Why is rage so addictive?

Neurobiology & Anger Similar to other addictions like gambling, extreme sports, or even drugs like cocaine the brain releases a dopamine reward when you're angry which clouds your judgment and can lead to terrifying consequences.
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Why is rage so addicting?

It does so by making us feel energetic, powerful and ready to fight and defend ourselves from whoever or whatever – including feelings – that make us feel small and hurt. In this heightened state of arousal, we experience a high that may become addictive.
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Can people be addicted to rage?

Yes, You Can Be Addicted To Rage

Rage addiction is more common than most people realize. You may even have someone in your life that suffers from it and has never been diagnosed.
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What is the connection between anger and addiction?

Anger Can Put You at Risk of Addiction

This usually has to do with traumatic memories or never learning how to cope with anger in a healthy manner, resulting in people turning to drugs and alcohol as a form of self-medication.
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Why does it feel so good to rage?

Anger, then, is a privilege. Whenever one feels anger, in the place of fear or sadness, it is because they perceive their own power as sufficient to match the threat before them. It is for this reason that the emotional mechanism within us has laced the emotion of anger with a pleasant feeling of power.
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Dr. Gabor Maté on How to Process Anger and Rage | The Tim Ferriss Show

Why do I enjoy rage?

A person or situation somehow makes us feel defeated or powerless, and reactively transforming these helpless feelings into anger instantly provides us with a heightened sense of control. . . . In a sense, [anger] is every bit as much a drug as alcohol or cocaine.
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Is rage more intense than anger?

It is the most extreme expression of anger. Anger can actually be good and lead to positive outcomes either by acting as a motivator to perform and succeed or acting as a means to overcome some personal difficulties. Rage is excessive anger that is often violent. Rage can be physically violent.
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Do you get dopamine from anger?

Similar dopamine changes are expected during aggressive behavior because of its stressful, motorically demanding, and even rewarding aspects (to the winner of the confrontation).
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What happens when anger consumes you?

Effects of anger

Chronic anger that flares up all the time or spirals out of control can have serious consequences for your: Physical health. Constantly operating at high levels of stress and anger makes you more susceptible to heart disease, diabetes, a weakened immune system, insomnia, and high blood pressure.
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What is a rageaholic?

A rageaholic is someone who expresses symptoms of anger in an extreme or unwarranted manner, such as: frequent outbursts.
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Does rage ever go away?

We can't make our anger go away. But if you feel that your anger is becoming a problem for you, there are ways that you can try to manage it. It's important to seek treatment and support, especially if you're worried your anger may put you or others at risk.
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What rage does to the body?

Summary. The long-term physical effects of uncontrolled anger include increased anxiety, high blood pressure and headache. Anger can be a positive and useful emotion, if it is expressed appropriately. Long-term strategies for anger management include regular exercise, learning relaxation techniques and counselling.
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What does rage do to the brain?

ANGER primes increased systolic blood pressure and the magnitude of this increase predicted reaction time prolongation. Within the brain, ANGER trials evoked an enhancement of activity within dorsal pons and an attenuation of activity within visual occipitotemporal and attentional parietal cortices.
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What emotion is behind rage?

Rage (also known as frenzy or fury) is intense, uncontrolled anger that is an increased stage of hostile response to a perceived egregious injury or injustice.
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What makes you rage quit?

On the surface, rage quitters seem to storm off suddenly — but it often occurs after an accumulation of frustrations. Sustained mistreatment from a toxic boss and abusive managers, an overload of work, or a bad work environment can slowly take its toll through chronic stress.
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What organ is anger bad for?

Researchers found that brief bouts of anger can impair the ability of blood vessels to expand and contract, which might have consequences for heart health. Future studies will be needed to better understand the long-term effects of anger and other negative emotions on the body.
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Does anger serve any purpose?

Anger is a natural, adaptive response to threats; it inspires powerful, often aggressive, feelings and behaviors, which allow us to fight and to defend ourselves when we are attacked. A certain amount of anger, therefore, is necessary to our survival.
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How to not let rage consume you?

When your temper flares, put relaxation skills to work. Practice deep-breathing exercises, imagine a relaxing scene, or repeat a calming word or phrase, such as "Take it easy." You might also listen to music, write in a journal or do a few yoga poses — whatever it takes to encourage relaxation.
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Why is anger so addicting?

Anger can be an empowering and therapeutic emotion when released in a healthy way, but it can also be addictive. Just like individuals who seek thrills for the adrenaline rush, some people have the same effect from anger. Individuals can become addicted to endorphins they feel when they get angry.
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Does anger increase testosterone?

Summary: When we get angry, the heart rate, arterial tension and testosterone production increases, cortisol (the stress hormone) decreases, and the left hemisphere of the brain becomes more stimulated.
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What is the scariest form of anger?

Enraged Fury: An extreme and uncontrollable form of anger that can lead to destructive behavior, such as physical violence or property damage. Blind Rage: The highest level of anger intensity, often characterized by a complete loss of self-control and the potential for dangerous and irrational actions.
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What is blackout rage?

A rage or anger blackout is a period of intense anger during which an individual may lose awareness or memory of their actions. While not exclusive to BPD, these blackouts can be particularly distressing when they occur, leading to potential harm to oneself or others and damaging relationships.
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What is dissociative rage?

When one is pathologically angry due to chronic dissociation or repression of existential or appropriate anger, the threshold for anger is gradually diminished. Almost anything can then evoke irritability, annoyance, anger, or even rage—all inappropriate overreactions to the current circumstance.
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