Why was Pikachu invented?

Initially considered alongside Clefairy as lead characters for franchise merchandising, Pikachu emerged as the mascot of the animated series due to its popularity amongst schoolchildren and appeal to both boys and girls.
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Why was Pikachu made?

It was a very deliberate decision to have Pikachu as Ash's (Satoshi's) partner Pokémon. “In the game you choose one of Squirtle, Charmander, and Bulbasaur, but if Satoshi chose one of those three as his partner [in the anime] it would've created a gap with the kids who didn't pick that Pokémon,” said Sugimori.
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What is the backstory of Pikachu?


As shown in Enter Pikachu!, Pikachu was once a lonely, orphaned wild Pichu who lived in the woods in the outskirts of Pallet Town. After falling off a cliff, he was saved by a mother Kangaskhan, who, after realizing Pichu had nowhere to go, placed Pichu in her pouch and took him into her care.
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What is Pikachu based off of?

Pocket Monster (Pokémon) graphic artist Atsuko Nishida revealed in the Yomiuri newspaper that a squirrel, not a mouse or rabbit, inspired Pikachu's design in Pokemon Red and Green [1]. That's right - he's a squirrel and is far from being a rabbit, as most people thought.
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Why did they choose Pikachu as Ash's Pokémon?

"By the way, I decided from the very get-go that the Pokémon that would become [Ash's] partner would not be one of the three you choose between at the start of the video game, since I figured that might make some of the viewers sad. That's why he ended up with a Pikachu, a decision I'm really glad I made."
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Pokemon Theory: Where Is Ash's Pikachu From?

Why did Ash not let Pikachu evolve?

In the episode "Gotta Catch a What?!" Ash explained to his companion trainer Goh that Pikachu wanted to get stronger as a Pikachu. While evolving into a Raichu would have increased Pikachu's power significantly, it also wouldn't have been true to who he is.
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Is Ash's Pikachu actually special?

However, Pikachu defeats the Raichu in their second battle using agility that gives it superior speed. Despite Raichu's higher evolution, it still loses to Ash's Pikachu without it ever having to use the Thunderstone and evolve into a Raichu itself. After the battle, Team Rocket reaffirms that Ash's Pikachu is special.
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What is Pikachu's real name?

In Electric Tale of Pikachu, Ash gives him the name "Jean Luc Pikachu", a reference to Jean-Luc Picard from the Star Trek franchise.
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What gender was Pikachu?

In the Pokémon animated series and games, Ash's Pikachu is consistently portrayed as a male character. Confirmed by the show's creators and episodes, Pikachu's gender is established through behavior, interactions, and the use of male pronouns in the English version of the series.
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Did Pikachu have an owner before Ash?

Pikachu started out as a Pichu raised by a Kangaskhan. When he evolved into a Pikachu, he was kept in a Poké Ball inside Professor Oak's laboratory until he found a trainer. Ash got a Pikachu from Professor Oak as his starter Pokémon when the other three were already taken.
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Did Pikachu love Ash?

Ash and Pikachu were best friends and partners; even though they had a rough start, they were nearly inseparable. Pikachu had always been on Ash's side during his journey, and enjoyed sitting on his shoulder or head since Pikachu was always reluctant to stay inside his Poké Ball.
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Why did Pikachu slap Pikachu?

Not only are kids subjected to the concept of animal cloning in this film, Ash's Pikachu and Clone Pikachu are forced to battle one another. Ash's Pikachu refuses to fight, so the other slaps it in an effort to enrage Pika.
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What is Pikachu's age?

Although the character's height has been recorded at 1'04", Pikachu's age and birthday have never been officially revealed. However, if one were to equate Pikachu's birthday with his first appearance in the anime on February 27, 1996, the character would be a 27-year-old Pisces.
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Why did they want Pikachu?

The only reason that they're so fascinated with Pikachu is that Team Rocket is under the impression that Pikachu is abnormally strong due to it getting overcharged via bicycle in the second episode.
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Was Ash's Pikachu ever a girl?

Any event that distributes the Electric Mouse Pokémon makes it male with no way to get it as a female. This is especially noteworthy for the special Pikachu in a cap, which is supposed to be based directly on Ash's Pikachu. This seems to act as definitive proof that Pikachu is a male in the eyes of the game developers.
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Is Ash a boy or a girl?

Ash is a gender-neutral name derived from the Hebrew title Asher, meaning “happy.” Nature lovers may also recognize this arboreal title from British origins, relating to the verdant ash tree. The Vikings and Gaels considered the ash tree a symbol of protection believed to preserve the purity of holy wells and springs.
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Who will win, Charizard or Pikachu?

Altogether, in the games Pikachu would have a very small chance against Charizard who is faster and more powerful. Charizard wins.
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Did Ash give Pikachu a name?

In the anime, Ash has not given any nickname to Pikachu. In the Manga's first volume “The Electric Tale of Pikachu” he has. After defeating Brock, Pikachu is named Jean Luc Pikachu.
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What does Pika Pi mean?

Most of what Pikachu is saying are just ways to address other characters and Pokemon. When Pikachu says, "Pikapi," he's talking to or referring to Ash. Ash's name is Satoshi in Japanese, so Pikapi is the closest sounding word that Pikachu is able to say.
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Who is Pikachu's sister?

Ravyn | pokémon girls part 28: PICHU!! Pichu is the energetic younger sister to Pikachu!!! She's super friendly and a bit mischievous!!
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Can Pikachu defeat Mewtwo?

Pikachu is nowhere near the top 10 strongest Pokemon. I can understand that Pikachu may seem extremely strong due to Ashe's Pikachu being exceptionally powerful. However even Ashe's Pikachu just can't compare against the legendary and mythical Pokémon in the franchise.
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Why did Pikachu never evolve?

Ash keeping his Pikachu from evolving so it could learn moves like Quick Attack and Agility was meant to be a showcase for this important game mechanic.
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Why can Meowth talk?

Meowth's Ability to Talk Has a Tragic Origin

The reason why Meowth can talk in the anime is rather grim, stemming from personal tragedy and years of neglect. In a flashback sequence featured in “Go West Young Meowth”, one sees that his earliest memory as a child is being alone and hungry at Camp Pokéhearst.
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