Why is my Twitch Drop not progressing?

Keep the stream active in your browser and not in a background window. If the counter does not start, please try restarting the stream or try a different streaming partner to see if that triggers the counter (as progress will continue between streamers). Try another browser if the issue continues.
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Why am I not getting progress on my Twitch drops?

WHAT DO I DO? Step 1 - Make sure you're not muted or minimized, as watching in those ways don't count as active viewers on Twitch. Your progress will be paused under those conditions. Step 2 - Make sure you're set to appear as “Online” on Twitch.
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Why are my Twitch drops stuck?

It's a Twitch issue. Happens with other drops as well. The only "fix" I've found is to log out of twitch, close all the twitch tabs/browsers, delete all the twitch cookies, then launch twitch, log in, then only go to the stream with the drops I want.
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How long do Twitch drops take to process?

Twitch drops must be claimed on Twitch and can take up to 24 hours before they appear in-game.
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Why is my rust Twitch Drop not progressing?

If the item does not show up after 30 minutes then your Steam account may not have been linked to your Twitch account when you claimed the drop. You can link your accounts on the top of this page and then click the button to check for missing drops to attempt the reward again.
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How to Fix Twitch Drops not going to account - Hi-Rez drops

How do I check my Rust Twitch drop progress?

You can check on the progress you have earned towards any reward by going to your Drops Inventory page. From this page you will also be able to claim any Drops rewards that are not already claimed.
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How many Twitch drops per day?

A. There is no limit on Twitch as to how many Drops you can receive. However, your chances of receiving a Drop do not increase by having multiple streams of the same game open simultaneously. You may also be limited by the amount of available inventory space you have in some games.
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Does Twitch drops save progress?

Twitch will save your progress toward each reward milestone, so you can leave the stream and come back later in the day to continue progressing toward your reward.
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Do Twitch drops work if muted?

The simple answer is yes, Twitch Drops can work when your Twitch account is muted. The key to receiving drops lies in being actively logged in, having linked your Twitch account to the game or event, and ensuring you meet any specific requirements set by the streamer or game developer.
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How do you refresh Twitch drops?

If the item hasn't appeared, it's recommended to log into Bungie.net with your Twitch account, go to our Partner Rewards page, and click the "Refresh" button that's located to the right of "Missing Twitch Rewards." The item might not appear on the page but should appear in the game shortly after a restart.
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Is there a limit on Twitch drops?

You can add up to seven Drops, which will be distributed over a concurrent time frame during the campaign. There is one type for Drops: Time-Based Drops: Viewers can earn the rewards within the Drop if they watch streams with Drops enabled during the Drop time period.
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Can you only get Twitch drops once?

You can also see the currently active Drops campaigns in the All Campaigns overview on the Twitch website. Every Drop of a campaign has a set watch time requirement and can only be earned once. After claiming a Drop, your watch time is counted toward the next Drop in the campaign.
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Are Twitch drops random?

Drops are random and frequency may vary. There is no guarantee of a drop, how often drops will be awarded, or what the reward will be. We are unable to grant drops to players outside of a Twitch stream.
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How do you get hitman twitch drop?

Twitch Drop: Purple Streak Duck

Link your Twitch account to your IOI account, and simply watch your fellow Agents on Twitch to unlock this brand-new item. For a reminder on how to earn this reward: Link your IOI Account to your Twitch account.
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Do Twitch drops work if minimized?

yeah, seems to be picky, if it's open in another tab, doesn't count, if it's minimized, doesn't count. Sometimes it just doesn't count, I usually have the drops page in another tab, check it after 5 min, make sure it's progressing before I leave and forget it.
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Do Twitch streamers delete after a month?

Most Twitch Partners, Prime and Twitch Turbo users will have their past broadcasts saved for 60 days before being deleted.
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How long are Twitch drops valid for?

Drops must be actively claimed on your Twitch account by clicking the button that is either in the pop-up notification in the livestream interface or in your personal Twitch Inventory. If you do not take action, the Drop will disappear 24 hours after the end of each campaign.
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Does Twitch take 50%?

Twitch takes a 50% cut of the subscription fee from each subscriber, which starts at $4.99 per month for a basic subscription. Twitch also takes a cut from donations made by viewers through the platform, which can vary depending on the payment method used and the country of the viewer and streamer.
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Does Twitch take 70%?

Under Twitch's new rules for its original 70/30 revenue share tier, streamers will get to keep 70% of their revenue regardless of how much they make, ending a controversial rule that reduced their share to 50% once they made $100,000.
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Does Twitch take 50 percent?

Since subscribers pay 4.99 for their sub, and Twitch takes 50%, how come the calculated payout from twitch is wayyyy beneath 50%... Any experienced twitch streamers who can answer this question for me?
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Is Twitch lagging right now?

No, we are not detecting any problems with Twitch right now.

The last outage detected for Twitch was on Friday, February 23, 2024 with a duration of about 33 minutes.
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Do you need Twitch Prime to get drops?

Is Twitch Prime required to be eligible for Drops? No! Having your accounts linked, opting into the drops feature and viewing any eligible stream are the only things you need to do.
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How to get twitch drops without watching reddit?

On your mobile, open twitch, click your avatar (in the top right) and go to settings and then preferences. There set "Continue playing Audio in the background" to Always. Now go to any stream that has drops enabled, and click on the settings wheel. Turn on "Audio only" and hit apply.
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