Why does Hudson betray Mason?

Some time before the operation started, Menendez managed to capture 10-year-old David Mason and used him against Hudson. Hudson was forced to relay false information to Mason and Woods, who only had just managed to capture Noriega, also known as Objective False Profit, saying that he had intel on a Nexus target.
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Why did Hudson betray Mason?

He was forced to betray Mason by Menendez. I am not too sure on who was the mole in the CIA, but it could have been the reason why David was captured by menendez to start the betrayal.
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Why does no one like Hudson?

Woods has a strong hatred for Hudson, presumably due to him being part of the CIA, torturing Mason, and for the events of Panama. There is a theory that Hudson wasn't the mole in the CIA, with the possibilities being Oliver L. North or another sleeper agent.
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Is Mason dead canonically?

EXCLUSIVE | #BlackOps6: Mason is dead. 💥 Treyarch confirmed the 'Canon BO2' Ending is where Mason dies in 1989 — and Menendez dies in 2025. They claim it's the 'best direction' narratively.
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Why do Woods and Bowman ignore Hudson?

Mainly because Hudson was more of the suit CIA operative (and he was in the Army), while Woods and Bowman were always on the front fighting alongside common troops.
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Did Hudson betray Mason and Woods?

Is Hudson the CIA mole?

Kravchenko reveals that there's a mole inside the CIA, and Jason Hudson starts to get agitated. Sure enough, it's later revealed he's the traitor. But in "Suffer With Me", the man in question claims he's only doing it to save David's life, which wasn't in jeopardy three years previously.
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Did Menendez know Farid was a traitor?

However, Menendez knew that Farid was a mole, possibly by deduction, or by Salazar informing him of Farid being a spy. Farid had a close bond to Mike Harper, who refers to him as "Egghead" in the missions he is seen/voiced in.
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What did Mason do to his sister?

As a teenager, Mason raped his sister, Margot, who went into therapy with Lecter to deal with the trauma. Lecter suggested that it would be cathartic for her to kill her brother.
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Who brainwashed Mason?

Mason was transported to a Soviet labor camp at Vorkuta, Russia. There, Dragovich had Friedrich Steiner and Lev Kravchenko brainwash Mason.
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Does Mason become human again?

In the end Mason's parents like her as a werewolf and she says to him that they do not know the real her. She begins to leave and he says that he truly loves Alex to his parents and that she is a wizard. She changes back to a wizard and Mason turns back to human form.
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Why did Mason call Hudson an ice cube?

Hudson is referred to as "Ice Cube" by Alex Mason, likely because of his calm, stern and straight-to-the-point personality. Coincidentally, "Ice Cube" is the nickname/stage name of the voice actor for Joseph Bowman.
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Who does Hudson end up with?

The second book ended with Hudson claiming that Grace was his one true-mate.
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Why did Mason punch Hudson?

Hudson yells out in frustration at Mason, insisting that Reznov is dead. He then states that Mason not a traitor, and begins untying him. Mason catches Hudson off-guard with a punch to the face, which knocks him out.
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Which BO2 ending is canon?

There are four different endings players can get depending on whether the characters Chloe and Menendez live. The canon ending for Black Ops 2 has both Chloe and Menendez survive the events of the game, resulting in an alliance between the US and China, ending the war.
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Who actually saved Mason and Woods in the desert?

Mason or Woods can kill Kravchenko during interrogation. Rahmaan then betrays Woods, Mason, Hudson, and Zhao either way, claiming them to be the true enemy, and leaves them in the desert to die. After some time has elapsed an aged Reznov will appear to rescue the team.
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Should I shoot Harper or Menendez?

It's basically one or the other. Next, in the mission Achille's Veil when Harper gets caught and you must decide between shooting him or Menendez. Shooting Menendez will get Farid killed and he is necessary for the achievement so shoot Harper instead.
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Is Mason dying canon?

While the multiple endings in the Black Ops timeline give rise to plenty of possibilities in the upcoming title's campaign, a Treyarch director has revealed that the canon ending in Black Ops 2 is the one where Alex Mason died.
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Is Mason dead in Black Ops 6?

Mason and Hudson are confirmed to be dead in the Call of Duty: Black Ops universe for Black Ops 6. On the Call of Duty podcast, they confirmed that their deaths “affects Woods” in the Black Ops 6 story line.
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Why did Dragovich betray Reznov?

Betrayed and killed his own soldiers to test his newly-acquired chemical weapon Nova 6, including Dimitri Petrenko and nearly Reznov. What's worse is that he did it because of unreasonable petty dislike to Reznov. He later captured Reznov and sent him to Vorkuta after he escaped.
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How did Mason trigger the curse?

The episode starts with a flashback from a year ago where Mason (Taylor Kinney) is at a bar and when he leaves, a man named Jimmy follows him. Jimmy accuses Mason of hitting on his girlfriend and the two of them start to fight. During the fight, Jimmy hits his head and dies and Mason has triggered the werewolf curse.
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Who is the man with no face in Hannibal?

Mason Verger (died 1990) was a surviving victim of Hannibal Lecter. Lecter drugged Verger and then convinced him to simultaneously hang himself and cut off most of his own face with a piece of broken mirror, then feed it to his dogs. His neck broken, Verger is left crippled and horrifically disfigured.
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Why does Mason drink tears?

It's to show how perverted and irredeemably evil he is. Drinking the tears of children is a perfect way to demonstrate that. This is the meta-explanation. In story, I'd argue that Mason - out of all the characters - embodies the traits of what we commonly know as "a psychopath" the most.
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What happens if you spare a harper in BO2?

Other changes that occur if Harper is still alive are that he will shoot Salazar when he surrenders in the hanger, and he will be present alongside you for the next few missions and at the end when you face Menendez.
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Can Farid survive BO2?

If he shoots Harper, he will be seen as shaken and mourning his fallen friend, but alive, He later will die from either taking a bullet for Chloe Lynch, being shot by DeFalco or shot in the head by Javier Salazar. These all show that Farid is a truly selfless, kind man.
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Does Mendez ever get out of jail?

Erik and Lyle Menendez in Los Angeles. The Menéndez brothers are serving life sentences without the possibility of parole, but there have been efforts to overturn their convictions.
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