Why is Gundyr corrupted?

When another was eventually summoned, Gundyr was bested and became a sheath to the Coiled Sword, impaled within his chest, judging the arrival of a chosen unkindled one. However, sometime during his judging way, Gundyr was corrupted by a Pus of Man, a segment of the Abyss.
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Why does Gundyr transform?

The many years Gundyr waited for the Ashen One to claim to coiled sword caused the Dark to corrupt his body to the point where a creature has come to life in his body.
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What is the lore behind Champion Gundyr?

Lore. Gundyr was an ancient champion that was charged with the duty of becoming a Champion and link the First Flame, he thus received an iron halberd with the power to break poise and to never crumble and was sent to the Firelink Shrine to do his duty.
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Why does Gundyr have the Coiled Sword?

[1] Gundyr was bested by an unknown warrior, then became a sheath to the Coiled Sword in the hopes that someday, the First Flame would be linked once more. [2] Gundyr thereby became a judge, awaiting the arrival of chosen ash to give onto them the Coiled Sword.
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Is Gundyr undead?

He was undead, after all, and without souls, without a true drive, and consumed by despair, he began to hollow and became corrupted by the dark.
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Dark Souls 3 Lore | The Tragedy of Gundyr

Was Gundyr an Ashen One?

Gundyr was an Ashen One who arrived too late to the Firelink Shrine without fire and a bell that would not toll. Gundyr decided to instead guard the entrance to the Shrine, waiting for another Ashen One to be summoned by the bell.
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What is gundyr weak to?

Champion Gundyr has a weakness to Lightning damage, though he will almost never give the player a chance to unleash the strongest miracles that unload powerful shocking bolts. It is instead recommended to use one of the fastest instead of the strongest ones, specifically Lightning Arrow.
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What is the purpose of Untended Graves?

The Queen of Lothric is said to have enshrined the Ashen Estus Ring in the "Cemetery of Untended Graves," so that it one day could benefit an Unkindled. There is also a grave, "a dark place where rootless warriors rest, that sees no visitors." The Queen alone wished these warriors good fortune.
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Who put the sword in Gundyr?

It is said that the hero who came late lost to a warrior of unknown name and became the coiled sword's sheath as the Judge of Ash. So that someday the First Flame is linked once more.
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What is the difference between Gundyr and Champion Gundyr?

Iudex Gundyr is slower, more telegraphed attacks, and turns into a demon when buffed. Champion Gundyr is faster, less telegraphed attacks, and when buff he enters "beast mode" in the sense that he causes more damage and is MUCH more aggressive. he has fewer windows to attack and heal.
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Is Gundyr unkindled?

In Champion Gundyr's soul description it states that he was once an unkindled who woke to find the world had begun an Age of Dark because the First Flame had gone out. This is an odd entry considering the world, as the player knows it, had never entered an Age of Dark.
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Is Iudex a name?

Definition: Iudex (pronounced yoo-deks) is a Latin term that means judge. In Roman law, it referred to a private person appointed by a magistrate to hear and decide a case. Later, the iudex became a magistrate himself. In civil law, it simply means a judge.
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What's after Champion Gundyr?

When Gundyr's down, head through the exit of the arena to find a dark version of Firelink. Head inside and head for the end of the lower corridor on the left - behind the illusory wall at the end you'll find Eyes of a Firekeeper, required to access one of the alternate endings.
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What does Iudex mean?

The Latin word Iudex connotes the sense of accuracy, judge along with multiple meanings as decider, umpire or juror.
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What is the soul of Champion Gundyr used for?

Soul of Champion Gundyr. One of the twisted souls, steeped in strength. Use to acquire numerous souls, or transpose to extract its true strength.
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Who is the first boss in DS3?

Aside from the likes of the Cleric Beast or Father Gascoigne, Iudex Gundyr might be the hardest opening boss in the Soulsborne franchise. This isn't to say he's particularly difficult – series veterans should be able to defeat him on their first try – but he puts up a serious fight and is designed to punish newcomers.
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Is Gundyr an optional boss?

Dark Souls 3 Champion Gundyr Boss

This boss is optional and only required for "The End of Fire" ending.
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Who pushed the sword into the ground?

The 'immovable' Sword driven into the ground by Okomfo Anokye remains and is venue of the Okomfo Anokye Teaching Hospital.
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Who pulls the sword out of the ground?

The Myth of the Sword in the Stone

Many people tried, but it was only young Arthur Pendragon who was able to do so. Arthur, having pulled the sword from the stone, was crowned the King. This myth is one of the central tales of Arthurian legends.
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What happens if I give the Fire Keeper her eyes?

The effects of giving the eyes to the Fire Keeper changes the Firelink Shrine music, changes the Fire Keeper`s dialogue, as well as providing option of the Betrayal Ending.
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What happens if you wish for a world without flame?

It just gives you an ending. In this ending you can betray the Firekeeper brutally killing her to steal the last fire while everything goes pitch black. Or not do anything while everything goes pitch black and she asks if you can hear her still.
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What is the soul of a Fire Keeper Dark Souls?

Firekeeper Descriptions

Soul of a long-lost Fire Keeper. Each Fire Keeper is a corporeal manifestation of her bonfire, and a draw for the humanity which is offered to her. Her soulis gnawed by infinite humanity, and can boost the power of the precious Estus Flask.
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What is the hardest Dark Souls boss?

Ranked 10 Hardest Boss In Dark Souls Series -Based On My Experience
  • Four Kings (Dark Souls) ...
  • Black Dragon Kalameet (Dark Souls — Artorias of the Abyss DLC) ...
  • Fume Knight (Dark Souls II — Crown of the Old Iron King DLC) ...
  • Pontiff Sulyvahn (Dark Souls III) ...
  • Slave Knight Gael (Dark Souls III — Ringed City DLC)
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Who is the most badass boss in Dark Souls 3?

1 Slave Knight Gael

He has two phases; in the first, he is crazed and animalistic, leaping around the arena and flailing wildly. He attacks quickly and erratically, giving little time to recover from his move set. The second phase, after he goes hollow, is where Gael becomes the toughest boss in Dark Souls 3.
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Is Champion Gundyr difficult?

This is most notable in the differences between the second phases of the two Gundyr fights, with Champion Gundyr surprisingly being the more difficult of the two when it doesn't appear as it should be at first glance.
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