Why is glass armor good in Skyrim?

Each weapon and armor set provides Skyrim players with a unique way to play the game and role-play their characters to better fit a certain playstyle. Glass armor and weapons lend players the opportunity to control faster, stealthier characters that prefer to move silently or take out enemies from a distance.
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How good is glass armor in Skyrim?

Glass Armor is a set of light armor that appears in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. It can be crafted, purchased, or found as random loot. It is the fourth best type of light armor, surpassed only by Dragonscale Armor, Stalhrim Armor,DR and Deathbrand Armor.
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Is glass armor better than Daedric armor?

Depends. Daedric gives better protection, but the Glass is quite a bit lighter, and better for stealth characters. daedric armour is obviously a lot heavier than glass armour.
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What is glass good for in Skyrim?

Glass is a basic housebuilding item needed to make an Alchemy Laboratory, an Enchanter's Tower, and Display Cases in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Glass is one of the primary building materials when constructing a house in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
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Is glass armor better than dragon scale?

Versus Glass

Dragonscale Armor has a superior armor rating to Glass armor, but a higher weight.
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Skyrim: HOW does it WORK? - Glass Armor & Weapons - Malachite Smithing Secrets - Elder Scrolls Lore

Why did Dragon scale armor fail?

According to the Army, the vests failed because the extreme temperature tests caused the discs to dislodge, thus rendering the vest ineffective. Pinnacle Armor affirms that their products can withstand environmental tests in accordance with military standards, as does testing by the Aberdeen Test Center.
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What is the best armor for killing dragons?

Equipment. Melee is an efficient way of killing them, especially with a Dragon hunter lance (the best stab weapon against Dragons and draconic creatures) and using Proselyte armour for Prayer or high-tier armour, such as Bandos or Barrows equipment, for Defence.
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What is the most powerful item in Skyrim?

Skyrim: Most Powerful Weapons, Ranked
  1. 1 Miraak's Sword. The Best One-Handed Sword In The Game.
  2. 2 Auriel's Bow. Drops Undead With Ease. ...
  3. 3 Nightingale Bow. Adds Ice Damage To Arrows. ...
  4. 4 Dwarven Black Bow Of Fate. ...
  5. 5 Zephyr. ...
  6. 6 Bloodscythe & Soulrender. ...
  7. 7 Drainblood Battleaxe. ...
  8. 8 Harkon's Sword. ...
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Are glass weapons better than ebony in Skyrim?

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Actually, Glass is higher in the tree than Ebony. Ebony is on the Heavy side and it's the second highest under Daedric (for weapons). Glass is the highest on the Light side (for weapons). So it makes perfect sense for Glass to do more damage than Ebony.
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Is there any benefit to light armor in Skyrim?

To clarify, light is better in most cases because it provides 50% stamina regeneration. If you have smithing, light armor will hit the armor cap. The only reason to go heavy is for the looks, punching damage, or if you constantly die from falling off cliffs.
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What is the highest rated armor in Skyrim?

With a shield included, the armor rating of the set is 119.
  • 7 Her Hand Armor.
  • 6 Ebony Armor.
  • 5 Falmer Heavy.
  • 4 Dragonplate Armor.
  • 3 Stalhrim Armor.
  • 2 Daedric Armor.
  • 1 Indoril Armor.
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What is the prettiest armor in Skyrim?

Skyrim: 13 Most Stylish Armor Sets, Ranked
  1. 1 Nightingale Armor. Nightingale armor is one of the best armor sets in the game and also one of the coolest.
  2. 2 Daedric Armor. ...
  3. 3 Steel Plate Armor. ...
  4. 4 Glass Armor. ...
  5. 5 Vampire Royal Armor. ...
  6. 6 Dragonscale Armor. ...
  7. 7 Ancient Falmer Armor. ...
  8. 8 Falmer Heavy Armor. ...
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What is the strongest armor set in Skyrim?

