Why doesn't Ash evolve his Pikachu?

In the episode "Gotta Catch a What?!" Ash explained to his companion trainer Goh that Pikachu wanted to get stronger as a Pikachu. While evolving into a Raichu would have increased Pikachu's power significantly, it also wouldn't have been true to who he is.
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Why did Ash's Pikachu never evolve?

Ash keeping his Pikachu from evolving so it could learn moves like Quick Attack and Agility was meant to be a showcase for this important game mechanic.
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Why doesn't Ash fully evolve his Pokémon?

A lot of Ash's Pokemon are acquired early on and naturally can't evolve until they've undergone considerable training, but some of the most iconic parts of his roster often remain unevolved even after overcoming considerable trials.
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Why does Ash's Pikachu get weaker?

Ash's Pikachu Was Struck by an Intense Electrical Attack

Caught up in the chaos, Pikachu ends up getting hit by one of these strikes, revealed to have been caused by the titular electric legendary Pokémon. This intense loss of power is seemingly later confirmed when Pikachu is defeated by a weak-looking Snivy.
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Why is Ash's Pikachu special?

While the series never outright confirms what makes Pikachu special or rare, it's evident that it is more powerful and different from others of its kind. There is a possibility that Ash's Pikachu is maxed out at level 100 without evolving, explaining its dominance in Pokémon battles.
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Why Pikachu Never Evolves

What is Ash's rarest Pokémon?

Ash's Noctowl was also notably smaller than others of its species, making it even rarer. All these factors come together to ensure that Noctowl is Ash's #1 rarest Pokémon.
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Is Ash's Pikachu level 100?

Ash's pikachu is actually probably level 68.
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Which is the weakest Pokémon of Ash?

Pidgeot ended up reuniting with Ash in his final episode, over a thousand episodes later, but that still meant it never got a chance to fight again, making Pidgeot Ash's weakest Pokémon.
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Is Ash's Pikachu stronger than Greninja?

Given their unique bond and its incredible win record, there should be little doubt that Greninja is Ash's strongest Pokémon other than Pikachu.
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What is Ash's strongest Pokémon besides Pikachu?

With that being said, here are five more Pokemon that are considered some of Ash's strongest.
  • 8 Dracovish. ...
  • 7 Goodra. ...
  • 6 Infernape. ...
  • 5 Lucario. ...
  • 4 Sceptile. Battle Win Rate: 60% (29/48) ...
  • 3 Greninja. Battle Win Rate: 87% (47/55) ...
  • 2 Charizard. Battle Win Rate: 70% (33/47) ...
  • 1 Pikachu. Battle Win Rate: 89% (479/538)
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Why did squirtle never evolve?

Some people believe that his Squirtle never evolved because Gary selected Squirtle as his starter Pokemon and so Gary would be the only one with the eventual Blastoise.
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Why does Ash's Gible not evolve?

Unfortunately, Gible never got the chance to evolve, mostly because it was caught too late in the series, and so Pokémon fans never got to see Ash battling with a fan-favorite like Garchomp.
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Why is Ash age not growing?

Many fans wonder why it is that Ash hasn't aged in the series; after all, the show could've aged alongside its audience at least a little, like most other anime and manga do. However, the answer to that is very simple, and it's that Ash represents the show's target demographic.
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Why did Meowth never evolve?

While Meowth was never faced with the choice of evolving due to his general inability to battle well, we have seen that Meowth is capable of battling well when his mind is put to it/when the situation calls for it, like in EP070 "Go West Young Meowth" when Meowth defeats a Persian in battle.
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Does Ash catch Mewtwo?

However, Mewtwo wished to be one of Ash's Pokémon to evade being captured by someone else due to the fact that Giovanni had mass produced dozens of Master Balls to many of his agents, hunters, and poachers. Althought he was hestitant at first, Ash agreed with his request and captured Mewtwo in the Master Ball.
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Why does Pikachu hate pokeballs?

A theory for Pikachu's preference for the outside world is that he may not enjoy the environment inside the Poke ball, no matter how comfortable it may be. In the event that no other Pokemon can interact with each other inside the Poke ball, it is possible that Pikachu does not like being isolated in there.
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Who is Ash's wife?

But there are a few female characters who have shown interest in Ash throughout the course of the anime with Serena coming to closest with a kiss in the last episode of the X Y & Z series. But the bottom line is Ash is not married and thus has no wife.
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Why is Ash's Pikachu so overpowered?

In order to regain its strength, a horde of Pikachu charged it with electricity. Once Ash's Pikachu was back in fighting shape, it requested even more power, and that wish was granted. Before defeating Team Rocket, Pikachu harnessed even more power through Misty's pedal-powered bike light.
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Which Pokémon can defeat Arceus?

The best Pokemon Go Arceus counters are Terrakion, Mega Heracross, Keldeo, Mega Blaziken, Lucario & Mega Rayquaza.
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What was Ash's rarest Pokémon?

The exception to this is Meltan, which, despite being a Mythical, was but one of many. Many would say that Meltan's evolution, Melmetal, is the rarest Pokémon he's caught, and that's a fair point. Instead, the rarest Pokémon Ash has ever caught is one that goes all the way back to Johto: Noctowl.
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What is Ash's least used Pokémon?

Excluding released Pokémon and unofficial captures, Palpitoad holds the record of being Ash's Pokémon with the least screentime. It appeared in fewer than ten episodes across all of Black & White and has only ever returned for a handful of short cameos.
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Who is Ash's biggest rival?

Most importantly, though, is that Ash treats them as a rival, someone aiming for the same goal as him.
  • 8 Bea. ...
  • 7 Sawyer. ...
  • 6 Ritchie. ...
  • 5 Gladion. ...
  • 4 Leon. ...
  • 3 Gary Oak. ...
  • 2 Alain. ...
  • 1 Paul. Paul is a trainer from the Sinnoh region and is the most significant rival to Ash throughout the Diamond and Pearl era of the Pokémon anime.
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Why doesn't Ash use Charizard anymore?

Here, it was revealed that Ash's Charizard is considerably smaller than most, and it struggled to earn respect from its fellow Charizard. Charizard ended up protecting the valley from Team Rocket (who only attacked to help Charizard be accepted), and Ash decided to leave Charizard in the valley.
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Can Pikachu defeat Mewtwo?

Pikachu is nowhere near the top 10 strongest Pokemon. I can understand that Pikachu may seem extremely strong due to Ashe's Pikachu being exceptionally powerful. However even Ashe's Pikachu just can't compare against the legendary and mythical Pokémon in the franchise.
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What is the rarest Pokémon?

Armored Mewtwo is one of the rarest Pokémon in the game, because, at the time of writing, the only way to obtain it is via trading. This is because Armored Mewtwo is a special costume variant of the Gen 1 legendary, which was originally available in five-star raids between 10th July to 31st July 2019.
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