of Attack, Defense, and Stamina. These “Individual Values” can greatly benefit a Lucky Pokemon's power when it comes to Raids or other battles.
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What Pokémon cannot be traded in Pokemon GO?

Pokemon That Cannot Be Traded
  • Mythical Pokemon. Celebi. Darkrai. Deoxys (any form) Diancie. Genesect (any Drive) ...
  • Shadow Pokemon.
  • Eggs.
  • Current Buddies.
  • Pokemon currently defending a Gym.
  • Pokemon that are fainted or not at full health.
  • Pokemon that have already been traded.
  • Pokemon obtained through hacking, botting, or spoofing.
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What does 3 * 4 * mean in Pokémon?

1* = 1 Star. 2* = 2 Stars. 3* = 3 Stars. 4* = 3 Stars with a red background / 100% Pokémon.
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Does stopping a Pokémon from evolving make it weaker?

Stats, no. Moves, sometimes. The level you evolve your pokemon at has no bearing at all on the stats that the evolved pokemon will have. The main reason to evolve at different levels has to do with the moves that pokemon learn.
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Are daycare Pokémon weaker?

They tend to be weaker than Pokemon that are trained by battles, but it all depends on how long you stick them in there for. It does, but as long as you don't raise them to 100, you can just pick the EVs you want from wild battles.
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Is it bad to use XP candies?

Rare/Exp. candies just raise the level or experience of your Pokémon without the EV gain. It's always been like that, they never had other effects on your Pokémon.
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