Why is claymore better than Drake Sword?

If you have good stats, the claymore will display higher damage, thus the drake swords damage will be as low as it seems. There is no illusion about damage.
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Is claymore better than Drake Sword?

+10 Claymore has 206 base damage, it's flat out better than an unupgraded Drake Sword. Even a +5 Claymore will almost match the Drake Sword for damage once you factor in the bonus damage from your Strength and Dexterity stats.
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Is The Drake Sword the best?

The Drake Sword is probably one of the most powerful early game weapons in Dark Souls.
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What is better claymore or bastard sword?

Claymore has 10 higher base damage but scaling is exactly the same on both. Claymore has better range but bastard sword has slightly higher counter damage and lower weight. Majestic gs, mastodon gs and black knight gs are all better options. Black Knight GS is not at all the best.
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Is The claymore sword any good?

The claymore was not the biggest of the European broadswords – a huge lethal-looking sixteenth-century blade from Switzerland or Germany in the Fitzwilliam makes it look almost tame by comparison. But it was a brutally efficient weapon, as a contemporary account of the battle of Killiecrankie, 1689, testifies.
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Dark Souls - The Most Overpowered Weapon

What are the advantages of the claymore sword?

The distribution of weight along the blade ensures a nimble yet powerful weapon. This balance allowed skilled warriors to execute precise strikes, making the claymore not just a symbol of strength but also a tool of finesse on the battlefield.
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Is it worth upgrading claymore?


It seems like experienced DS players advise the claymore more than the drake sword because it has greater potential since it ends up being stronger after upgrading it. I've upgraded it to +5 and it still inflicts less damage than the drake sword.
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What sword is bigger than the claymore?

Yes. The German Zweihänder is generally longer than the Scottish Claymore. In fact most of the continental Great Swords are longer than a Claymore such as the Italian Spadone or the Spanish Montante.
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Which is stronger the claymore or Katana?

Claymores are stronger since they're designed to beat up armoured knights as well as slice through console peasants that only have old outdated gear with which to fight. The katana was specifically designed for unarmoured opponents, with its slashing blade perfect for slicing and dicing.
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What is better Zweihander or claymore?

The claymore is a fantastic versatile weapon for a quality build like you're going for. The zwei is also pretty solid, but it's more efficient for a STR oriented build. The Drake sword is only useful if you plan on keeping the base requirements to wield it because of its lack of scaling.
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What sword should I get after Drake Sword?

Your best options are probably Zweihaender, Man Serpent Greatsword, Black Knight Axe, Gargoyle Halberd or Claymore.
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Does the Drake Sword break easily?

It breaks fast if you use it's R2 two-hand special. It goes down 30 durability a pop.
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Can the Drake Sword break?

The wave attack with the Drake Sword is the R2 attack when using it two handed. It also drops the sword's durability by 30 points, so it breaks quickly if you continuously use it, so just repair it.
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What is better than the Drake Sword?

If you can get it, the Black Knight Sword will last almost the entire game, and is a beast once it's upgraded to +5. Even better, especially if you like polearms, is the Black Knight Halberd.
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Is Bloodhounds Fang better than claymore?

Claymore is more versatile, owing to the fact you can slap any ash of war on it. Infuses well to almost any build, and you can adjust ashes based on the situation. But the Bloodhound's Fang tends to be better on average than most other ashes of war.
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How strong is the Drake Sword?

Equipping the Drake Sword will give an automatic +15 to both Magic and Fire Defense stats, but it does not scale with any other stats, further reinforcing that this weapon is only really effective in the lead-up to Sen's Fortress.
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How heavy is claymore in real life?

The average claymore ran about 140 cm (55 in) in overall length, with a 33 cm (13 in) grip, 107 cm (42 in) blade, and a weight of approximately 5.5 pounds (2.5 kg).
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What is the most aggressive sword?

Deadliest swords in history
  • The claymore, the longsword, and William Wallace.
  • The katana and Masamune: Japan's greatest sword smith.
  • Para 3: Saladin's singing scimitar.
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Why is it called a claymore?

The expression "Claymore" comes from the Scottish Gaelic word "claidheamh mòr," and that signifies "enormous sword." It actually wasn't named after him, but he did give them that name. “Its inventor, Norman MacLeod, named the mine after a large medieval Scottish sword.”
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Are claymores legal?

The United States first produced Claymore mines in 1960 and has since produced 7.8 million of them for a cost of $122 million. When used in command-detonated mode, Claymores are permissible under the Mine Ban Treaty. When used in victim-activated mode, usually with a tripwire, they are prohibited.
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Did claymores have fullers?

Hailing from the rugged Highlands of Scotland, the Claymore sword stands as an awe-inspiring symbol of valour and craftsmanship. Originating in the 16th century, this mighty weapon features a unique hand-and-a-half length design, boasting a lengthy, broad blade with a diamond shaped cross section and partial fuller.
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Is Claymore good for late game?

Claymore is pretty good late game if you've got it at +15 and the stats. The key to all souls games is to find a weapon that is convenient to you and it doesn't matter much what weapon it actually is.
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Is it worth upgrading the Drake Sword Dark Souls?

Each upgrade will add 20 more points of physical damage, and it maxes at +5 (300 damage). And they don't scale with stats. So, good in the beginning - less so as time goes on. It's up to you if that's worth it.
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Can you backstab with Claymore?

Im using a claymore. the backstab is very finicky, i've found. i've had the most luck backstabbing a step to the right of the middle of their back.
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