Why is Kratos hairless?

In spite of all his physical changes, however, Kratos just couldn't bear to part with his iconic hairstyle (or lack of one). Going bald relieves Kratos of any hair-related issues such as obscured vision. It also makes him somewhat aerodynamic and can provide him with an advantage over hairier opponents.
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Why does Kratos have no hair?

It's hard to know exactly why Kratos, the God of War, has a closely shaved scalp. He may or may not have alopecia. It's possible Kratos just has a closely shaved scalp. A screenshot of the character Kratos from the 2018 video game, God of War, for PlayStation 4.
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Why is Kratos skin like that?

As the temple burned, a village oracle cursed Kratos and condemned him to wear the "mark of his terrible deed"; the ashes of his family, which turn his skin pale white, earning him the title "Ghost of Sparta".
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Does Kratos shave the beard?

Kratos never had a full beard until 2018's God of War, but seeing him without the facial hair in God of War Ragnarok is unexpectedly terrifying. The Ghost of Sparta just looks unnatural without his large bushel of chin fur, and the small tufts of hair left on his upper lip somehow make it worse.
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Why didn t Kratos use his wings?

He was mentally reflecting on how he was so close to his goal only to have it taken away from him in mere seconds. Also how he was once again betrayed, his mental state at the moment clouded his judgment which prevented him from coming to the conclusion to use his wings.
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Why Is Kratos Bald? - God of War Theory (ft. @ExtremeGameplays1)

Why can t Kratos carry Mjolnir?

Thor tears Frost Giants apart with Mjolnir in a crazed battle lust, while Kratos' Draupnir Spear requires precision and represents "his will as a general with a thinking mindset." Williams ultimately felt that Mjolnir was too obvious a weapon for Kratos and that the Draupnir Spear better represented the character in ...
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Whose legs did Kratos cut off?

Upon his defeat, Hermes mocked Kratos one final time, stating in the end he would betray only himself. Kratos then overpowered him and severed his half-brother's legs in order to claim his winged boots.
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How old is Kratos?

How old is Kratos in God of War Ragnarök? In God of War Ragnarök, it's likely that Kratos is around 1,055 years old. He's something of an old man, but as a demigod, he is still more than young enough to hold his own and then some in battle. Unfortunately, this is based on maths and educated guesses.
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Why is Kratos so angry?

Young, Greek Pantheon-slaying Kratos' rage stemmed from guilt and grief. His own pride and lust for power led to his most criminal act: the murder of his wife and daughter. Though he was tricked into committing the act, the fact that his hands did the deed never left him. He never forgave himself for it.
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Why did Kratos get shorter?

When developers crafted the bearded-brute version of Kratos for 2018's God of War, they shrunk the Spartan by a considerable amount, bringing his overall height down from 8'0'' to around 6'6''. Game designers claim that this was done to make Kratos a more "relatable figure" as it pertains to humans.
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Does Kratos not cuss?

As before Kratos is the only character in the game who doesn't swear but everyone else does. Atreus occasionally swears and these are always in quick succession.
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Why is Kratos so ashy?

Heartbroken and furious, Kratos renounced his servitude to Ares, and he vowed he would have his revenge on the god of war. An oracle of the village Kratos had just destroyed then cursed him, and this baked the ashes of his wife and daughter on his skin permanently. He would be forever reminded of the pain he caused.
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Who did Kratos sleep with?

While we never see Kratos having sex with his wives, the existence of Calliope and Atreus is already a proof that he had sex with his wives. Here's the list: The first wife of Kratos: Lysandra. God of War: Chains of Olympus: 2 unnamed women.
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Who can beat Kratos?

Kratos may be a God, but even he cannot survive a Hakai burst. Beerus is strong enough to destroy half a planet with his finger, so a full-on punch should be able to take Kratos down. If Kratos tries to use any of his godly weapons or shield, Beerus can instantly destroy them with a Ki blast.
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Who does Kratos regret killing?

Throughout the entire game ,it seems that Kratos regretted killing Zeus and for the longest time and I couldn't really understand why. He becomes very solemn, quiet and sometimes defensive whenever he is brought up.
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Did Kratos ever cry?

God of War Ragnarok emotional ending scene where Kratos cries at his legacy.
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How intelligent is Kratos?

He has a deep understanding of the world around him, including its history, mythology, and magic. He is also well-versed in various combat techniques and weapons. Overall, it is clear that Kratos is a highly intelligent individual. He is a skilled strategist, tactician, problem-solver, and knowledge-seeker.
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What god type is Kratos?

KRATOS (Cratus) was the god or personified spirit (daimon) of strength, might, power and sovereign rule. He and his three siblings--Nike (Victory), Bia (Force) and Zelos (Rivalry)--were the winged enforcers of the gopd Zeus, angel-like beings who stood in attendance of the heavenly throne.
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Why doesn t Kratos shave his beard?

As odd as it sounds, Kratos's beard gives him a different aesthetic. It shows that he's grown and isn't the same man he was in his Greek God-killing days. Without the beard, it feels like he's had no growth or evolution.
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What is Kratos's nickname?

Kratos is a Spartan warrior who Ares tricked into killing his wife and son. This incident earned him the nickname the "Ghost of Sparta," as he was cursed with wearing his family's ashes on his body, making his skin pale as a ghost.
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Is Kratos cursed to live forever?

He survived because he is cursed to walk the Earth forever,so whether he likes it or not he can't die. That's Zeus' punishment for Kratos betraying him. I assume the curse is gonna be broken by Kratos dying in space,or maybe space doesn't exist in God Of War Universe.
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