Skyrim: 16 Best Armor Sets & How To Find Them
  • 8 Ancient Shrouded Armor. ...
  • 7 Falmer Heavy Armor. ...
  • 6 Dragonplate Armor. ...
  • 5 Guild Master's Armor. ...
  • 4 Blackguard's Armor. ...
  • 3 Deathbrand Armor. ...
  • 2 Ahzidals Armor. ...
  • 1 Daedric Armor. The highest-rated armor in all of the lands, though it comes with a complicated price.
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What armor should I wear Skyrim?

The best unique armor you can find in Skyrim, in my opinion, is the Ancient Shrouded armor. The full set grants you a 100% resistance to poison, bows do 35% more damage, your one-handed sneak attacks will double in damage and, lastly, you gain the Muffle effect as long as you wear the armor.
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Is there Dawnguard light armor?

Dawnguard Armor is a light armor set found in The Elder Scrolls V: Dawnguard. It is worn by several members of the Dawnguard, an order of vampire hunters.
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Is glass armor better than Nightingale?

The Nightingale Armor is really good, it's probably the best you can get, Glass is slightly better but has no enchantments and the Nightingale can be upgraded but it takes a certain material.
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What is the most op weapon in Skyrim?

1 The Dwarven Black Bow of Fate

The Dwarven Black Bow of Fate is a powerful Skyrim weapon with well-rounded enchantments and an element of luck. Aside from its base damage of 13, the bow has a 50% chance of absorbing 25 points from health, magicka, and/or stamina with each shot.
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Is Ebony or Dragon armor better?

Stats-wise, Ebony Armor boasts 128 Armor with the shield and 76 Weight, making it the third-best heavy armor set after Daedric and Dragonplate Armor.
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What weapon in Skyrim does the most damage?

So, only Daedric has the highest amount. Sadly, even that's incredibly low so axes, apart for the look, don't really measure up either way in vanilla. So in short, Daedric weapons deal the most damage and among them, a warhammer has the highest damage and a sword has the highest dps.
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What is the rarest thing in Skyrim?

If you're the collecting type, or you're just darn curious, read on to learn about some of Skyrim's rarest items.
  1. 1 Master Sword, Champion's Tunic, And Hylian Shield Set.
  2. 2 Roasted Ox Head. ...
  3. 3 Crown Of Barenziah. ...
  4. 4 Notched Pickaxe. ...
  5. 5 Ysgramor's Soup Spoon. ...
  6. 6 Argonian Ale. ...
  7. 7 Broken Iron Sword Blade And Handle. ...
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What is the hardest thing to fight in Skyrim?

2 Karstaag

These attacks also slow the player to prevent players from kiting the boss. He even spawns wraiths during the fight that draw a player's attention away from Karstaag. In terms of non-leveled encounters, Karstaag is by far the toughest encounter in the entire game.
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What is the strongest sword in Skyrim?

Which katana is best in Skyrim? The dragonbane. This sword is truly amazing. It does 30 extra points to , has a base damage at 38 (both of these stats rise if you get the item at a high level) and it does 10 points of shock damage to other enemies.
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Is Blood Dragon Armor worth it?

It's one of the best sets of armor in the game, along with Cailan's armor set. You can do better by mixing and matching other good pieces of equipment, like the Gloves and Boots of Diligence, the Helm of Honnleath, and Evon the Great's Mail.
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Is Dragon Armor better than Daedric?

The closest ranged weapon that works is the Nordic Bow in Dragonborn. Daedric Armor is better than Dragon-quality armor when it comes to stats, however Daedric is not available in Light armor. When it comes to weapons, Dragonbone outperfroms Daedric by a small margine in damage but also has a heavier weight.
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Is Dragon Armor stronger than Daedric?

The base rating for the Dragonplate chest piece is 46. Where as the Daedric chest piece is 49 at its base parameter. With some simple math, that means Daedric armour is 1.065x greater than Dragonplate in the overall armour rating.
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