Why does my Plantera keep Despawning?

Plantera's Bulb may spawn in a Non-Jungle biome, making Plantera despawn instantly if the Bulb is broken. Sometimes when Plantera's Bulb is broken with a Bomb, Plantera may not spawn. It is possible for some parts of the bulb to be missing, and when broken may or may not spawn Plantera.
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How do I stop Plantera from Despawning?

"Plantera does not run away or despawn automatically if the player dies, and thus the player can set their spawn in the arena they are fighting Plantera in in order to prevent it from despawning."
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Why did my Plantera bulb disappear?

Plantera's Bulbs will break if the block beneath them is turned into a sloped block using a hammer, is changed using the Block Swap, turns into a Chlorophyte Ore block, comes in contact with lava, becomes inactive by use of actuators, or is converted by biome spread or the Clentaminator.
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Why is my Plantera not spawning?

Plantera will only be spawned if there is any player within a rhombus whose diagonals are 50 tiles long, centered on the broken bulb. If a bulb is broken while Plantera is still alive, a second Plantera will not spawn.
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Does Plantera despawn outside the jungle?

Just 3 times in a row as I get further than 30-40 block away. Plantera will despawn if you leave the jungle. Make sure you're not accidentally wandering into a corruption/crimson biome. Also don't approach the surface; Plantera gets mad if you do that.
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Cannot find Plantera's Bulb ? - Terraria 1.4

Does Plantera despawn if you go too far?

Plantera may instantly despawn if a player moves away from the area they were was indirectly after breaking the bulb. To avoid this, the player must stay still until one of Plantera's hooks arrive on-screen.
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What is the best weapon to defeat Plantera with?

  • The Crystal Serpent and. Sky Fracture are solid weapons against Plantera.
  • Using the Golden Shower every so often can prove to be very helpful as it inflicts the. ...
  • The. ...
  • The Shadowflame Hex Doll and Magical Harp are very effective for the second phase, as they deal with the Tentacles while also damaging Plantera. ...
  • The. ...
  • The.
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Is there another way to spawn Plantera?

Instead of spawning instantly after defeating the mechanical bosses, they grow similar to Chlorophyte Ore. Destroying one of these bulbs will immediately cause Plantera to spawn, usually a fair distance off-screen.
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Does plantera bulb show up on spelunker potion?

Spelunker potions and metal detector do not work for finding plantera's bulb. However, they also aren't needed for it, since the bulb emits light by itself. Also, you can find it on the map, it appears as a 2x2 pink square and will say "plantera's bulb" when hovered over.
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How do you force spawn Plantera?

Spawning. In a Hardmode world, after killing all three mechanical bosses (The Twins, The Destroyer, and Skeletron Prime) at least once, the bulbs will spawn somewhere in the Underground Jungle. They can be destroyed with a pickaxe. Upon doing so, Plantera will be spawned.
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How many bulbs does it take to spawn Plantera?

To summon one you need to find a pink flower bulb known as the Plantera's Bulb. There is no limit to the number of bulbs in a world; after all if all of them have been destroyed more will spawn. You can olny beat the boss in the underground Jungles.
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Can you craft a Plantera summon?

The Portabulb is a craftable Hardmode boss-summoning item that is used to summon Plantera. It can only be used in the Jungle or Underground Jungle.
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What does killing Plantera unlock?

The upgraded Dungeon, upgraded Solar Eclipse, and Pumpkin and Frost Moons are all unlocked after killing Plantera, but almost everybody does them after Golem because of how small the gap in difficulty is between him and Plantera.
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Is it possible to skip Plantera?

You might find it worthwhile to farm in Space for some time until you get enough materials to craft a pair of Harpy Wings. It isn't possible to skip the Mechanical Bosses, Plantera and Golem since their deaths directly trigger the next respective phases of the game, so instead gear up and defeat them.
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What is the best armor to fight Plantera?

You can also use either Chlorophyte Armor or Turtle Armor. Both are more than capable of keeping you alive while fighting Plantera.
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What is Plantera weak to?

The Crystal Serpent and Sky Fracture are solid weapons against Plantera, along with Golden Shower, as they can inflict the Ichor Debuff, increasing the damage output even more. Melee - Death Sickle is the best melee weapon.
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Can a plantera bulb be detected with DangerSense?

Oh that's right, dangersense potions will highlight them. Forgot about that. Keep in mind that Plantera Bulbs only spawn below the surface in the jungle. As long as your Depth Meter says "surface" you won't find any.
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How to make plantera bulbs spawn faster?

It can take time for bulbs to grow. One way to speed up the growth is to sleep in your bed, it will cause time to accelerate faster. If you are playing in Journey Mode, you can also turn the time speed up pretty high (up to x24) and after a few in-game days, there should be a few bulbs.
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Will Plantera follow you to the surface?

Plantera only becomes "enraged" if it follows the player out of the Underground Jungle, to the surface, for instance. This causes it to gain significantly more damage and movement speed, and will attempt to remain directly on top of the player, causing constant damage.
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Why are Plantera bulbs not spawning?

Plantera's Bulbs usually start to spawn in the lower reaches of the Jungle and can take as many as 30 minutes to begin spawning in your game. Bulbs can be identified on the map as bright pink squares but they can be tricky to find! Make sure you have a lot of torches lighting up the jungle to help spot them quickly!
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Is Golem after Plantera?

Golem is a Hardmode, post-Plantera boss found in the Jungle Temple and is by far one of the easiest bosses in the game relative to game progression. While Golem is alive, the music Golem will play.
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Why is Plantera so fast?

Plantera will receive a boost to her speed depending on the size of the arena she is fought in, which is determined by the amount of active tiles in an area around her. If the arena is smaller, she will move slower, and if the arena is larger, she will move faster, proportional to the lack of blocks.
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What is the best bullets vs Plantera?

Daedalus Stormbow(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) paired with Holy Arrows or Chlorophyte Arrows, which will be great against Plantera.
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What is the fastest sword in Terraria?

The Fetid Baghnakhs are the fastest melee weapon in the game.
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What is the best pre-golem gun?

For Ranged users:
  • Megashark or Venus Magnum coupled with Crystal Bullets is recommended.
  • Candy Corn Rifle will also work.
  • Chlorophyte Shotbow is the best single-target arrow based weapon, dealing massive damage with Holy Arrows or Ichor Arrows.
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