Why is Blaziken so good?

Mega Blaziken's great ability in Speed Boost makes it faster every turn, eventually letting it outspeed the entire metagame and making it a pretty good sweeper.
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What makes Blaziken so good?

Blaziken, Blaziken has a type advantage and also has an ability that increases its speed. It outspeeds Sceptile, and also has hard hitting fire type moves that do stab and super effective, if it doesn't one shot, it will two shot the Sceptile.
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Is Blaziken one of the best Pokémon?

Even without its Mega Evolution available in the more modern Pokémon games, Blaziken is still one of, if not the best, starters competitively.
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Is Blaziken better than Charizard?

Charizard has more balanced stats by comparison while being faster (excluding Blaziken's Speed Boost). This means that Blaziken hits harder, especially in the physical side.
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Why is Blaziken better than Infernape?

All Blaziken has to do is use Protect for one turn and it's faster than Infernape. Combine that with Blaziken's higher offenses, and you've got a Pokemon that's just plain better than Infernape.
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How GOOD was Blaziken ACTUALLY? - History of Blaziken in Competitive Pokemon (Gens 3-6)

Who is stronger Blaziken or sceptile?

Blaziken beats Sceptile, Sceptile beats Swampert, and Swampert beats Blaziken. The only exception is when Z-moves are used, in which case Blaziken takes down Swampert as well. Meaning that in that scenario, Blaziken is the clear winner.
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Why is Blaziken banned?

Even with its 4 MSS, Blaziken is versatile and really tough to check after a single SD. For those reasons, it was deemed too much.
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Who beats Blaziken?

Some of the best counters for flying-type 7-Star Blaziken Tera raids include Miraidon, Bellibolt, and Iron Hands.
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Is Blaziken the best fire starter?

With DW abilities, Blaziken is by far the best one, followed by Infernape. Infernape takes the crown otherwise, with Blaziken being second. Third place is a bit mixed. On its own, I think Charizard deserves it, especially with its DW ability.
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Who is Blaziken weak to?

  • Water.
  • Ground.
  • Flying.
  • Psychic.
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Is Blaziken better than Arcanine?

No, Arcanine is much bigger and more powerful. Which is faster sceptile or blaziken? According to Bulbapedia, Sceptile is faster with 120 base speed in its standard form compared to Blaziken's measly 80 in its standard form. Mega Evolved, Sceptile has 145 base speed while Blaziken has 100.
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Is Garchomp better than Blaziken?

Garchomp is safer/ easier to use, but Blaziken is a better sweeper in my opinion, due to having a comparable Attack stat to Garchomp, but having a near unbeatable Speed stat after just one Speed Boost, which can easily be achieved using Protect and because his STAB types are better.
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What is Blaziken hidden power?

If you use Hidden Power (move) with your Blaziken it will be a ghost type move. So very effective against ghost and psychic types.
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How rare is Blaziken?

Blaziken V - 020/198 - Ultra Rare.
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What is Blaziken best against?

The best Pokemon Go Blaziken counters are Mega Rayquaza, Shadow Rayquaza, Shadow Mewtwo, Primal Kyogre, Primal Groudon & Mega Alakazam. Login to see your custom results!
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Who is better typhlosion or Blaziken?

Their comparison is largely similar to that of Charizard vs Blaziken, ie: Typhlosion is faster but Blaziken is stronger and both are Fire Starters. The difference being that, unlike Charizard, Typhlosion doesn't have a type advantage against Blaziken.
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Is Blaziken faster than Charizard?

While its speed may not match up to Charizard's, its attacking stats are both higher than Charizard's, and could break down a wall or two.
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Is Blaziken the fastest Pokémon?

Blaziken is the final form of the starter in the third generation of games and has a rather lame speed base stat of 80. In many other generations, that number would be fortunate to land in the top 3 of fastest Fire-types, but Blaziken is a champion of circumstance.
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Who wins Blaziken or Charizard?

(This answer is for Single Battle, but honestly, Blaziken is probably better in all formats.) First, the stats. Both have a Base Speed of 100, so neither is outpacing the other. MBlaziken has a significant Attack edge, but MCharizardX has the ability Tough Claws to boost its power.
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Which Pokémon is stronger Blaziken or infernape?

However, Blaziken would win if its ability is Speed Boost and knows Protect. Blaziken would first need to use Protect to allow Speed Boost to come into effect and amplify its speed by one stage. This would allow it to outspeed Infernape. Blaziken can then use a super effective Brave Bird and beat Infernape.
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Is Blaziken overrated?

It has great typing and can utilize a number of different HM moves, just so long as it isn't left with the bad ones. Sceptile is great too. Blaziken is just wildly popular, though, and overrated because of it.
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Why did Charizard lost to Blaziken?

Blaziken's Flamethrower countered Charizard's Dragon Rage attack and the two were left dazed. Though both Pokémon were able to get back up, Charizard's attempt to use Flamethrower again caused him to go down and ultimately faint, giving Harrison the win and eliminating Ash from the tournament.
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Did Ash catch Blaziken?

Before he left Kalos, Blaziken was given to Ash as a Torchic as a gift from Meyer for taking care of Clemont and Bonnie during their journey. He evolved into Combusken and again into Blaziken at somepoint when Ash was in Alola.
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