Why does Madeline want to climb Celeste?

The protagonist, a young woman named Madeline, decides to climb Celeste Mountain to challenge her anxiety, and stubbornly persists until she reaches the mountain's summit.
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What mental illness does Madeline have Celeste?

Madeline is the protagonist of Celeste, where she climbs Mount Celeste while dealing with issues such as anxiety and depression.
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Why does Madeline's hair turn blue in Celeste?

Madeline's mother has blue hair and her father has white hair. Madeline's hair actually turns these colors once she has depleted and as she regains her dash respectively.
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What is the metaphor of Celeste Mountain?

Madeline's objective is to climb the mountain, to feel like she can actually control something and achieve an incredible goal, and thus, prove to herself she is capable and in control of her own life. It is also a game about acceptance, about finding your place in a world that can sometimes be overwhelming.
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What does badeline represent in Celeste?

Badeline seems to be the insecure part of Madeline, embodying, among other things, her fears: loneliness, inadequacy, failure, hopelessness, etc. She thinks in a more logical way rather than following her heart like Madeline is seen to do throughout the story.
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[TAS] Farewell (Celeste Chapter 9) in 9:59.998

What mental illness does Celeste have?

First, Celeste is about a woman named Madeline attempting to climb a mountain, hoping to conquer her depression and anxiety. The game is a 2D platformer where players control Madeline through levels with dangerous jumps and threats that could harm her.
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Why does Madeline climb Celeste?

The protagonist, a young woman named Madeline, decides to climb Celeste Mountain to challenge her anxiety, and stubbornly persists until she reaches the mountain's summit.
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What is the lesson in Celeste?

The game's message is about overcoming yourself, which can be difficult. It's about moving forward even when your scared and irrational side is being a little too convincing. During her climb, we see Madeline talk to herself plenty of times: chiding herself to go on, and even to give up.
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What is Celeste an allegory for?

Rather, the rooms in Celeste represent psychological challenges and snarls of thought (sometimes visible, tentacular snarls) that must be handled and moved through physically. This has particular resonance for trans people: our physical grappling with gender and living – how do I want to be perceived? What am I?
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What is the metaphor for climbing a mountain?

We hear this metaphor often, "Climbing a Mountain is a Metaphor for Life". The basis meaning, mountain climbing is teaching us anything for life.
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Is Celeste LGBTQ?

The transgender community, for its part, zeroed in on pointed cues like the trans flag on Madeline's desk. More than a year later, Celeste creator Maddy Thorson finally acknowledged what was obvious to queer fans: Madeline is transgender.
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Who is the main villain of Celeste?

Badeline is a major character and antagonist-turned-deuteragonist in Celeste. Known in-game as Part of (Madeline) or variations thereof, she haunts Madeline on several occasions, attempting to convince her to turn back and stop climbing the mountain.
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Why does Madeline have a scar?

In the first book, Madeline gets sick, is taken to the hospital, has her appendix removed, and all the gifts she has received cause the other girls to become envious.
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What does Madeline suffer from?

In other words, Lady Madeline is said to suffer from a condition that is similar to catalepsy ('cataleptical character'). Catalepsy is a nervous disorder akin to epilepsy, schizophrenia and hysteria. It also involves a loss of sensation and consciousness associated with rigidity of the body.
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What happens if you don't talk to Theo in Celeste?

If you don't interact with Theo in Chapter 1 or 2, Madeline will ask Theo if he is a guest in Chapter 3 where you have to talk with Theo. They will then introduce themselves like in Chapter 1.
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Is Badeline evil Celeste?

Badeline isn't evil, though. To say that would be to undermine her character. Sure, she might be aggressive, but she is just as complex and scared as Madeline. Madeline has to live with all of herself, anxiety and depression and all.
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What is the true ending of Celeste?

"True ending" simply involves unlocking and completing farewell, which doesn't require b-sides or c-sides, although players will sometimes route 5b and 6b into runs because they're faster and also collect 2 of the 4 hearts needed for getting into core.
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What do the strawberries represent in Celeste?

Strawberries. Strawberries are basic collectibles that can be found in every chapter and they appear in several different types. They don't serve any sort of purpose apart from giving the player an extra challenge and to fill up stats. Collecting 175 strawberries however, unlocks the "Impress Your Friends" achievement.
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What is the moral of Celeste?

By highlighting the ways in which women are often expected to be perfect and to succeed despite obvious economic and societal setbacks, the game offers a powerful critique of gendered expectations and the toll they can take on mental health.
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What do the dots mean in Celeste?

blue dot = strawberry you've gotten in past runs. red dot = strawberry you've gotten on THIS run. The bars are chapter checkpoints. Same info is shown, per-chapter, when you select the start point for a level.
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What is the metaphor of Celeste?

The mountain of Celeste isn't just a metaphorical obstacle for Madeline, but a metaphor for acceptance and moments of realization. If many of us have objectified something on a mountain - let's say, overcoming an internal strife - as a goal or target to get, the mountain is seen as something to climb.
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What is the meaning of the game Celeste?

“Celeste” is a game ostensibly about the creator's journey to realizing their gender identity, explored through the narrative of Madeline climbing the mountain. Thorson began developing the game while she believed herself to be a cisgender man, but was grappling with gender ennui.
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Why does Madeline mean high tower?

According to the Hebrew Bible, Magdala is a village near the Sea of Galilee and the birthplace of Saint Mary Magdala. The name is also derived from the root word migdal, meaning "tower." Madeline is also an Anglicized name for the Israeli town, containing plenty of history and breathtaking scenery.
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